Just got high sec Ganked, CCP suffers financial loss

So, OP, tldr

  1. you are not ragequiting? it seems that you are, indeed, ragequiting.
  2. you complain about being killed in a pvp game? It has always been said everywhere that once you undock you are at risk of being killed, even in hi-sec
  3. you believe that"in high sec you shouldn’t be able to gank an expensive Rattlesnake fit"? you are wrong (see 2))
  4. You complain to CCP ? the game works as intended.

I hope that you will take a breathe, and you will stay in eve and HTFU. You can adapt, do pve in hi sec in a less blingy ship, or get some friends to help you, or you will move to low sec/null sec, etc

Or you can decide that this game is not for you and leave it

But it is obvious that most people in this thread said “you are wrong, stop whining, HTFU”

So the expected responses are all already here.

CCP are short sighted in allowing high-sec ganking but it’s that’s not changing any time soon/ever. It’s wouldn’t destroy the Eve economy, that’s a fantasy. Make the PVE ships a bit stronger in high and stop ganking. Problem solved then ‘Carebears’ can do their thing in high, pay their subs and have nothing to do with a bored null-secer who logs into alt accounts for some grief play.

1 person running 5-10 accounts killing Rattlesnakes in conduits for grief play is great though and exactly what you expect and expect to see defended by the Eve ‘Community’.

There are ways to mitigate it, do the sites in a quiet place etc… but that’s hardly a solution. A less blingy ship… it’s not like they scan you first so that’s no solution either.

You might be a BOT so the gankers are doing a good thing… lol no. Grief play is bad and justifying it because CCP are useless at detecting BOTs is laughable.

I see a high sec as a place, where I can do PvE, when I am in mood for PvE. With common sense and knowledge of map you can fly there safe enough all day. Not in other places in Eve.

Example: during my last null sec attempt my PvE action was interrupted by an enemy Sabre. So I reship into combat ship and pursued the intruder few jumps. My ship was quite tanky, so I was fighting the WH gang all by my own for almost two minutes, shouting in fleet chat, that I need help. 8 fleet members were in system, no one came to help or even revenge. And gang was not so big, one or two more our ships could make a difference.

NOT SO IN HIGH SEC. Concord will come to your aid for 100 %. It can take up to half a minute, but they will. And they will revenge you.

Oh my friend, suicide ganking goes along with the original vision of EVE from it’s inception. I would argue that part of CCP’s success hinges on the fact that they haven’t given in to those would would want the harshness of the universe changed.

But then the nullseccers would have to fight in nullsec! Do you not see how crazy that sounds? Also, if that happened they would infest lowsec which is probably even worse.

And lastly, the financial loss to CCP would be higher if they disallowed ganking in high as that means lots of alt accs unsubbed and quite a lot of high sec gankers ragequitting completely.

wow, you can run these conduits in a cheap 75m gnosis. why are u using geckos? they are gank magnets and always drop if the victim dies.

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I don’t understand. Why are you doing conduits if you’re spending 150$/mo on the game? ISK should be irrelevant to you. Farming should be an entirely alien concept to you if you’re spending that much money on a monthly basis. Granted, I don’t know what you’re spending it on, but 150$ translates into over 4000 PLEX. At the current Jita price, that’s almost 14 billion ISK per month. So, if you’re well off IRL that you can fund your adventures in space with PLEX alone, shouldn’t you be focusing on fun things instead? Unless you enjoy that type of content? I’m not judging. Just curious, trying to understand where you’re coming from. Might I suggest doing Abyssal Filaments if you aren’t playing AFK and if PVE content is what you’re looking for? Find yourself a chill system (always have Local open), make a safespot and grind low tier Filaments, working your way up to level 5. I assume that you wouldn’t be doing Conduits if you could do level 5 Filaments, correct?



First, your loss is here .
It’s important to link the data otherwise there will be misunderstanding.

Second, the system.
You can do those sites in a nice backwater 1.0 site. Bonus point if there is a station to sell your red loot. You can find the places where there are NPC BO for the survey here , it also gives you the ss of the system.
There will be one or two people traveling in the system the whole day. Maybe a ganker, and then he realizes he is in 1.0 and “fck it”.
AFAIK the rewards are the same in 1.0 and 0.5 so no reason to not go in 1.0.

Third, the fit.
Since you use an active shield fit, I strongly advise you to use a damage control unit . It will increase both your effective repair, and the EHP so the cost of ganking you.
Also don’t use a x-large SB ; use a large one instead. They are more cap-efficient.
On those sites, a web or a grappler is just more efficient than omnis, because you can web the rats much more.
Rapid heavy are also a much better choice, because the application with precision missile is so much better. cruise missiles don’t apply well to smaller than BS rats.


Oh my god this fit!
Such abomination of a ship is better dead. :rofl:
At least it is out of its misery now.

@Naari_Naarian you brought all that on yourself, claiming you know how to make eve better, but yet sounding like a dumbass in the process.

@Nosc_Hakko, depending on the type of ship, insurance is based around what it takes to build the ships. Praxis for example, has a shitty insurance payout, because to build a praxis, you only need 1 Tritanium.

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And btw, if it can make you feel better:

You lost a 1.2B Rattlesnake to gankers today…

One of my alliance teamate lost the same ship today but worth 3.7B, ganked by code…

Yep, you read it right, a 3.7B Rattlesnake to do the emergent conduits :frowning:
Considering, you can make 10M a conduit, and you need probably 10 minutes for each conduit, he will need more than 60 hours of efforts to pay back his ship… Smart move!


Big stonks

But that’s not how it works in Wow. If I “borrow” daddy’s credit card and use 150$ a month I’m invincible! - I answered that for you OP no need to thank me, please tip CCP on the way out

I went into the corp channel and asked, they said it was most like random, but they also said it was targeted. So who knows.

I was an active tank with good resist on the shields for conduits.

I’ll be protesting with my wallet for 3-6 months. I am not rage quitting and I’m also prepaid up to Jan 25. So I’ll play till then.

I mean… that’s the best way to get their attention but that’s one of the beauties of EVE, the loosely structured anarchy of the game.

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lol, I love doing conduits in EVE, it’s my thing, And no I’m not a bot.

The gankers got me before Concord responded.

As I said in a previous post, I spent the isk on large skill injectors. And I do enjoy doing conduits.