Knowledgeminer Vs Dracvlad thread

You basically said that it was some arbitrary chance based mechanic and I linked what you said Knowledgeminer Vs Dracvlad thread - #51 by Dracvlad

In reply to what Lorelei said, it is utterly dishonest and incorrect. The only thing suggested was a variable CONCORD response time.

50% was applied to the overall balance and it does not require some chance based mechanism which you insist is needed for this, and you criticise her for this. It is here in your own words. And that is why I insisted you were talking out of your rear end.

As for the AFK part, Lorelei was talking about mining in hisec, as most gankers think that miners are AFK I made that connection. You are right you did not directly say it, but my focus was more on the fact that someone actually was sitting afk in lowsec for 60 minutes and did not die and compared it to the accusation that gankers apply to miners. So I did something similar to what you did. Here is what triggered you to go on your lowsec rant, and me to incorrectly add AFK.

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