You know, it’s a neat trick you tried there, with your ‘you made the distinction between’ routine. But you know, your whole response to me there was about trying to get me denying that I’m responsible for what I’ve enabled, to create an equivalency between us that you could hide behind. Except I am responsible, and I acknowledge it. So that didn’t work, and you had to try something else, moving the goalposts with your ‘you pick and choose’ crap.
No, you didn’t willingly drop bombs on a civilian population. And I didn’t say that you did, now did I? Nor did I start saying things like ‘inherently EVIL’. In fact, let’s go back and look at who brought questions of morality into it… oh, look, that was you with your ‘reduce the complexities of morals’ nonsense.
Nor did I judge you ‘solely for your allegiance’. I judged you for your actions, and for what you chose to enable. If you’d said ‘hey, I didn’t know, and after they started consuming stars, I changed my mind’ that’d be something. But you didn’t. You went right on helping them. You knew they were hurting people, and you kept helping them.
That’s part of what I’m judging you for. Not your associations, but your actions. The rest of it? The rest of it is this pathetic insistence that noooo, you couldn’t bear any responsibility. That you and your friends may have been essential to the Trigs’ ability to force civilian populations to evacuate and then get shot, but nooo, you’re not to blame. Not even one little bit.
That is the rest of what I’m judging you for. Because that is weak. And trying to justify it as ‘war’ when that, too, is only because you chose to make it so… that’s contemptible. And all your misdirecting, all your attempts to muddle the matter, they don’t change that. That’s not an ad hominem, either, it’s a judgment. I judge you to be contemptible because of your actions, and your refusal to take responsibility for the things you caused.
And yes, as a result, I believe you to be weak, and cowardly, and pathetic. And I believe that, and call you that, based on your actions. You, as an individual.