[KYBERNAUTS] Investigating the truths of Raravoss as EDENCOM evacuates from the system

This is not quite the reports we are hearing. There certainly seems to be population centers that have been left alone, but there also seems to be those that have been completely overran. Neither are reports of this “bioadaptation” as clean as some Intriguerre reports pose it, like it’s akin to taking your flu shots - it seems more like being gassed with Deathglow in some places. If you are where it goes on you will be effected, and there’s no question of submitting because no one’s asking even as much as “would you like to kneel or die”.

The rest of your theory, however, seems believable to me, in as much as it seems that for the Triglavians proving seems to be everything. I cannot see plausibility in the claims that they are anti-slavery, but anti-slaving-by-mind-tricks, that seems compatible with the rest of what we know of them.

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Hence my inclusion of “with the caveat of them needing to submit to bioadaption in many cases” - I don’t see them giving anyone much of a choice when they’ve already deployed bioadaption tech. Hell, back before this final phase of the invasions began, they kidnapped entire colonies worth of people to test this technology on, moving them to harsh environments and forcibly bioadapting them to presumably endure the conditions - which would be a tease of the ressonably expected cascading biosphere collapses of temperate planets in Final Lim systems due to continually dropping temperatures in the darkening sunlight.

It’s not some benevolent action, but perhaps more of a conservation effort - forcing those who don’t actively oppose their presence into a kept-living state where they still have the opportunity to “prove themselves” at some point in the future. The reports by a pro-trig group (I’d presume Intriguerre) that some populations are “Being Given the Means to Prove Themselves and Join the Flow” - alongside other reports of supporters eroding, infiltrating, and collapsing resistance efforts - might perhaps be one evidence-example of proving the direction of their flow.

Your reports from Skarkon certainly support the idea that these efforts may be somewhat haphazard and decidedly not some main priority in the wake of invasions, perhaps having been originally suggested as a side effort by a bleeding-heart Triglavian group within the whole.


Or maybe they just don’t give a damn about humans; maybe it is the planets they want, and humans just get caught in it. Maybe some of them will survive and find a way to join their new overlords, but there is very little in what I’ve seen that suggests any sort of benevolent intent to guarantee that, here on the docksides of refugee bases.

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This would scan, and seems to comport with the Triglavian sense of fair play.

Mind you, it’s still, “We’re going to involuntarily infect you with an adaptive mutagen that might help you or might give you massive cancer or both. Also we’re going to do that to your whole biosphere. Good luck out there.”

To put it another way, “Welcome to the netherworld. It will either make you strong or kill you. Survive, and we’ll see if you qualify to become a demon.” Sounds like fiction, only, of course. . . .

Maybe they, or some of them, don’t think it’s good to be wasteful harvesting resources. We already know Veles and Svarog had very different ideas about what to do with the rogue drones. One basically adopted them; the other set out traps for them.

It might be their inconsistencies in what they do with/to civilians just shows a similar difference of opinion.

I’d fully agree that “benevolence” as we understand it likely doesn’t enter into it. “Bleeding-heart” Triglavians sound less likely than differences of opinion about how to best handle a possibly-risky potential source of information, labor, and biomass. Could even be a straight split between Veles and Svarog again.

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Had a subordinate tried to foist such a document on me, they would be shackled before I had finished reading; and enslaved when their duplicity was confirmed by someone more competent.

In the real world, intelligence doesn’t so neatly conform to assumptions, it rarely answers every question, usually introduces unexpected details and raises as many questions as it answers. Your report confirms your assumptions in broadly the same order you initially raised them, without surprise, complication or the slightest deviation from the script you began this farce to.

Fiction– nothing more, nothing less.


no proof, threat of slavery and barely covered insults…
that’s what your answer is ?


on the Idea behind your text, I can agree, it does seem strange.

but rather than stating “this is a fake, period”, maybe ask questions, probe the coherence, try to find other sources.

being in disagreement is one thing, not letting the other the opportunity to explain is another…

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Guileless, with a misplaced concern for the triglavians’ enthralled harlequin; I didn’t know real people were ever that Gallente.

Despite his questionable and passion-biased choice of wording, the sum of Team One’s investigation is that the possibility is not disproven by the material analysis - which shows damage signs inconsistent with observed effects of known Triglavian weaponry, and which could reasonably have been inflicted by beam weaponry, among other possible energy weapons.

The sum of Team one’s investigation is nothing.

I could, without troubling myself to send a single soul; announce that my own expedition has found quite the opposite to yours, that Port Sarum was definitively destroyed by Triglavian weapons. Introduce a few red herrings, elements that support some more trivial aspects of your degenerate narrative– imbue the tale with the sort of credibility that only comes from the appearance of even-handedness.

Why bother though? By now even the most hard-headed of spectators will have realised how flexible your inspection is, more than that though; you began at the conclusion, there is no curiosity or sense of drama to engage your diminishing audience, we all know what you have to say and however many ways you reframe or build your case for it, everyone who is going to care, cared the first time.

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I see that new paranormal activity hunter show is a big hit.

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Or, you know, so they tell you. We’ve got no way to determine if that’s not just empty propaganda meant to win over the easily-swayed malcontents, you know?

Isn’t bioadaptation exactly that, though?

The clearly artificially-engineered parts of it the Trigs have set up as their deadly rat-maze are, you mean. We’ve seen nothing of where they actually live and make their society.

Gettin’ more ‘normal’ by the day though, ain’t it?

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The only thing I read in all this is one invader arguing with another, whilst my brothers and sisters who are lost in darkness are caught in the crossfire. Bioadaptation or not, without a constant supply of vitoc, they will die, so how about you go coerce your unnatural hierarchies in your own space before I unnaturally coerce my foot up your ass?

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I have a great curiosity concerning the possibility of tangent effects of Triglavian bioadaption and Vitoc in particular, in the bodies of those I consider my kin - if whatever they use is able to harden a body against environmental external effects, would it be used within the body as well? Would it counteract internal toxic causes of damage and death, better-maintaining the body and its resident life? There’s absolutely nothing to prove such an idea - but if it were to be the case, then there’d be even more reason for the Amarr to prevent any possibility of contact between the Triglavians and the enslaved people they hold.

1949 hrs - Team Two Detachment
“Picking up some sound activity as we move down toward the inner settlement gates; the mine entrance continues down the same way, will explore further after investigating settlement.”

1951 hrs - Team Two
"No luck yet with any security footage; from what we can tell, someone wiped the whole system some time ago - this system is webbed out to the rest of the settlements in the system as well, and it could have been accessed remotely from orbit at any time with the correct tools and access keys. No way to know who did it at this time.

“We’re still working on gaining access to the Holder’s personal terminal and some of the other disconnected devices left here - I’d imagine his personal things would be a bit more secured, so there’s some chance we’ll still be able to learn something from all this.”

EDENCOM still have people inside the final liminality systems, they will be there to assure kybernauts and triglavians cant feel safe anywhere in New Eden. Recently many Zirnitras were destroyed in final lim systems too. One of the reasons why Trigs want to cut off their systems from the rest of space.


Honestly though, the baseless propaganda and likely falsified footage here is pathetic at best and dangerous at worst. While the Empire’s information control works well enough, it is painfully obvious this Triglaviam lackey is attempting to encourage pro-Triglavian slave uprisings in Amarr systems that come under attack. Thankfully there have been no known or proven examples of Triglavians themselves doing this, but this particular stunt is becoming rather distastefully dishonest.

I encourage any Amarr or EDENCOM forces still operating within Raravoss to shut down this production, if their set is even on-site.

I have half a mind to do it myself.

It reads to me like a poor attempt to split up Edencom forces based off of existing grievances. “Nevermind what we’re doing to Skarkon, Ichoriya, and Vale - we’re helping the fight for your freedom!”


If this documentary is nonfiction, I would say that the slaves in Raravoss took an opportunity and it was an enemy of my enemy situation.



The Blood Raiders who Deathglowed Thebeka were no one’s allies but themselves, either.


Narodyna moving with the Flow of Vyraj may be fit to enter Buyan. Narodyna without fitness will be expelled from the Flow. Nothing can halt the Flow of Vyraj.