Left because of wardec


Funny how you understood the context back here. What happened? Did you hit your head and sustain memory loss? Or did you think nobody would notice your backpedaling? :joy:

Which is it? Are they senseless or do they have a reason? Specifically to kill dumb people?

I ask because you seem to have issues staying focused on the conversation. Even when it is as recent as a few posts.

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The War dec mechanic need to change the prices needs to go up maybe or something like that and I think they need to consider any Corporation under 30 people not wardec without an alliance if they would take the ward dec up to 2 billion isk I guarantee a lot of it would stop but there again you got to think about that’s how most of these guys get their rocks off in hysecurity space I do not see it changing anytime soon unfortunately because that would require CCP to change their way of thinking about a lot of things heck they can’t even figure out what they want to do what’s a broken bounty system that’s been broken ages


For a person who likes to comment about whining you seem to whine a lot.

The OP posted about people leaving the game because of war decs, nothing about being unwilling to fight.

The backpedaling is in your own mind, it is recognized by the majority of people that blanket war decs on people with nothing to defend and who are in hisec because it is safer and easier are not going to produce a fight. So enjoy your self-proclaimed success mate, has me laughing.

So going back to your other reasons then blowing up ships which is the point you were trying to make, blanket war decs are to blow up the ships of dumb people, but glad to see you finally got there. I am happy to help in opening your mind a tad.

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The only effect “pricing raising” will achieve is put all the mercs in one even bigger group to keep on mass deccing… lol


None of this is relevant to the conversation we were having :smile:

Where did I say that?

Dafuq? I asked you to clarify your own contradictory statements. :rofl:


The question of war decs is a difficult one, because trying to find common ground between the attackers and defenders is pretty difficult. You are quite right in that the majority of people have no intention of ever fighting, the question is why bother, smarter people have suggested rewarding those that do with war dec holidays, but the more important part is developing a way for those that do, and perhaps even better changing the structure and attitudes in hisec. You can attempt to be smart with whine comments and the like but you are not adding anything at all.

But if you want to win imaginary forum battles then keep at it, it is making me chuckle…

It’s very simple some of us don’t want to deal with wardec until we’re bigger I don’t think anybody under 30 or below should not be able to be wardec some of us just one of mine and be left the hell alone but the rest of you PVp need something to shoot at and the only way you can do it and high security space is by War so therefore you spend your little bit of 20 million to go shoot somebody when honestly they can just have another character take over their corporation I would pay extra not to deal with war or PVP because I’m just here for the mining


In a practical sense then, wars shouldn’t bother you because if your here for the mining, get out of highsec and into nullsec.

Highsec is the worst place to mine, not because of risk, but because of ISK.

Wars are also used to remove structures in highsec, have a 1 man holding corp and your structures would be 100% safe with your suggestion.
This is something CCP will never go for. Especially since last time they changed wars it was because of 100% safe structures, dec shields and war shedding.

A better solution would be social corps with npc tax, and other restrictions, like no structures.

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Why are you in a player corp, an organization that under the articles of CONCORD is subject to legal attack by other corporations, if you just want to mine? Whether you are in a player corp has zero effect on where or how much you can mine, nor is fleeting with others influenced at all.

Player corps are for players who want to fight. Maybe there should be more social options and alternative player groups for players who don’t want to fight or compete, but the player corporation is the competitive unit of this game and always will be. That said, there are plenty of competitive corps that want pure industrialists to build their war machines so you don’t have to necessarily fight if you have friends to protect you, but the game is designed so that every corp is vulnerable to every other one and CCP isn’t going to ever your corp from that reality, at least not without piling on a number of restrictions.

My thing is why can’t we pay if we don’t want to deal with war especially the small Corporation

I’m not saying once we get past that 30 people mark that we shouldn’t have to deal with Wars but I’m saying it to be an option Till You Get Enough people that know how to fight and have enough skill I had to park my Corporation

in my alt name because waffle decided it was going to be fun to take a one-man Corp on with six people how is 6 to 1 even fair

CCP is going to have to change their game way of thinking or they’re going to lose people I lost the six people I originally came with because they took too many losses because of War and my one buddy was putting probably four to $500 a month extra in the game but CCP doesn’t care Furthermore

if CCP was a US company they would have complained out the butt with the Better Business Bureau because some of the stuff they do is just downright favoritism


Paying extra does not change the rules. We are all playing by the same rule-book. Eve and fairness don’t belong in the same sentence. We are all here trying to be better than everyone else. Eve is a PVP-focused sandbox, where you are free to do almost anything you want. The thing is, so can everyone else. Either you adapt your playstyle or you are going to have issues.

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Leave HS. There are plenty of friendly corps, Alliances and coalitions out there that will help you transition to a life in Null. Heck I’ll even help you out if need be. Message ya boi in-game.

EVE is not fair.

It was not originally designed to be fair.

Looking for a fair fight, or an even playing field is an exercise in frustration in EVE Online.

You share this game with thousands of other gamers.

The game promotes teaming up, with more experienced players, so you can learn to navigate your way around the game. That is why one of the most common pieces of advice given to new players is to join a corp.

The way I look at the game, and this is the article that enticed me into subbing initially, ​Murder Incorporated: ten months of deception for one kill in Eve Online | PC Gamer, is EVE is a game of wits, and it is survival of the fittest.

This was the new player faq thousands of vets read, when they started: http://web.ccpgamescdn.com/communityassets/pdf/EVE-Online-New-Pilot-FAQ.pdf

I read it after I started playing, but it confirmed how I viewed the game.

The game’s history, if you read lore, or news articles all describe a dystopian universe, where the character you play is effectively immortal, and the only losses to be suffered are financial and emotional.

Your character effectively cannot die, unless you chose to biomass, but it can be betrayed. It can suffer financial loss. You can be mocked, tricked, humiliated. And, you can persevere and triumphant over these disasters.

Or, you can lose everything you’ve worked for, simply by association.

This article best describes this: How EVE Players Pulled Off The Biggest Betrayal In Its History

This is not the first time this type of gameplay has occurred, nor will it be the last.

Nor is it the most heinous, either: https://imperium.news/inn-investigation-player-aid/

But, thousands of players play EVE, came to EVE, tried EVE for well over a decade, because of the very aspects of EVE you wish to reject.

EVE boils down to predator versus prey.

You can be an apex predator.
You can be a predator that is also preyed upon, at times.
Or, you can be prey.

If you simply wish to play the game with no interference whatsoever, you can play on SISI, the test server. You can do your corp recruiting on Tranquility and play on SISI. There are very few systems on SISI that allow non-consensual pvp, just avoid those. And should anyone try to bother you outside of those systems, report them.

But, if you play on Tranquility, as the game is currently regulated, you must be prepared to face opposition in many forms, i.e. market manipulation, trade wars, war decs, suicide ganks, emotional betrayal, revenge, etc because you share this game, and chose to play this game, with others, and they get to chose how they will play (within the game’s limited rules) just as you do.

EVE Online is triumph and tragedy all rolled into one epic story written by the actions of literally thousands and thousands of players over the course of 15 years, and you, too, are part of that story now.

Whether you have a happy ending to your part of the grand saga that is EVE is entirely up to you.

But, EVE is not, and was never, fair.



It is hard to parse your run on sentence into coherent statements. By all means tell me if I misinterpret something because of poor writing!

I am not sure how you got that from anything I have said. Let me help you comprehend what I have said:

Some players will choose not to fight when they are not sure the odds are in their favor. Neutral logistics can effect fights because they can be a Intel blind spot.

The best I can do in interpretation of that part of you run on sentence is to assume you meant something like:

“Its important (to me) to give players, who bother with fighting, a way to fight.”

I hope that is not the correct interpretation. Its a nonsense statement with the same form as: “I want to give octogenarians a way to become octogenarians”.

You are horribly naive (or completely misled) to think attitudes in HS are homogenous enough to be coherently differentiated from other areas.

I thought were were engaging in the free exchange of ideas. Its sad, but perhaps telling, that you perceive this as a forum battle. If you additionally think I am winning :man_shrugging:

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It is pretty straight forward what I am suggesting and breaking it out into non-related sentences like that obviously hides the meaning, you are definitely trying too hard to look smart…

However I am perhaps assuming incorrectly that you have read other threads on this subject so this might help you:

I joined the war dec discussion group, and I can say that the war dec players know that there is an issue with wars in hisec, It is that they have turned into pipe and hub camping low interest blanket wastes of time, well mostly for the defender who might be war decked because he was seen moving a freighter, with the hope that he will be dumb enough to do it while at war. This is the end game of the current war dec system, you war dec a large group of people so you can pick off the dumb players…

The most basic thing that needs to be done now, is to add an active status to the locator report, CCP should just do it now, no ifs or buts.

I had suggested that the locator agent for people in a war dec would enable them to do block character locations, which they can drag and drop from the character list, or perhaps do it at a corp level. One of the disappointing aspects of suggesting this was that I wanted to make standings mean something so that if the war decker used the locator agent which you had high standings with to search you the locator agent would tip you off, this was to enable people to setup an ambush. I met some resistance to this suggestion because all the player concerned could think about was the person logging off and that it enabled him to waste his time, and that is part of the issue, here, most players are still not able to understand that the issue is with hisec being effectively very dead and that giving the defender an opportunity is worthwhile… If you moan about people not fighting in wars then you really need to help them to fight…

The victory suggestion while a good idea is pie in the sky wishful thinking, because as I said hisec is too far gone in the main, I had suggested a war dec holiday for engaging in a war and my initial thought was to use losses in the calculation of the war dec holiday, but that would be perhaps too much, so I would work on the basis of getting a single kill on a war decker and apply that as of now. Later when people have the attitude to fight and they get something meaningful, then we can adjust to actual victory, but part of this is to change peoples attitudes in hisec. This war dec holiday would be a period of time free of war decs.

Neutral RR is an issue which prevents people attempting the roam type sudden combat type event, because you have to set up to counter the neutral RR, and while I don’t like the idea of making people go criminal I would perhaps do it for a period of time, before switching back to suspect.

I would drop the cost of war decs, especially against major nullsec alliances, cap them at 200m please for people like the Goons. Drop base cost down to 20m , perhaps lower.

I would make it so that a player leaving corp and joining another player run corp will take the war with him.

I would not do a capture the flag type thing at all, it is too damn artificiel, why fight as a defender, I would not, better still would be something worth fighting for such as something that gave you better yield in some way but limit that so it has to be fought over, but don’t make it only one because that will end up with them all owned by certain war deckers.

All in all the mechanics are quite good, sadly the issue is on both sides, people who have no reason or desire to fight and people who want easy kills and green killboards and don’t really have the attitude to hunt, and those that want to hunt have no way to have fun in maybe a two hour session of play because they have no way to know if their prey is even online.

The watch list was too powerful and I don’t want to see it back, the locator agents are a better way to do it, or some sort of OA in space that can be attacked which of course has the benefit of being a content driver. And do note something about watch lists now, with Keepstars it is not quite so powerful to prevent fleet fights because those characters may be ratting in something else now…

I will end in saying that CCP should interact more with the war dec players, this is a very committed group of players who are passionate about Eve.

In fact I meant to post it in this thread so you have actually helped me.

I apologize of dyslexic and I’m trying really hard to get over that because I have to communicate this way because there’s no other way to communicate if there was a way to use voice, that would be a lot easier I’m using a voice recognition program and sometimes I try to space it out to make it easier to understand

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I was not replying to you, however I wish you well in dealing with it.

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Running a corp in EVE is not like running a guild in WOW/Hello Kitty Online or some other themepark kiddie-game where all player interaction is so strongly regulated that it’s physically impossible to screw other people up.

It’s a common newbie trap to join a corp run by a newbie because you think it’s a good idea to “learn the game together”. In fact, this is playing EVE on the highest difficulty setting.

You’re much better off to join an existing corp, run by experienced (and hopefully sane) people and profit from their experience. They’ll also be able to help your members avoid quitting over such a trivial thing as a wardec.

And let’s be honest: highsec is the only place where wardecs are relevant and highsec is pretty terrible from a fun point of view. If you take 10 new players that all stick to highsec then you can bet on 9 of those 10 quitting. If you take 10 new players, get them into an existing corp/alliance, get them moved to lowsec or 0.0 (where the “real” game is) then probably only 7 of the 10 will quit.

That’s not to say that EVE is bad mind you! It’s just to say that EVE isn’t a game for everyone (and that’s good because the aspects that make the game “not for everyone” are exactly the things that make it a worthwhile game for the rest).