Left because of wardec

Is it just me, but since I have returned to the forums, i have noticed that Dom seems to be spontaneously crying all the time.

Ease up on the crying emojis mate.

Are you all right???

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15 years of complaining from people who want instanced PVE in high-sec hasn’t changed diddly-squat.

It hasn’t changed, and it isn’t going to change. If you and your two buddies want to leave over that, without even trying to understand the counters for that style of play, well… this game isn’t for you.

The real naivety in this thread is the OP, and those who agree with the OP, thinking that a thread crying about it on the forums is going to change something after FIFTEEN YEARS. Go play something else. The rest of us like the game just as it is, sure we might want certain things to improve, but it isn’t this. Does the OP really think that his post is somehow original? That the devs will see it and suddenly think OMG he’s right, why didn’t we think of this before? Let’s completely change the premise of the whole game just to suit this guy and his two mates?

It’s pathetic. HTFU or piss off.

PS No need to reply with more crying. We, the long-term player base, simply do not care. Good-bye.


Can someone link this code/ganktard discord channel. Saladnbeans purged me n half of logistics from their old tmspk. Luv to get on n banter wit some codies n sure they would like to chat with me. Wouldn’t ya luv to ima/Dom/faylee n co???

Hey Dom, remember when nitshe wardecced Code, was it timing/coinsidence you dropped to npc. Mate he was only going after n destroyed your last poco near uedrama, the Penny arcade. Didn’t think you were relevant enough to go after.:grinning::grinning::grinning:

what war was that?

because I see no defensive wars anywhere near the time I left XD

No shame in dropping corp, nitshe did it many times to frustrate Merc wardecs, then slide in to take their pocos held under alt corps.

that doesn’t answer my question

bye now

Can’t log in to CPU atm on 4g mobile. Think the corporation at the time was ‘King orsrics revenge’. You can look up nitshes kB for the period.

nope, no war against CODE. either

rip whatever argument you were trying to make XD

You are a dishonest #####, the wardecs is there, u know I can’t link kB in gen discussion, will provide in C&P shortly. Trying to get me banned???!:grin::grin::grin:

We always loved when they did.

Not only that but he cannot not post to Salvos.



Hollow words:

You say this:


I went and looked at your killboard, the last kill you have is 22nd May 2016 and your activity is largely non-existent, your only have losses after that and not many, yes a long tem player who does not care with his own play. You did piss off…

Your activity is lowsec and nullsec, you are not hisec at all. You may of course have another account that does hisec wardecs, but please post on it, it gives you more weight…

And this: @Nico_Boru

Emphasis on the word DID…

unlike you lot, I love to inform people :wink:
I don’t like to see rubbish nonsense being thrown around as if it were fact

Focusing on learning the other parts of the game. Gotta find a way I enjoy funding paying for those decs.

I find it funny that you question another players experience this way, especially when it was this reason you got your pantie’s in a bunch on discord when we questioned your experience or the “friends” you had in 0rphanage and left us. When you claim that the merc would act a certain way if your stuff is implemented you have to expect people with more experience disagree if they think otherwise. Right? Its what you are doing with Khanid? :thinking:

And Salvo’s was not much better tho… we had been terrorized by Jin’taan for months with him popping up every time watchlist was discussed to tell us over and over again “that watchlist will never coming back”. When we tried to tell this to Salvos with a joke when he went on about his suggestion (including watchlist), he went on the defensive and started flinging ■■■■. And I’m sure everyone have heard his opinion about us by now…

How about growing some ■■■■■■■ thicker skin both of you and dont take yourself to seriously. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


But a kb says everything about a player /s


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Hate to break it to you, but you and the discord have accomplished nothing.

Hate on me and Drac all you want, but we arent the reason your years-long circlejerk has absolutely nothing to show for itself.

I was in and out in 3 days.
Im not responsible for your failures.

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ITT someone who has long claimed not to care about killboards once again judges people based on their killboard.


Nevermind, your post was from three days ago … :roll_eyes: