Local Comms Blackout - Discussion Thread - Part Deux!

Unsubbing all 2 accounts njoy it

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That’s cool but apparently english isn’t your first language. That is exactly what it said.

Your delusions about “an extreme scenario” meaning anything other than the 8>1 reduction are just sort of weird. That’s… literally what the sentence said. Verbatim. In those exact words.

You didn’t actually have to read past, calculations are counted from one combined group, which tells you everything you need to know about it. When weapons are grouped, they’re a single superobject. IIRC, the actual to-hit is run per-gun, but every other aspect gets reduced down to a single blob, including the total application and the broadcast of what happened.

Note that this is very obvious from multiple angles: Weapons in group suffer the exact same amount of heat damage, must be the exact same type and metatype, and must be loaded with the exact same ammo.


I can see from a buisness standpoint to use the term, now that i think about it. I have killed many dragons and rescued many damsels in distress from dungeons. to think of a dungeon in space went over my head intitially. Though when i think about it…thats actually really cool.

As far as the blackout, i don’t live there as yet so i don’t have an opinion. However, i have noticed mineral price creep.

My finger hurts. Please remove dscan. NOW!

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um i dont get it CCP? you said we got a huge sandbox do what you whant as Long ist lega…. ok Players startet large allys gathered lots of isk and builded supers cause they had fun that way… so CCP says ■■■■ you!! we dont whant that in OUR SANDBOX!! ok so far…. now CCP says lets shake the game we Need to destroy ships and ISK and then you send out Promotion for Season of skills ?? plex 15% cheaper with Advertising " GET MORE ISK GET MORE SHIPS" really??? i mean just REALY???


Due to more time during the blackout and CCP interview at Talking in Stations, which talked about blackout and a little bit about the future, I’ve put together some ideas that could provide more dynamism in EVE. Maybe there’s something interesting for you or you say that’s some crap ideas :wink:

Yeah, it’s probably a remnant of the fact that when EVE was developed, the online gaming world was just moving past things like MW, B-17, etc on GEnie, into UO, and evolving MUDs (and their derivatives) into EQ. (The normal ‘themepark’ MMO like EQ, WoW, etc, is, after all, basically just a MUD w/a GUI. This is especially true in EQ, where the loading screens between zones is roughly analogous to moving between ‘rooms’ in an old LP- or DikuMUD. The transition into seamless zone-changes is basically the same as moving from Pitfall’s ‘each room is a separate screen’ to Ghosts n’ Goblins’ or Double Dragons’ seamless side-scrolling.)

Um, hate to tell you bro but the majority of people live in high sec.

Also lots of high sp people live there, well over 50m

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Who talked about the majority ?

Highsec is Tutorial for low null wormhole

The picture does not say what you think it says.

It says that firing 8 weapons will do the same damage as firing 8 individual. Read the quote. This has nothing to do with how the server handles and processes the multiple lines, in this case, many calls of damage.

I will explain this in detail.

Ships have a class attached them to with life, that detects a projectile (in this case a hit box) that detects a collision.

When these hit each other, damage is applied. now there is an entirely different class (script) that controls the projectile its movement etc.

When this damage is applied, it runs through another block of code (either another class, or method in the same class) that handles how the damage removes life from the target. and yet another part of that method will likely check to see if the ship hit 0 hp, and play death animations, etc etc.

There will always have to be 8 instances of damage applied to the ship, because 8 projectiles are being launched from the ship, be it you see them or not.

lets say 8 applications are ran, and the total value of that damage is 1203, in this case, the damage could be collected, grouped, and passed, however, that does not stop the game from still having to check the 8 instances to begin with.

The only way to get around this is to reduce the weapons to 1, and scale the damage accordingly.

The issue is in development doing database work is extremely costly. this is why eve has only gone through small adjustments over the years. WE have never seen in eve something like “wow bc” or “wow wod” Squishing. Tbh, i would not recommend it for this game anyways.

In the end, the batching they are doing only marginally effects the cpu processing, real improvements would come from reducing weapons to 1. I’d guess the reason why this is not done is due to “immersion” aspects. Having seen 8 guns from a ship just looks cool, and so they choose to keep them over the performance loss, which is fine, but not optimal.

Funny how its home to noobs and most wars and deaths happen there, lol?

Don’t you ever get tired of being so wrong so goddamn always?

Incidentally, this perfectly matches what I said before:


You are not reading what he is saying. He is saying if you have 8 guns apart, there is an increase in chance that some may wrecking hit. Players are worried that grouped guns result in none of the 8 guns wrecking, which would mean a loss of damage.


did you forget, im a developer?

he has no idea what we are talking about

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Pve alt bro, on a newish account. btw im a 2003 null pvp vet. Iv literally lived in null for 99.9% of my history in this game.

Yes but so many failed it. Especially those in Null. After all the risk in null has changed so often in so many years but the null sec crowd seem to be unable to adapt to changes.
So we get huge whine threads where they want their blanky.

That’s literally the exact opposite of what he is saying. The to-hit rolls are still done per gun, which is where hit quality is determined. The aggregate total is then applied once.

You’ve managed to completely invert what he said.

Yes, I’m sure you have many long years confounding your coworkers under your belt.


Eve’s population is declining there can be no doubt about this. With hilmars stunts are trying to obscure it, its extremely difficult to say at what rate. I’d imagine this game has extremely low retention rates right now (for the industry’s standard).

The problem is not just this, but the fact that the game does not grow at all. This is due to statements like what you are saying / implaying.

This game, and no game will never be made for “you” ie “mark marconi”. Any person advocating for it to be harder on the population, is on the food chain somewhere. so lets make it hard on you, in the low or mid tier area, why not right? because according to another, your a noob with a blanky.

Even if you were on top, as in rank 1 in eve, the best skills etc. It would be business suicide to listen to you.

So the future of eve is in ignoring people like you to acquire some population that thinks differently then you do. If that means handing out epics, or blanks or what ever, thats better for the game.

one things for sure, we’ve been here listening to people like you for years and it has never taken this games population anywhere. EVER

What do you think “to hit” rolls means? It means if they hit, if they wreck, etc. your repeating yourself desperate to prove your right, but just making a fool of yourself. lets drop this topic your being silly now.

Actually you have tunnel vision and missed the part in your own screen shots where people talked about damage loss.

Damage loss != server optimization.

Why would it be applied 8 times? that would be way more then what the guns do normally.
but again. This has nothing to do with the actual processing of the data.

I find it funny that we are arguing about this when i can actually write out the code that handles this in 10-15 seconds.


The only thing it said about damage loss is that there isn’t any.

What part of “no difference” didn’t you understand? Do they not teach kindergarten reading comprehension in mediocre game dev school?

Why would it be applied 8 times? that would be way more then what the guns do normally.
but again. This has nothing to do with the actual processing of the data.

Good question, let’s go to the tape.

What a ■■■■■■■ potato, christ.

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bro, are you actually reading whats in the quotations?