Local is Trash

Pot and kettle , come to mind here , I don’t understand why you can’t find PvP , it’s everywhere you go. Maybe you want to kill these ships that keep docking up on you , the miners and haulers , not really PvP is it but if that’s you thing keep trying and good luck


I do. Its because after his 4 year break ending in March, PVP keeps finding HIM.

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Didley Brohan is making a completely rational argument (for once).

Everything comes down to the fact that EVE’s gameplay mechanics are overly simplified and archaic. Having the game’s sole intelligence tool be a chat window would be acceptable in a game 20 years ago, and that’s exactly what EVE is: a 20-year-old game.

We could definitely get rid of local as an intelligence tool, but it would need to be accompanied by significant additions to the game in the form of various sensor suites that provide various levels of intelligence (with various benefits and drawbacks), instead of relying on the standby measure of mashing a “scanner” button every 5 seconds like a maniac (the book-dropping example is very apt), which quite frankly is absolute ■■■■ gameplay.

I’d like to see active and passive scanning arrays in the game. Or maybe being able to measure “ion trails” or something that would even act as an intelligence tool to know not just whether or not there are other capsuleer ships in the system, but also how many (i.e. the stronger the scent, the bigger the enemy gang floating around somewhere). I’d like to have observation drones and proximity alert mines. And I’d like to have various countermeasures making it possible to defeat all of these intelligence-gathering tools (but not all at the same time, and once again with various drawbacks). Each ship should have a sensor suite onboard into which you can plug various scripts and modules.

All of this should’ve been added to the game 15 years ago. Instead we have a chat window with a number on it, “perfect safety” cloaking devices, and a scanner window that gives you perfect intelligence on any entity that falls within its radius. It’s lazy-ass game design that hasn’t been worked on because the developers are too busy adding instanced farming content and event skins to their game.


Local is dumb everywhere, even in Highsec

Perfect instant intel should just not be a thing

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And all what Destiny said could act as a stimulus for people to fight in positions in space other than gates and stations

We get things calm between us, and then you have to go and pull that crap AGAIN.

Though I liked everything else in it, I cannot like a post that literally opens by insulting me for no good reason, in a way that conveys no good reason in its very form.

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No dude, that’s just you being a drama queen. If I called @Aiko_Danuja as “Aiko Danutjob” or @God_Emperor_Kane as “God Emperor Kanye West” they wouldn’t get offended by something so silly. As always, someone plonks you with a Nerf dart, and in response you drive a knife into your gut and start twisting it while crying about being slain. Man up, buttercup. :kissing_heart:


There needs to be a popup to notify us about local.

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There needs to be a forum section where you can go enjoy your game of grab azz with your buddies consentually.

You want kills on a silver platter? Go to hisec, those fools are literally offering themselves up for a slaughter. Of course you’ll have to risk retribution from CONCORD but that should be no problem for such a tough guy as you.


No dude. That’s either you playing grab azz with someone who is not your friend, or your trolling in response to your own trolling.

You and Aiko and Kane can go find a room. I want none of it.

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That’s the nature of public forums, and it will always be this way. If it’s a deal-breaker for you, you’ll have to stop using them. I mean, at least I didn’t call you a “scummy little pudknocker” right? Maybe I should’ve though, since you seemed to have liked that one very much (when it wasn’t directed at you).

We did, but we need a fourth person to hold the camera, and I can’t seem to be able to find @Jonah_Gravenstein anywhere.

Anyway, to get this back on topic: just like with terrible, criminal, sociopathic forum trolling by distracting people with clever puns so that they start to freak out about being insulted instead of thinking hard about the subject matter of the post, I’d like another gameplay mechanic to be added into the game as part of replacing local as an intelligence/counterintelligence tool: decoys.

I want to inflate a big ship balloon equipped with a transmitter (so it would seem just like an actual ship piloted by an actual player) and leave it out in space, and see if anyone bites. This could work for both offensive and defensive purposes. Warcraft has had “mirror image” for almost 3 decades now, and it’s time for the game about high-tech, futuristic technology to catch up.


Bots pay the bills like everyone else, plex pricing is in a comfortable place.

Blackout proved botting is the null meta, hate the game not player or bots. If you have a problem with botting then Eve is not the game for you.

If you are looking for pvp try warthunder simulator mode, it is a competitive game, cheaters are dealt with quickly. I’m found there most gaming evenings.

Well, local does make it easier to avoid PvP, but it’s not the reason that so many people so frequently try to avoid PvP -and that is the problem that I would actually like to see addressed. Of course, there will always be carebears, but even the people who like PvP will often try avoid it when doing PvE. This is because PvE content often indirectly discourages PvE’ers from engaging with emergent game play opportunities (for example, most players quickly learn that optimal PvE fits are absolutely terrible at PvP; thus, they should avoid PvP when PvE fit).

Yeah, getting rid of local would make it easier to catch PvE’ers. But it will also make a crap ton of them leave, and many others would just turn to their V key, and keep warping off when they see hunters. That’s why I think CCP should concentrate on designing PvE content that encourages PvP. And if they can’t do that, they should at least design it so that it doesn’t actively discourage PvP.

And, yes, I am a fan of the DBS and new ESS. Of course, many null bears have been vociferously complaining because they can’t make the same amount of money from the same deprecated strats and the same amount of effort. But it encourages people to fight, I’ve heard people on both sides of the hunter/prey dynamic say that they’re having fun with it, and the ratters who have adapted are making even more money than they did before the change.

Oh sorry, forgot where I was…

All changes since I started playing are bad. Buff me, and nerf my enemies. I have lost all faith in CCP. This game is dying.


This is just a transient situation. Local is fine.

What isn’t fine at the moment is the risk/reward balance to be in space, because rewards have been restricted as part of scarcity.

Once CCP redistributes resources and brings back more reasons to be in space, people will be in space more and there’ll be a greater chance of hunting and catching targets.


You have an ETA on that?

Soon :tm:

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Not to advocate for the NS RMT-ers, but go hunt Alphers in HS and LS, dear corageous PVPer. They are abundant, harmless, their ships can’t shoot back, they are presented to you helpless and ready to be destroyed on a plate so you can think its a very good game and that you are good at something at least.

And for people like you who need that crutch to accomplish anything, CCP introduced W-space. Now go there and stop talking rubbish.

Wait, you never have been in W-space. All your kills until 2020 when you stopped playing on this char were in high sec and low sec. Preach water and drink wine, eh? Speaking of your kills: Even with perfect safety you failed to kill your PVE farmers more than once and got bested by them. And you even fed an expensive golem to a war. If Local is so overpowered and perfect, you clearly lack something else because even that perfection can’t prevent you from feeding. Or your enemies from not dying to your cheap canflipping suspect baiting tricks.

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I joined EVE and pay for Omega so that this jerk and his friends can come and kill me in my unprotected mining ship IN HIGH SECURITY SPACE whenever they feel like making some ISK. Yeah, right…and he has the audacity to tell me I am having fun while he’s killing me. aaahhhahahhahahhhaaaaaaaaa

I REJECT the notion that EVE is a PvP-only-game and that players, by undocking, necessarily serve as a pinata for some players to get their daily orgasms killing them. I RESERVE THE RIGHT to protect myself any way I can. HIGH security means just exactly what it says.