Login Failed - Handshake error

Sorry guys I think I’m the one who broke it. I haven’t played all weekend and the first time I try login, boom handshake fail for everyone.

If you don’t believe me, last week I walked into a customers server room and their riser card blew in one server and HDD in a RAID 5 failed shortly after on another server.

I’ve been cursed. :slight_smile:

480.00 players? where did u pull those numbers from? too much LSD? it be 10k paid subscriptions at most ( and this is probably a very generous approach)…i read your edit…and u take the number of all accounts ever created…thats pretty stupid. ccp will also not give numbers on active omega subs. if there where 500k actice omega subs, server should be at 100k peak online in eu prime…which it isnt.never was…and frankyl , never will be.

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