LONG time returning player....need a hand

so, I was curious…skills? it seems my skills have all vanished. do I have to retrain everything? with the amount of days thats going to take? or does buying omega restore all my skills learned?

the skills was still there so now to train all new skills too…with omega it chuggs down quickly

I have no idea why your skills would vanish, sounds like a support ticket is needed. Also I am in no hurry to train skills. Omega allows you to continue off line training beyond 5 million and it trains twice as fast. One could just purchase skills using injectors and/or omega. I used Mikes Skill Plans ( ask rookie help ) it is the core skills everyone should train in first.

Have fun!

While technically correct, the “2x Omega training speed” is a brilliant marketing strategy by CCP. Omegas do not have 2x skill training speed. Omegas train at the same speed they always have. Alphas train 2x slower than Omegas. Misleading, but I’m sure it’s made them a lot of money over the years…

From an alpha’s perspective it’s “twice as fast”, it make sense.

Yes, from the perspective of an Alpha. And it definitely sounds better than “Upgrade to Omega and train skills at normal speed”. Like I said, it’s just a marketing ploy, mainly intended for newer players who don’t know any better.

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Many game companies are misleading about their product. I was told the worst offender in the last decade was the makers of No Man’s Sky. However they took a year to fix many of the issues. I have found the company Bethesda to be belligerent about being misleading.

I use to own Ubisoft stocks but I pulled out in 2021 during covid. Mostly because I need my cash, but the game industry as a whole peaked at that time. I don’t think they been making “good” games lately. This for example. enjoy the laughs.

Have fun!

I just came back myself after been gone for years. Everything got so much more expensive O.O
That was the 1st thing I noticed. So far I’ve just been putting around running missions and keeping the training queue going.

Welcome back @Gealbhan

Appears Eve Online has a lot of people coming back, I am curious what prompted your return?

While I haven’t played long, I found this game simple to comprehend, yet I did have a local tenant and my husband for in house support. I believe the hardest thing to overcome in Eve is the hobbled GUI. When you first start there to not only windows over lapping each other, they are difficult to read, and transparent. It took time, but I managed to sort and position my UI. It is still very hard on old eyes, even ones with 20 grand worth of work done on them.

You speak of expense, did you mean cash or ISK. I never bought anything from Eve. My husband sent them some of his money, but I spend my retirement funds on Black Desert. If you are talking about market items for ISK, I bought my snazzy yellow catsuit for ISK. It is probably a good thing for me, CCP dropped the apartment in the stations. I would have given them my check by now to buy furniture for it. I am into those virtual dollhouses in BDO for a large sum of pearls.

So far, I am staying alpha, making a ton of ISK, and having fun.

Have fun!

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Just the ISK prices on the market, people must be smoking to good stuff to be asking the prices they are.

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Eve has always had inflation as I’m sure you are well aware, but there have been some specific updates over the last few years that have caused some items to spiral even higher, which has not only sent those prices up, but has magnified overall prices:

Scarcity - essentially restricted access to certain asteroids across New Eden depending on which racial space you’re in and has lead to higher prices for some ores.

CCP then added additional manufactured items into building the larger T1 hulls and the Pirate faction hulls, massively increasing the build price of these overnight and therefore the asking price for a built hull. Although they have reduced the number of these items needed somewhat per hull since then, there has still been a knock on effect.

In my opinion there are also many more ways to make isk now that come at (relatively) low risk to an experienced player with a similar number of isk ‘sinks’ to previously. Again this allows prices to increase…

I’m sure others will chip in with inflationary items I’ve forgotten!

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man that’s depressing. Look how they massacred my boy!