Looking For Corp (Returning Vet)

Hey Guys!

I am looking for a corp in either the AU / US TZ, Interested in Nullsec particularly, Interested in organised corp ops, Mining, PVP Roams, Blops etc… Want to be apart of a corp that actively do things together.

Returning back to the game after a 8 year break (Can’t get into old accounts so started fresh)
Have injected SP to get to a decent level, I have 3 Characters!

2x 50mill+ SP Pilots, Mining Alt

Looking forward to chatting with some of you soon o7!

Null is so bad now brother. Come to the land of milk and honey in low-sec. Check us out.

Tons of AU content in FL33T, we fight CNTZ folks every morning over battlefields. Faction warfare is the place to be right now after getting a lot of CCP’s love in recent expansions. Complete overhaul.

We are a small but active Corp looking to grow. Most of our members have 10+ years of Eve experience and over 100M+ SP. We are a NullSec “fighting Indy” Corp, soon to be joining a returning Alliance that has members (currently 700+) in the UK, EU and AU time zones. If you would like to know more, then drop me an in-game email or chat on “ZFELL Recruitment”. Otherwise, good luck in your search.

Hey, we are just starting in High Sec and recruiting: GDawn :slight_smile:

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Check us out! Fun crew!

https://forums.eveonline.com/t/stk-scientific-is-recruiting/452954STK is recruiting and looking for pilots like you. Stop by and see if we’re right for you

Sounds interesting what alliance is this?

Black Rose Alliance

Which part of null are you guys in or which coalition are you part off if any thanks.

7o @NoldzSK - Doesn’t eve have that way of luring you back?

Council of Exiles is a proud member of Brave Alliance / Imperium Coalition. We call the Northeastern corner of Querious home, with access to many other regions under Imperium control - Delve, parts of Catch and Impass. If you haven’t yet found a place to call home, check out Brave and all we have to offer: https://joinus.bravecollective.com/exils


We are in Pure Blind

Stain life - Corporations & Alliances / Recruitment Center - EVE Online Forums

Did you find what you are looking for? We could use the XP!

**Recruiting self-motivated players that are 18 years old or older. We have good all-around members with all Time Zones represented. Come on out to nullsec with us. **

What we offer:

*** Regular PvP Content**
*** Capital PvP**
*** Safe Sov Null for Ratting/Mining**
*** Corp & Alliance SRP incl. Capital Ships**
*** Corp Moon buy back program**

Our Requirements:

*** Full ESI on file while a member of the Corp**
*** Ability to use Discord and Mumble**
*** Have a good attitude and be a team player**
*** Have a dedicated PvP character**
*** You must have fun and enjoy playing the game**

Recruiting status: Open (Omega Only)


CEO - blankbling
**Recruiters - Anubis TTC (US) , Brendan Anneto (AU) **

****Join: GLD.Public (in game) or our discord [Gladiators of Rage ] (Discord ) we are ustz and autz

oreet bud we moving to sov null with my alliance if you want or fancy being part of that jump on our discord come and have a chat

Hi there, welcome back to EVE, we might just be what you’re looking for.

Hi there,

We are actively building our US tz so you would be joining a very active group of mainly EU/late EU pilots but we are active throughout the timezones on our community discord server.

Check out our full ad here

And come talk to us here

We have a great community in Corp and across our Alliance and you’d be right at the heart of things with a strong voice in how we develop and grow



We are actively recruiting all levels of player we have a system in Wicked Creek and are surrounded by reds so plenty of content.

Check us out!