Ya better tell that to all the whiners in this thread who can’t undock 'cos some guy who isn’t even there prevents them from undocking. Go, tell 'em. Do it. I’ll watch ya.
Maybe that’s because they are not BOTs ?
You startin’ a question with “Maybe” now? Don’t you know that people who start questions with “Maybe” don’t have actual points? Can you try that again? I ain’t sayin’ you’re going the passive aggressive route here mate, but really, there’s a reason why passive aggressive people often start sentences with “Maybe”.
Though sure mate, if you wanna start a sentence with “Maybe” i’ll respond with: “Well, maybe they are. And as they could be, the afk cloaker does a splendid job of preventing both botters and cowards in safe spaces from farming isk in perfect safety, 'cos perfect safety ain’t gonna happen.”
Hey, how 'bout you write a few word pages, Arial 12, about it? I’d love reading your rationale in full just in case you wanna move goalposts and such. Not saying you gonna do that, but you’ve started a question with “Maybe” and so I’d rather be sure about what’s going on in your mind.
Cutting the nonsense part.
Once again, it prevents only the “cowards” as you call them to undock.
Not the BOTers.
At least not anymore after 2 or 4 days.
But you should’ve taken this point.
Because that’s an achievment.
The goal of cloaky camping, among other goals, is to reduce ISK income of the ennemy Alliance targetted by this “operation” after all.
Well, you say that and this thread proves you wrong, so what else is there to talk about? Now you gonna claim that there’s no evidence that these people are botting, to which I’ll reply “well, the ones losin’ out the most because of afk cloakers are botters and real money traders, which means they’ll definitely gonna complain” and that’s really all there is to it. Have fun circle jerking around what matters, maybe someone more gullible jumps in and talks to you.
I’d like to see your “proofs” to state that those who are whining are therefore RMTers or BOTers.
That’s a fantasy my friend, a goal, that some of the campers are telling themselvs to be thrilled to do such a “job”.
That’s why i hope they are well payed by their masters to do it.
The only campers i respect, are the one doing it to litterally “piss off” other players.
At least, they are being honest with themselves, and the others.
Back tracking duly noted.
See your posts.
Then…stop posting…
Indeed. The process is actually more complicated than some would pretend.
Show me please, we might have a different definition of what a complaint is.
Not when people can’t seem to read or understand my writings.
Most of the posters in this thread (the entire “remove afk cloaking” side for one) should read this and learn from it.
Maybe you’ll finally manage to understand what is wrong in your lifes.
Some seem to think that reasons are only meant to persuade oneself or others. If they do persuade others, as in a debate, political campaign, or courtroom, that is all that matters. Truth, for people with this perspective, is irrelevant or is merely what people can get each other to believe. And if one fails to persuade others of one’s viewpoint, that is unfortunate but also unimportant if one has the power to do what he wants to do anyway. Such people see no distinction between good objections to their views and bad objections to their views; they only see persuasive and unpersuasive objections. One friend of mine was invited to sit in on company discussions about the purchase of a half-million dollar system of some sort and he voiced objections, explaining why it would not successfully do what they wanted it to do. He was not invited to ensuing meetings; the system was purchased; it did not meet their needs; and the company took a half-million dollar loss. Later he asked why he had not been wanted at the meetings where the decisions were actually made about purchasing the system and he was told that he had such good arguments for not buying the system, they were afraid he would talk them out of it, and it was something they really wanted to buy. They apparently understood logic as persuasion, not as something to do with facts or reality which might let them know ahead of time whether something would actually work or not.
But however difficult helping someone to improve their reasoning is, it is infinitely more difficult when the student does not even understand what you are trying to do. For example, a student may have a view with some evidence for it, and you may have three different objections, one about the truth of one of his reasons, one about the truth of his conclusion, and one about the relevance or sufficiency of his reasons even if they were all true. If you try to attack one of his reasons, he shifts to others or to a different argument altogether, or thinks you are attacking the truth of his conclusion and does not see how your reasons have anything to do with it. If you try to show his conclusion is false, he falls back on his reasons. If you try to show his reasons would be irrelevant or insufficient even if they were true, he cannot understand what you are getting at at all. And if you try to do this by an analogy he gets distracted by the analogy and starts arguing about it, or does not see what this totally different subject matter has to do with his conclusion and evidence at all. The fact that the form or logic of the argument in the analogy and the form or logic in his argument are exactly the same, and that the form is what determines whether the conclusion follows from the evidence and reasons, mean nothing to him. In short, he does not understand how his evidence is supposed to relate to his views, if he can even distinguish concluding views from supporting reasons; and he cannot then understand how your disputing any elements of his views affects any of the other elements. Finally, he cannot generally distinguish your conclusions from your evidence or see how one is relevant to the other. You can draw diagrams of his argument(s) and your rebuttal to it till you are blue in the face, but the problem for his seeing it is not the particular points at issue; it is reasoning or logical argument in general that he does not understand. Each particular point about this particular argument just confuses him more, since he just does not understand what significance all these different points have in regard to what he believes or wants to believe.
From my perspective, i can see one difference.
All the people who came to me to “discuss” did it with a preconception and categorized me, and my interventions, to the “BOTer / Carebear” draw.
RMTers / BOTers / Carebear / Whiner and so on, when i never used such equivalent words towards them.
I do believe, for some of them at least, that, even if they’ve not changed their minds, they now actually see that there are actually legit players out there, with a different view of Eve, with solid arguments, and exposing them with respect.
If i were to talk about what you seem to express with this post The_Dunning_Kruger, i’d say that my point was more to show those guys, with preconceptions, that there are other types of player in Eve Online, than RMTer / Boter / Carebears / Whiners, and that it is way more complex than just a dual situation that would say : “If you’re against afk-campers, you are then for RMTers and such”.
Furthermore, exposing a point of view in a forum is also to show to the “lurkers”, that there are people thinking the same way than them.
It is satisfying to see this, specially when this view is exposed sensibly.
It’s quite simple. Instead of accepting the fact that you have to put in effort to secure your space and make use of it, you are here demanding of CCP to fix something that’s supposedly wrong, despite it having been in place for over 12 years and being no issue at all to people that understand game balance and the status quo and that make use of the tools available to them.
Botters are hampered by afk cloakers. A cloaky in local means the bot stops functioning. Now if you advocate for the abolishing of afk cloaking without counter nerfs to the actual cause of afk cloaking (local chat), you are supporting botters, irrespective of your actual arguments to wanting afk cloaking removed.
You are showing that you do not understand the whole system, or do not want to understand it. That you only see your limited perspective, without caring about any other and that your only goal is to have the system changed in your favor and that’s why you’re being called out. There are only a select few groups of players advocating for the abolishment of afk cloaking:
- RMTers / Botters
- Renters
- Totalitarian / entitled people
- People that don’t understand game mechanics
- People that don’t understand game balance
The first 3 can’t be reasoned with in any way and neither can they be educated, because they have a singular goal that they will want to achieve in any way possible. For RMTers it is hard cash. AFK cloakers hurt their bottom line and make them angry as a result, because their income isn’t as efficient as it could be.
Renters should probably be merged with the 3rd category and the totalitarian / entitled people simply aren’t interested in what other people think, or what the facts are about. For them, it’s all about themselves and their own believes, nothing else. https://www.chrisshepherd.org/on-the-totalitarian-personality/
For the latter 2 it depends on their intellectual capabilities and how willing they are to educate themselves. If they are willing and capable to see beyond their false premises and limited perspectives, they will understand why they’ve been wrong and move on, perhaps even making use of their newly gained wisdom to effectively combat afk cloakers. But if they aren’t willing or capable, they are better recategorized under “entitled” and are a lost cause.
I also wrote a post about this in another topic.
Now, in what category do you believe to fall and do your actions support that believe?
I won’t answer yet again.
My points have been exposed already multiple times.
The honest ones who read them understood perfectly, the dishonest ones will claim they don’t.
I don’t ask for anyone to change their minds, i just want to show others that another point of view exists. One that takes all sides in concideration and respect.
Depending on what CCP will make up with the new structure, we will all adapt, or leave.
I will gladly adapt.
Category 3 it is.
Entitling someone in a category makes you a totalitarian, isn’t it ?
Then be it.
Right back at you. You were clearly aware of this thread. Yet you started a new one suggesting the same tired old ideas that were linked in the OP of this thread.
Your intent is to nerf cloaks. You want to impose additional costs on thos who use cloaks actively. Why? What are you trying to fix?
Yes and we have seen your side dozens and dozens of times.
I goal is not to “nerf” cloak.
It is to give it an interesting gameplay, for the one using it, as long as they’re doing it actively, and for the one undergoing it, as long as they are active.
Adding fuel-requirements or limits on how long you can be cloaked ARE nerfs to cloaks, especially for those who live in w-space.
I’d call this an enhancement gamplay-wise.