Main AFK cloaky thread

As it should be. AFK cloaking is not a problem and this thread only exists to be a trash can where CCP can merge all of the incessant whine threads RMTers and renter trash post. Nobody from CCP is paying any attention to it.


They removed local temporarily and they’ve nerfed cynos.

Both impacted afk cloaking.


Make large cloaked ships and low skilled cloaky campers probable and detectable, but you only get a warp to point within 2-200 km of the cloaked ship depending on your scanning/probing skills versus the cloaky’s skills. So you probe down roughly where they are, warp to them, and then you have to look and study the background of space from various directions with your external camera, zooming in and out to see the “predator like” pixiliations of a cloaked ship, then you have to burn to them, honing in to where they are, and decloak at 2km. If they aren’t afk they can warp off, if they are an afk bot they can die. A tedious process, but at least it’s something. Finding large cloaked ships sitting around gates would be a lot easier.

Perhaps make top level cloaking skills in a small frigate like prospect with eccm scripts unscannable with probes, so people can still cloaky camp and hot drop if they have the elite skills for it, not just some 1 day alt.

So not only do you post a solution in need of a problem (AFK cloaking is fine, RMTers and renter trash do not need to be buffed) you waste everyone’s time by making it trivially easy to bypass and therefore irrelevant.


He doesn’t need to post the problem, everyone knows what it is:

I’m afraid to undock unless I am alone in the system :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Just fix local. A cloaked ship should disappear from local and cannot interact with local. Problem solved.

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Cap, this has been posted so many times before…

Essentially with this idea., one click of a probe and you instantly know if a cloaked vessel is in system. This instantly breaks all of wormhole space. Well done (/sarcasm)

A couple of probes and you know which moon/belt/planet the cloaked vessel is at…

Having a ‘predator shimmer’, huge buff to gate camps, also a huge nerf to active cloakers who stalk their prey…

As with so many posts in this thread, its a ‘nerf all cloak activity to make low/zero sec safer’ idea, being badly hidden behind an ‘AFK is bad mkay’ statement.


Was just reading through some old posts from a few months ago and saw this:

There IS a way to do what you’re wanting to do, man. You gotta somehow get into the same fleet as that guy. then you can warp to him at 0 and uncloak him!*

(* - may not work if target is moving while cloaked like you should)

Can confirm this works. Most campers stay out of fleet so their friends can’t warp to them and decloak. a well timed fleet invite can expose them.

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The lads went on a break for the holidays, came back to do a roam with the random null filaments.

Had some success with those while they lasted, we just ignored anything we couldn’t find on dscan because of the ongoing cloaking issues being too kid safe.

The idea that there is still no risk to a cloaked ship is mind boggling, but maybe fight or flight will let the hunters hunt? Until then, cloaking is still a safe space for babies… and the same few defenders of the status quo have yet to not get their paycheck and leave the thread to actual discussion

Not a proper strategy, while a rarely successful trick, any cloaked T3 or carrier or whatever that we are trying to hunt won’t even be at the computer while we are looking for them. Even then, if they are moving while cloaked, warping at 0 isn’t going to decloak them.

The more ships that die, the less people amass such wealth. Of course we still have other issues, like engaged ships being able to freely escape a fight (and then cloak…) at any point. It’s very difficult to be landing on grid and try to catch enemies operating 30-50k from whatever they are near, especially when they can align out and leave before we have a chance to even interact.

Oh look, the idiot is back to remind everyone that he doesn’t understand that it’s possible to dock or log off in EVE. Your hunt wouldn’t have gone any differently even if cloaks didn’t exist at all. You would have appeared in local, the residents would have docked up, and that would have been the end of it. But no matter how many times you have this explained to you you’ll keep pretending that cloaks are the issue.

especially when they can align out and leave before we have a chance to even interact.

If they can align out and leave before you can catch them then what does cloaking have to do with any of this? Even without cloaks they’ll just warp back to a station and dock, getting even more safety than if they had cloaked.

Hello Eve Community & CCP,

I’ve been playing Eve Online for a good number of years, since 2005, I’ve watched the game evolve, change, and grow, however there is one component to the game that doesn’t seem to have any growth at all, of course I’m talking about cloaking.

Within the game there are counters to everything, it’s a game of rock paper scissors, there are modules, strategies and techniques that will allow you to counter just about every mechanic.

Speedy enemy > webber
Warping enemy > disruptor
MJD enemy > scrammer
High resist enemy > use another damage type
Safespot > combat probes
Cloaking> ?

You get the picture… there are ways to counter just about everything in Eve.

But with Cloaking… there is no counter play, no auto log off feature for AFK pilots, no method of decloaking someone without flying close to them and I see this as a problem, it renders them invulnerable for an unlimited amount of time, combine that with Black Ops bridging or lighting a cyno and you have given an invulnerable ship one of the most powerful tools/weapons in the game that can be used at any time without warning.

Now I understand that a cloaking alt is essentially free money for CCP as it requires Omega for a character that does almost nothing all day except making the odd drop, but there needs to be a counter to it in the game, a way to hunt that ship that can quite literally log on after downtime once a day and sit in hostile space providing intel and perfect ganking opportunities for unsuspecting pilots with no effective counter to those particular ships.

I think there is a simple and viable solution to cloak camping the game already in the heat mechanic, if you made cloaks overheat after a period of time and burn out if left on it would force players to decloak to repair the module to sustain the cloak, this would open a window up for people to probe/scan down the ship, or alternately you could introduce a ship variant designed to find cloaking vessels and bring in an entirely new mechanic… the possibilities are there.

So I’m asking the question, can we please have an in game counter to the cloaking mechanic?


FYI: all cloaky camping discussions are being held in one thread:


That thread is 3 years old, 5000 answers strong and clearly there as a strong position on the topic from the community and yet nothing has been done to change the game mechanic?

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Because it’s nothing but crybabies whining about how they can’t run anomalies completely afk. This isn’t a problem. This is just you being a coward.

Besides, CCP doesn’t pay attention to these forums. You’ll have better feedback by making a post over on r/eve.


I would say the changes to cynosural field generators were meant to address the concern to an extent CCP thought reasonable.

Cloaked ships are generally fairly weak in a stand up fight, must be of a fairly specific skill intensive and somewhat costly type to cyno in help, and all cloaking devices require omega accounts requiring a person who wants to interdict a system this way to pay for the privilege. Many of us think the counter is a show of force that leaves the cloaker with little option but to stay that way if they want to keep their ship and to otherwise carry on with business as usual to prove they’re not affecting you enough to make the practice worthwhile.

Opinions differ, of course, which is why the cloak topic has 5000 posts and isn’t even the first of its kind. It is a hot topic that has been debated to death. We confine it to a single thread so that we don’t drag down the whole forum with rehashed arguments that have gone full circle hundreds of times already.

1 Like i think OP is mad they got smartbombed on a gate by cloaky mach.


Yeah, the counterplay to cloaked enemies is to get closer to them. Why don’t you just go towards where they last cloaked?

The answer to counter afk cloaking… Undock


Cloaking>cant fight