Mike’s position has lately been: if you are in space you should be at risk, thus cloaks are broken because this is not true when you are at a safe, and cloaked and AFK (or even ATK).
As has been pointed out numerous times, that if a player is at a safe, is cloaked, and is either AFK or ATK they can only maintain that degree of safety that Mike finds so objectionable by staying at that safe and cloaked–i.e. by rendering themselves totally impotent.
Undeterred Mike then complained: well that means that the cloaked player has the initiative. The response was, “Yes, working as intended.” Cloaks are designed to let players penetrate deep into enemy territory and do “Bad Things”. But of course, local pretty much prevents sneaking around. When this objection is raised, Mike is simply un-phased and hand-waves it aside with a pronouncement, “This is about cloaks not local,” as if he only his pronouncements carry weight. The reality is that Mike realizes that (AFK) cloaking and local are inextricably linked. Nobody is going to AFK cloak for any other purpose than a quick bio and/or run to the fridge.
Further, many of us have basically said more or less the following, “Remove local, put in something like the Observatory Array that allows players to regain some of local’s functionality and yes, we can also look at changing cloaks.” Such as making it possible to scan a cloaked this down.
People also point out that if a player who is ratting or mining “does it right”–i.e. watches local and is aligned, and has local open and even an intel channel–then they to have the near perfect safety that Mike is complaining about. That only those who are “doing it wrong” are the ones who get caught and killed. I personally have even said, “Fine, a player doing it right,” should not be punished. So he gets away. But that kind of safety, like AFK cloaking, makes the game boring. Again suggesting a change to both local and cloaks.
Mike thinks he as “refuted” this position. He hasn’t. He simply hand waves it way and engages in nonsensical distractions such as this,
So much for being at risk in space right? No, lets change cloaks that will absolutely and unequivocally buff local and the survivability for people ratting and mining. More safety for Mike, less for those trying to shoot him.
And too deflect the obvious reply from Mike…
No, I am not advocating more safety for me and less for Mike or anyone else ratting. I prefer the status quo until the OA can be introduced. As such, there would be precisely zero change for ratters or cloakers.