Make Concord Nerf Damage % In Highsec

now the solution si to fly cloaky AND 2s align
That is, astero.

Sadly astero won’t survive 2-3 sets of large smartbombs… you need sub 2s warp, cloak AND a cruiser level of tank.

11k ehp
[Astero, *transport LS]
Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure
Warp Core Stabilizer I
Damage Control II
Type-D Restrained Nanofiber Structure

Republic Fleet Medium Shield Extender
EM Ward Amplifier II
Thermal Dissipation Amplifier II
5MN Y-T8 Compact Microwarpdrive

Covert Ops Cloaking Device II

Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II
Small Core Defense Field Extender II

this fit can handle 3 sb (3* 8* 375 = 9000 ). Plus, you can warp to ping before going to gate. Plus, if you are cloaked the SB will have a harder time timing them SB.

Why should it be OK to fly around with 5 billion worth of anything that could be used in a war effort to help fight me?
It shouldn’t. And I am glad for it.

If you can’t look at the bigger picture and see why it should never be ok you wont understand the rest of my post. So i wont post it. Have a good evening.

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Just offer CONCORD escort badges in the NES store for 50 plex each. Everybody wins!!

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Using an alt char for any suizidal ganking activity is an exploit in my opinion. An alt char is meant to be as an option to try different life styles for one player.
To use an alt char just to suizide it again and again until the down limit of standing is reached has nothing to do with any role play or something like this and is only meant for ganking without getting penalty to the main character.
You gankers should use your main charakter for ganking, I’m pretty sure you would stop this stupid method of making money pretty soon. There are hundreds of very interestings in EVE to do, why do people just hang around an wait for someone ganking? I would fall asleep in front of my monitor to do such boring stuff.

Anyway, it is a major leak in balance, that gankers got almost no penalty for those destructive actions.

All the best


Suicide ganking/piracy is a life style and a career even.

And how is that any different than using an alt to do FW so your main doesn’t get take a hit in standings? In fact, why stop there, why not ask for standing penalties to apply to all three characters when doing storyline missions?

But hey that might actually inconvenience you, so I’m sure you won’t go for it.

But on the off chance that you would…still no. The entire point of other characters is, as you yourself put it, to play other game styles and/or branch out into different careers with different pilots. If each character across an account took all consequences from all other actions taken with the other pilots of those accounts, the extra characters would quickly become useless. It would break the game from the top down in ways you haven’t stopped to consider.

And it still wouldn’t address your problem with gankers because it’s entirely possible, and even preferred to run a ganker by themselves on an account so you can mutli-box them with other 1-ganker-pilot-accounts. So all you’d do is heavily inconvenience yourself with shared consequences, ruin everybody else’s game, crater subscriptions, and not even put a dent into your perceived problem. Bravo sir.

Entirely possible some do. I did for a while.

That is possibly the most un-EvE thing I have ever witnessed.

  • If it makes money, why stop it?
  • If it makes money, why is it stupid?
  • It IS one of the very interesting things to do in EvE and you are not an arbiter of what is or is not valid gameplay.
  • Because it makes money and denies enemies warfare material to be used against you.
  • What you do or do not find interesting, engaging, or boring is inconsequential to the game.

No, it’s entirely the point of the game. What very little viability there is left for piracy and other “bad guy” behavior in EvE, where the entire point of the game is you get to decide how you want to play, does not need further nerfs. A quick reminder, a constant clamor for nerfs is what brought on many of your very complaints. The whole killrights thing and security status hit mean that you have to dedicate a pilot to attempt it. The high HP amounts of ships, the recent hull buff, and quick Concord response times mean that you have to put together a dedicated team of knowledgeable, disciplined, ruthless, resourceful, and dedicated people before you can even start it, which forces out smaller groups and pushes it to the brink of a niche activity.

Keep raising the bar to push out casuals and all you’re left with is the dedicated and elite bunch. If it seems easy, it’s because people like you made it impossible for anyone except the best to undertake it.


Khan Wrenth, obviosly you believe that your opinion is more important than my one. No need any further comment.

That is very much true. Having account wide sanctions for ganking would be a bad idea. However, the consequences of ganking are pretty much non existent at the moment. If you make enough money out of an alt to Inject the skills necessary for the next alt, there are no consequences at all.

Make Profit
Biomass Character if at -5 or below
use the profit to inject the skills needed for the next alt

The only consequence is the 5 minutes it takes to make a new character. Alpha’s and injectors were a big buff to ganking playstyle and it is, as it stands, free of consequences. I feel that is bad design and it does make high sec a lot more dangerous as a result.

Ganking shouldn’t be made harder, but it should have actual consequence (again).

Yeah… this isn’t a thing. Gankers generally have no problem operating at -10, and for the ones that do want to remove the consequences of low security status, it is still much cheaper to buy tags and repair security status that way then to extract SP and make a new alt. For example, it is about 270M ISK to repair your security status from -10 to -2, while a single skill extractor, which can only move 500k SP, is 340M ISK.

Alpha accounts were no buff to gankers. Suicide ganking relies heavily on alt accounts, and aside for some special cases like Burn Jita where a bunch of people get together for a one-time thing, they aren’t used by gankers who need to have simultaneous accounts logged in to deal with scouting, looting, bumping and bringing large amounts of DPS. A single alpha account can’t gank anything of significance, and even if they did, would be hamstrung by being unable to loot it without logging out and back into another character.

I will agree though the skill extractors were a very significant buff to gankers. It was also a very significant buff to industrialists like multibox miners or PI farmers who like to run many characters but only need them to have a set amount of skill points. For gankers, it means they can run as many accounts as their computer and reaction time permit by training the gank alts to 5.5M SP and SP farming them to pay for the omega status.

This buff to multiboxing has probably increased the gap between established players and newer ones instead of closing it by acting as a catch-up mechanism as CCP seems to have intended. Veterans now have easy access to armies of miners and ratters and gankers they can use to outcompete, or blow up, newer players who lack the capital for such power multipliers, and for a while there, even were getting free ISK on top of this as the SP were worth more than the PLEX.

Skill extractors have also made the game harder to balance in general, invalidating the previous time gates that keep OP ships and equipment from quickly dominating the meta. And yes, this ease of running cheap low-SP alts has had the unintended side effect of making multibox ganking more accessible. It was a bold move, that increased CCP’s monetization of the game significantly, but a cost to game balance which the developers have not been especially successful at dealing with.

I’m not sure what “consequences” you think are appropriate. You reach -5 pretty quickly being a criminal. And an outlaw is free-to-shoot and is chased by NPCs endlessly to they point they can’t do anything but move around quickly in fast aligning ships, and shoot someone for a few seconds every 15 minutes. I can’t think of any more consequences that would still allow them to still operate other than just increasing the ISK costs somehow by making CONCORD react faster or industrial EHP higher, or Clone Soldier tags drop less to make them more expensive.

But before I would support that, I would need to see some actual data that ganking is a problem or is increasing significantly, and these complaints aren’t just the expected whining from people who don’t like losing their stuff. Looking at CONCORD kills may be imperfect, but if anything, criminal activity seems to be decreasing, not going up since SP injectors or alpha accounts:

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Suicide ganking is a lifestyle
-10 sec status is a lifestyle
Being a bad guy is a lifestyle

That’s a bannable offense…

Says who?

Alt characters are just extra characters. There is no meaning behind them beyond that.

Want to do twice as much industry jobs? Make an alt. Extra pi networks? Make an alt. Be in two places at once? Make an alt. And that’s before we get into multi-boxing with several accounts.

The server cannot tell the difference between extra players and alts. It’s all the same. You’ve just made a very bad assumption.

So? So what?

Players use alts to increase income. Avoid wardecs. Spy and deceive players. Avoid killrights. Scam other players etc

Standing and security status changes are the least of your worries.

On the contrary. The penalties are such that only an alt with no purpose other than to gank can endure a career in ganking. And there are only a few hardcore groups that do it at any large scale now.

It used to be a casual thing more people did on the weekend. It’s how some people would end a roam so everyone, not just those that had been killed during the roam, would lose their ship and take the pod express home.

Don’t smoke anymore of that, it seems to be affecting your judgement.

Thanks for educating me (to the guy that told me it’s a bannable offense too!). Kinda makes the whole problem a lot worse though. :frowning:

I too agree that Alphas and Injectors were a serious buff to almost any activity too, not just ganking, but I don’t really care about any monetization metric for this topic. Ganking can make tons of profits or no profit at all, so I think it would be hard to find common ground, ISK-wise.

Well, I have no rock solid idea on that tbh, but “Gank people in Highsec and then be forced to rat for a given ammount of time if you want to get back good again” always seemed like a reasonable punishment (make up for your sins, essentially). That is circumvented with profitable ganks nowadays, so it’s no real consequence for professional gankers.

If biomassing a char with -5 is indeed bannable, then you can’ t really circumvent the consequences either, which would be a good thing if you ask me.

I really think it should be hard to get back on good tracks with the empire and not just something that you do with a flick of the finger. I mean, I am at -10 with Gal/Minmatar on my main and fixing that is not an easy nor convenient task. Why do gankers have the priviledge to have this easymode? :frowning:

Well, Jita is still the most hostile system in new eden. However, I tend to agree that most people exxagerate this topic. I don’t really care how many of them get ganked or not, but I think that secstatus and empire standing are quite similar and I dislike the fact that one side has a significantly easier time making up for it than the other side.

For reference, this is the faction standing repair plan:

and it’s a ton of effort, especially when you are below -5 after socialskills (such as me). There is a huge difference in consequence when you need to spent a ton of playtime vs a few isk that you made from ganking, especially with derived standings vs SecStatus.

Very few career gankers are bothered by their low sec status. There isn’t much point in rebuilding it just to tank it after a few days again. And kill rights will often mean even if they aren’t -5 they will be attacked by someone at some point.

They live life as -10. Flying small ships only and being global targets 24/7.

The guy that tried to gank me (wasn’t even successful) and forgot that lost his orca.

But those are bad people, they don’t really count.


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