March 2018 Release - Known Issues & Reporting

xmpp is not a super new technology. How can such a sh*t happen?
as if you had not even tested it before!

and how can such a stupid bug be open for so long? please role back the chat system… OR FIX THE NEW ONE! JESUS!

EVE forever? Well … not like that…

@CCP_Falcon I see you rather talk to guys on Reddit …

…than here on own forums. Charming…

What I love in the Dev Blog is this: 'In the short term, this change should not affect you at all - if we did it right then you will hardly notice a change.’ Yea, should not notice any change except all my channels and local does not work right anymore. Then posting this there is the phrase: ‘Does your reply improve the conversation in some way?’ Boy, I would really like to know what PR firm CCP is hiring these days from all their blunders. Yes, I am a bittervet and after 12 years of continuous blunders like this, might actually be time to un-sub. No, you can’t have my stuff - you can buy it from me though.

  • I like Local chat, so do alot of other people. Let’s get it back to normal.
  • I pay to play this game, so I expect some reimbursement for all the downtime. If this game was free to play, then CCP you can spend all the time you want messing things up and doing QA testing during the deployment.
  • When an update is made, test it out before you deploy it.
  • Be more transparent in what is happening, what went wrong, and more importantly, what is being done to fix it. This is a service I pay for.

If I might add a point to that list:

  • Heed actual player feedback.

Btw (off-topic) Bob Salvatore rocks!

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Hi, yesterday when i log in i did not seen any local, corp , militia channels . I posted here some text . today when i log in , i see same problem , CCP did not solved the problem with chats , i dont see any opinion how to get back that chat list , what should i do , i cannot play without chats

when you guys will repair that issue ?

Option solutions to the problem with locale

  1. Close the game and launcher
  2. erase all files and folders in “My documents\ EVE \ logs”
  3. Run the game
    I have this solved the problem with the locals.
    Operability was tested additionally.

Hey Slava, they will be there but the tabs will be hidden. Local is likely to be at the front of the stack though and you will need to pull it out again. Expand out the overall chat window that has reset to the bottom left (as if you were a new account) and you should still see them there.

It seems no (or at least partial) local is a thing.

I currently have an alt in lowsec docked in a station that has 3 players in it, yet local only shows 2 of them.

Well that’s interesting. While I was typing this one of the others logged out. He still appears in local but not in station (or in system)

Ok now this is just getting annoying, I just logged my alt out and it is still showing in corp chat and local of the system i logged it out in…

Is there a way to tell who is actually in a system, local chat is no longer any help.

hi, i already did that everything boys , cleaned cash, logs , this all did not help , in game i can not invite ppl to conversation , i still dont see any chats , i cant create or join to chats , WTF

what should i do , reinstal eveonline , that hurts , its about 48 hours i cant play eveonline …

Well as an indy guy not knowing who is in local has made my playing more stressful than normal :slight_smile: I only see ships when they are jumping a gate. I assume there are others with the same issue? Well this has put paid to playing today …

Any news on local chat fix after latest DT?

For now, it seems to work…

Are you sure about that? ©

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convo fixed ( need to type into the blank screen to actually invite the person)

jumping thru gates cause lags

When will chat functionality be restored? I have a Moon fracked, it needs mining, and I can’t mine without local and intel channels working properly.

I think that there is another problem with suicide ganking other than self-destruct removes criminal timer.

freighter ganked at gate by t1 catalysts doing up to 50k damage? that doesn’t sound legit

my alt sec status -1.4 was attacked by caldari customs in perimeter, I thought that only happened at -2.0 or below. Don’r ever remember this happening before today

edit - a word

What is the chat functionality? What is loсals? Who needs him? There are more important things - :rofl:

Local in Jita NOW. Goons lagged in their home. No have normally works standing now. 50% neuts in home. SERVER WORKS FINE??

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