Massive decrease of my personal fun and playtime

This is not a bad thing. Spending less time in eveonline and spending more time in more important things irl is much better.

If the activity only counted as fun because of the income level, I suspect it isn’t actually fun. Otherwise you would still be having fun - but be disappointed that your rewards for an activity you enjoy have been reduced. There is a significant difference in those scenarios.

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Most activities derive their fun from the reward you get for the time invested. Reward doesn’t mean ISK, could be also killmails, loot, good fights, chat with people, make a fit work better, solve a complex puzzle, …

… hence if a nerf reduces rewards for an activity or remove that activity all together, people have to find something else.

That’s why I’m advocating to have a list at CCP with all the existing playstyles, and each change shall be checked against that list. The minimum I would like is that CCP knows about, what players do and enjoy, and why.


And let’s not forget that many people lump can’t even distinguish between “fun” and “satisfaction”, wrongly believing it’s the same.

I think to make that difference in a game is a moot point. A lot of stuff is technically unfun (constantly probing for targets, cloaky camping, roaming around) but can lead to satisfaction with a killmail / lucky loot drop. Then the whole session can be considered fun or worth doing, as you forget the tedious 2h roaming without seeing anybody.

It’s not a moot point at all.

Fun is something you’re having while doing something, and lasts only until you’re done …
… and satisfaction is what you feel after putting work into something and succeeding, reaching beyond the activity itself.

Satisfaction does not require fun …
… and fun does not guarantee feelings of satisfaction.

One does not feel satisfied having lost everything after two hours of poker …
… but it could have been a fun session anyway.

One does feel satisfied after winning a lot after hours of playing poker …
… but the session did not necessarily have to be fun.

What’s the point in having a discussion, when people don’t even know the words they’re using?

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Unfortunately you have been bait-and-switched into playing a game that was never intended to be, but existed only because the amateur chucklefuck devs who were making this game from 2014-2018 drove it into the dirt ground in an attempt to transform it into some sort of sci-fi Second Life farming sim. The soul was well and truly sucked right out and the game left with all the vim and verve of a 95 year old dementia patient.

Of course the usual fanbois defended the thing with their lives the entire time, claiming that nothing at all was wrong with the game, despite the gameplay being as exciting as necking 2 and a half valium, and if any metric was heading down then “IT WAS ONLY ISBOXER BOTS LEAVING”.

In a pure stoke of luck the original creator logged back in, due to having time on his hands after the complete failure of his VR fixation, and found what a grotesque monstrosity his brainchild had become, and cracked the whip over the inadequate subordinates in an attempt to finally salvage something of the original vision. And on the very low chance they accomplish this, and if you stick around, you can glimpse something of when the game used to be good. We’re talking about CCP here, so it is a very small chance.


That’s pretty much all true, and downright poetic.

CCP really screwed up the game about half a decade ago with supercap proliferation-focused null-sec gameplay, Crimewatch, easy access to fast and loose money and resources that crashed the economy, citadels, etc.

I only came back this year after a hiatus because I noticed how they’re trying to pick up the pieces.

Now, if they truly want EVE to shine again, they need to focus on low-sec and FW, fix POCO-fest trash wars, and stop treating us like children with daily login campaigns.

CCP, it’s time to restore agency to the players, instead of herding them through a narrow corridor. Let us write our own stories, and find our own items, instead of trying to shoehorn us through your holiday content.

It’s fun for me if I will not see anybody in a system.

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Solstice only you want others to leave but maybe you are the one that needs to leave. Without carebears who is going to supply the Markets or did you want that to be NPC?

You saying good buy to miners, inventors and builders. Who do you think farms the stuff you requrie for all that crap we as pvpers consume on a daily basis.

I do both but if CCP doesnt want subscriptions of both then why dont you let them say it rather than you man splaning to everyone.

Ah, the ol’ “who will build your ships for you?” thing.

Chu-Ann, do feel free to examine the latest Monthly Economic Report. You might find it interesting.


I think there is a difference for being Career PVE players and being a carebear. Carebear has a lots of meaning. Whining most of the time can also be referred as a carebear (whining pvper’s included) or I rather use the term Cry Bears.


The drone change is the the best. I always love to sit and wait for my BS to lock up the frigates after 20 seconds before my drones actually do anything. And now they shoot the drones if they are out orbiting me before I can even use them. The best part of the game just got better then ever!

And they use carebear-logic, like believing people who PvP all exclusively PvP …
… because they themselves only ever exclusively PvE.

So they believe they’re super important, because “we build your ships and modules” …
… because obviously no one but a carebear does that, right? lol

Btw, isn’t it fascinating how pretty much all of them always try to use the same arguments, just like she does now?

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I believe the reasoning behind that is that PvPers are low-brow and unintelligent, and are unable to perform “intellectual” functions such as engaging in industry, calculating yields, and managing supply chains. Also, PvPers have psychological issues, and are unable to engage in hard, honest work.

Hello, I’m sort of a krab. I thought industry was to make stuff smaller so you don’t need to haul that much. What is that calculating part you speak off?

What you’re writing here is just their rationalizations in front of what’s actually going on in their minds.

They’re projecting themselves onto everyone else …
… because they lack both empathy and the ability to question themselves and their actions.

In their worlds everyone’s more of less the same. Like them.
Never forget where most carebears actually come from.

They’re being raised into a system where they have to obey …
… where they’re not allowed to express their honest feelings …
… and where they’re constantly being protected and shielded from physical and emotional pain
… aka any hardships and actual real life experience.

Both physical and emotional pain are important factors when growing up.
They build your character and teach you about your limits.
It’s also where emotional maturity comes from.

Take that away and you get assholes who believe they can do and say whatever they want …
… who believe they’re entitled to everything they want …
… who are so emotionally immature they can’t even handle words
… and who immediately run to daddy/police/big brother/CCP when someone bests them.

All the words they use are just them trying to make sense of what’s going on.

In their worlds they’re not powerless, helpless, emotionally immature weaklings.
In their world they’re the flawless, skillful heros they play in all these MMOs made for manchilds.

I don’t know man, I think they might be right for once. I’m a sick little puppy. At work, I automate everything I can, because even thinking about doing all that stuff manually makes me physically sick, but the rest of them look up at me from their paper documents and tape calculators, and think that I’m some kind of witch doctor. And if you put me behind a mining barge or tell me to run a level 4, I’ll probably stroke out within minutes. Whenever I play EVE, it’s like that final scene in Fight Club where the buildings are exploding, looping over and over again in front of my eyes. I know that I’m not normal, at least by common social standards, and I am a PvPer, so…

I argue against most things that carebears say, e.g. practical economic impacts, target demographics, etc., but this is one topic in which I don’t particularly engage.

Battleships are larger than compressed ore.

I raised that point before but some null person threw a tantrum right away. Dread fits into two DSTs when stuff is compressed. Ore compression is a thing on its own however.