keep this nonsense out of my thread. thanks.
Any by nonsense, i mean “offensive and insulting to christians and catholics.”
Have your faith, by all means, but keep the antropomorphic ones out.
I read it all.
I actually thought it was pretty funny.
There were phases though…
…wait, is this serious? no way is this serious. If it is that’s funny in it’s own right…
…oh. Satire. Awesome!..
giggles were had, shits were shared.
life is good.
on a side note I was informed of my bad person status once again just minutes ago by a disgruntled bear.
It made my morning. No mining barges were harmed in the making of this post, only the pride of one megathron pilot.
C’mon the trolls obvious now, nobody is this deluded surely. You’re like a not famous eve/ag version of Alex Jones. lljk ryt?
recalibrate your sarcasm detector.
give it a wiggle and a slap and everything will be fine again.
either that or it’ll spew happy fluids all over you.
Either way it’s a win.
Glad to see I’ve managed to get conversation…of a sort. You guys are stable right? This is painful to see, but I can’t look away.
Finally I know where that tattoo came from… I should stop drinking so much…
Praise the Volcano
That was an absolutely excellent post. You should think about joining CODE. lol.
Trying to explain to these people the difference between The New Order, The New Halaima Code Of Conduct, and The CODE. Alliance is futile.
That’s cute…you looked up a word. Keep trying bro!
Purgatory, and the 10 commandments you should look at sometime. Stop offending …mostly everyone.
Holeysheet at it again.
I’ll not dignify that. But wait, on what grounds do you base this?
Your mission, CODE, should you choose to accept: Eliminate bots and bot-aspirants in FW LP-farming sites. There is no FacPo there, so the miscreant offenders cannot hide under their protection. The job might require more than Catalysts and Thrashers, but that shouldn’t be a problem at all.
What a
And you’re
Do you ever think the mods get tired of having to continuously ban your alts?
Surely you’re mad that CODE. agents are having fun in the game while you’re banned?
You’re confused. I have no idea what you’re basing your hair brain assumptions on. Perhaps you’re just a troll I suppose. It doesn’t matter either way to me. You seem consumed however.
I write fiction and fly spaceships. I don’t “meta” or let emotions affect my gameplay as obviously they do yours.
oh hi Holeysheet1
we missed you so much since your last alt got banned yesterday…
I think you 2 need some time together. Who is that? Keep the crowd entertained?
I never properly answered, so here goes…
Do notice @Deep-Fried_OnionRings that you’re the only one (again, how convenient) that tries to derail this wonderful thread
I like them, as I also happen to be one of them (who knew!)
it’s a normal human behaviour, the strong lead the weak
No greater good ever spawned from player created content
I got ganked twice, once by CODE. and one very recently in Jita (for got to use my instadock bm and paid with an empty ship heh).
I might have for the first one, I was still a goofus back then
“spouting” is sometimes required to add life where only silence reigns
Education is the best thing a gankee can ask for
Always, because why lose billions if you can lose none?
cough cough Holeysheet1 and his alts cough cough
the insults make it so much cuter :3
It’s a beautiful dream, but there will always be goofus to bring negativity in the world
@yellow_parasol hopefully this answers some things
wtf is that??! TL;D
Are you ok?
Maybe call someone…