[The MHE Industries logo fades to Viverina standing at a podium that has been erected on a raised dais in front of the wall bearing the photographs, holoimages, and small personal belongings of refugees and survivors searching for loved ones]
Viverina begins solemnly, “The crisis in Kahah needs no introduction. There are millions of casualties and millions more continue to suffer throughout the system. And yet their individual cries of anguish and stories of agony have yet to penetrate into the hearts of those who can put an end to this madness. In my last address, I said that every voice deserved to be heard and that every story deserved to be told. I stand by my commitment and it is for that reason that I am proud to announce the launch of MHE Industries’ ‘Tales of Kahah’ Broadcast Service.”
“This Broadcast Service has two missions. Firstly, to be the mouthpiece for which refugees and survivors can make known their individual stories of suffering, as a media outlet for war correspondents and journalists that brave the conditions on the ground and in space, and to serve as a repository and archive to preserve the record of all those that this tragedy has touched. Secondly, the Broadcast Service will function as a network for the propagation of information to spread awareness of the suffering and unabated atrocities taking place in Kahah. Once the crisis has been resolved, the Broadcast Centers will become memorials honoring those who have lost their lives in this conflict.”
“The ‘Tales of Kahah’ Broadcast Service achieves its second mission through its network of MHE-sponsored Broadcast Stations that have been established throughout New Eden. Content is generated by a Production Studio established above Kahah III, which is then transmitted via fluid router to the Broadcast Stations. The information is then downloaded into a ‘master-copy’ holoreel for high-security systems, copies of which are distributed to local outlets, broadcast regularly on local frequencies, and disseminated into downloadable form onto local servers. Low-security systems, at this time, have ‘hard-copy’ holoreels on a case by case basis.”
“As of this announcement, every system in the Khanid Kingdom has a ‘Tales of Kahah’ Broadcast Center enfranchised at every star and temperate planet, with the exception of Khanid Prime, where three additional Broadcast Centers were established at the stations owned and operated by Khanid Innovation and Khanid Works. As an exception to the exception, a total of five “Tales of Kahah” Broadcast Centers were deployed in the system of Zirsem—at the star and Zirsem V, as well as at the three stations controlled and operated by Khanid Transport and the Royal Khanid Navy. We also ensured that one thousand copies of holoreels were available specifically for the Broadcast Center above Zirsem V.”
“In total, over the last ten hours, 175 individual broadcasting or production centers of the “Tales of Kahah” Broadcast Service were deployed throughout the Khanid Kingdom. Naturally, denizens of the Khanid Kingdom will now have firsthand and unfettered access to the stories of the refugees and survivors of Kahah—a service that MHE Industries provides free of charge. An additional eight units have been deployed in Yulai to provide a direct communications link and supporting local communications infrastructure specializing in news and information pertaining to the crisis in Kahah to the Inner Circle and other CONCORD Divisions.”
“I would like to thank the crew of my Crane Tales of Kahah and staff for the hard work they put in over the last ten hours and to Thaila Lemrenoy, CEO of MHE Industries, for entrusting me with this responsibility. I would also like to add that due to the volume of Broadcast Centers, the Service enjoys numerous redundancy contingencies in the event one or more Centers is brought offline. Nonetheless, we will work to maintain the network until this crisis is resolved.”
“As of this announcement, the Service is live,” Viverina looks straight into the camera, “May the truth set you free.”
[The MHE Industries logo re-materializes and provides a schedule of upcoming broadcasts. The very first is about a little girl named Meisha and her sister Anena.]