Mike Azariah for CSM 15

I am waiting for a time when a Pearl Abyss actually makes an appearance at the summit. Preferably somebody with pull and not a PR rep looking for a story to peddle.



Well then I hope PA does that soon™ and you are at that summit as a CSMer. Perhaps you should brush up your Korean language a bit. :wink:

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Text is a difficult medium to express a lack of seriousness in a statement - as I mentioned in my last post, it was a facetious statement. I don’t seriously expect anyone in the CSM to MAKE CCP give us deeper lore that will make our eyes bug out more than when we found out that the Talocan created Anoikis.

…Although I wish they WOULD (plz Mike, lore is our water and I am such a thirsty flower).

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Tell you what

What I will do, if elected, is try to find out the channel/route lore takes. If it originates with ISD does it go back through a Dev or two? Do they wait for a call for some new story arc or are there always stories waiting to see the light of day?



Uh. Well, you had my vote already, but yeah. That would be pretty neat.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

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You already have my vote too, but if you could do this that would be amazing. While I am far from a lore/RP fanboi, I have read many of the Chronicles and would love to see more of them added over time. Anything that helps to build up the backstory for New Eden would be a huge plus to me. Particularly with all of this triglavian stuff going on, what do the average citizens of the cluster think about it? How do they respond?

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You got my vote. We need to make sure that Carebears (or semi - carebears) have a voice on the CSM.

As for “buying” my vote with those BPCs… shhh I won’t tell if you won’t

Keep the Care Bears in the fight for some semblance of what makes us Care Bears :-}

OH and where do I go to vote for you?


I’m pretty sure Mike isn’t the “carebear” candidate. He is the newbro candidate.


Lol, you know I never bring up election stuff when driving the Bus. One does not connect with the other for me.

A couple of weeks before elections time, a day or so before they announce who made it onto the ballot and who screwed up and forgot some critical step.

But I hope you do vote, all of yas.

Can I not be both? And MORE?



So long as you fight against sun glare, you can be whatever you want.

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Mike this game is better with you in it. There are probably a lot of people that stayed after the initial “Oh my God, why is everybody shooting at me?” moments, because you are in rookie chat offering gentle, but firm guidance to newbs.

Those players that stay wind up in every corner of New Eden, not just Hi-Sec.

Just a 90day rookie, but ya got my vote.


Three endorsements, one curse but no questions needed… glad to see you running again, good luck Mike :parrotdad:


A vote for Mike is a vote for bringing new players into the game and helping them stay here. More players means more ships in space, which means more content for everyone.

I’m voting for Mike.


Rookie Help is like a tsunami flood, my respect to everyone trying to be of help there, especially volunteers like Mike.


Let me say a bit about helping. In Eve it is often different than what you might expect.

I was on the CSM when the This is Eve trailer came out. https://youtu.be/uqoxRcP5kbo if you do not remember it or haven’t seen it. The flood of new players as a result of that trailer was phenomenal. So some of us stepped in to help, Sugar Kyle, Steve Ronuken and others were there with me in Rookie Help Chat. ISD were getting hammered as were Devs and GMs.
Eventually the flood water retreated but I had been there and seen the holes in the NPE. I pushed for them to be fixed, on some of the points I am still pushing.

That is one kind of help, answering questions. Another is pushing for change on pain points. But the one I wanted to mention today is the help of letting a player know that their ships are expendable. That bad things happen and that it is part of the game, not an option, not a PvP flag. You are not safe nor should you be.

“I lost my ship”

We answer with ‘Welcome to Eve’ or ‘Well done, what did you learn?’

Loss is part of the game. We encourage them to read, to listen, and to do their research. We provide links to articles, videos (some of them mine that I have made to answer specific questions) But we always encourage them to get back up, get back in the game.

Help is not just answering questions and it is absolutely not just giving them stuff. It is teaching them to do for themselves, showing them the starting steps then sending them on a variety of paths. Because Eve does not have one path, it does not have one right way to do things.

Same goes for the CSM. We NEED a lot of differing voices, paths, as it were. We need people who live in all parts of the game, do all sorts of activities. Not a common chorus of answers as a unified block but a group who will each bring their own perspective to the table.

I only hope that you will let me be one of those voices at the table.



Well said.

I was asked one time by a pilot “Why did you blow up my ship?” I answered “I am just playing the game”. I asked him what he did wrong, and how he thought he could do better. He realized that he could have avoided the situation himself. I wound up replacing his ship, not because I felt bad for him, but because I felt good for him.

Always get my vote Mike!


That right there explains why the #1 slot on my ballot is reserved for an M. Azariah.


I and My 2 Game Sister Support Mike With Ships ( at reduced Cost ) Modules ( again at reduced cost) and a friend to Him. we try to Help him so he can do the Bus and deliver good Ships to the New Players. I visit Rookie help because Mike is there and to try and help the Rookie. My Game Sister do the same. Mike is one of the few People In Game that I trust!!! That turst is earned . Mike has Earned it and Happy to say I trust Him IRL too.


just my 2 cents, but I think anybody who votes for mike, even if he doesn’t win a spot, should donate at least 500k isk to the Magic School Bus.

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Mike Azariah is #SPACEPRINCESSAPPROVED and will be on my ballot as well <3