Mike Azariah for CSM 15


You always have my vote.

When you are in Iceland, can you do me a small favor?
Can you please pressure CCP put EVE Voice back in the game?

When working in the help chat and trying to get info to 4 or 5 brand new players, the last thing they want to hear is … " You have a download something else".

Maybe, two favors…

Thank them for the Pointer Tool. Best thing for us helpers.

One last thing…

Pat yourself on the back… Thank you for the School Bus!



One of the reasons Eve Voice was underused is if you disconnected from the game you also could not tell the rest of your fleet. Having all the comm eggs in one basket was considered counterproductive when push came to shove. Even when it was in the game I seldom saw it in use in incursions fleets, for example, or in small gang roams.

Now I welcome the counterpoint to this but if it is a point of failure that most players chose to avoid then I doubt that I would have much use selling it as something Eve should chase again.

Oh hell, yes. THAT one is a Godsend and I suspect I know exactly who to thank.



Hi, I’m not sure you remember me, or will read this, but I have been helped by you before. you are a pretty chill guy and I would love to see what you’d bring to the CSM. I am pretty happy to see that you are committed to being the character you set out to be, even to the point where you’d write a blog in RP.

Good luck, and fly safe.

Altreus Galvinam


Haven’t you done enough to ruin the game already?

Please stop running.

I don’t know Mike,

Ships automatically get dropped from fleet upon disconnection. The excuse that 3rd party voice apps allow you to inform fleet members you’ve disconnected isn’t the reason why there’s no more Eve Voice. I think it’s more like the current chat system doesn’t have that option available.

Anyway, we used Eve Voice quite a lot in NPC Corp, it was very user friendly and made it real easy to explain things. Players didn’t have to download and use an out of game 3rd party app. Also it had the Voice Modifier aspect that changed the pitch / tone of your voice, definitely a positive aspect for roleplay.


The counterpoint is this: all my initial voice interactions when I started the game were through the ingame voice. I didn’t have to download another program to speak to someone. I didn’t have to sign up on a corp’s website and be authenticated. I didn’t have to hand over “credentials”.

My point is: there was no delay. We (me and whomever) could speak “now”, as in “right now” and not “later.”

My first roams, my first person to person fun and excitement were made possible by the ingame voice. Heck, I hosted a race (high sec start, and ran it through low sec, to a highsec finish) for my corp, and we did it on the ingame voice. We had a party, which was greatly facilitated by this ingame EVE service. We were a small corp with no outside of game infrastructure.

Lots of players start the game knowing no one, using an ingame voice chat gives an air of legitimacy to initial interactions that is not replicated by an out of game voice option, plus it eliminates the hassle of downloading another program when you need “voice”.

Certainly, large organizations have out of game voice for numerous reasons, and those reasons are justified.

But, ingame voice facilitated lots of positive first impressions of the game “on the fly”.

So, I’m going to second this request.

Plus, you got my vote Mike. You, more than most, actually more than practically anyone, understand just how difficult it is to get new players to interact when they start the game. The fact that you’ve kept the “Bus” going, is testimony, pure and simple, to your dedication to the game.

All the best.


See? Now these are both reasonable counterpoints and valid at that.
As an initial tool as opposed to a set one for the larger organisations. THAT I can see, sympathise with and push for.



OK, another commentary post.

This is my version of campaign stuff so you know where I am coming from, how I think, that sort of thing.


I was asked at a live event what we could do to stop the CSM from being politicised. (I think it was @Alekseyev_Karrde who asked but my memory, at times, is fuzzy.) My answer was . . . stop electing politicians.

Now I do want to temper that statement a little in that I do not think all politicians (space or otherwise) are bad but 95% of them give the rest a bad name. I will have @Brisc_Rubal on my ballot and not feel that I am betraying my way of doing things. Just I will be doing them with care and consideration.

A Politician in Eve is someone who has worked his or her way up any one of a few ladders to reach a higher plane than the rest of us. Whether it be FC chops, industry God, Alliance connections, whatever. They worked their way to that point and on the way made contacts, impressions, gathered a following (both good and bad). Some of the threads are full of ‘attaboys’ or ‘oh hell no’. If I do not know the people doing the brickbats and bouquets then it is just noise, to me. Hell some of them could easily be puppet alts, for all we know or a voting brigade organised behind the scenes.

You know, politics.

But some of the recommendations carry weight. There are people whose opinions I trust in this game. When they say someone did good I am much more willing to lend weight to what they say. It is always the personal touch, the word of mouth that means something. That is less politics and more trust that the folks you like may like similar things to you. So talk to your fellow players, talk to your corp mates. Ask if they know who they are voting for and WHY. Because that is the key thing. Are they voting a specific way because they were told to or did they make up their own minds? WHY is very important, to me.

If you don’t know folks? Well that is what these threads are for. So you can get to know the candidates, what they plan on doing, and how. Who they are.

Oh and one other thing about politics is it can get dirty. False accusations or dragging up old truths. It will be up to you to decide what is real and what is ■■■■■■■■. Because that is part of politics as well.

Honestly, that sort of thing makes me laugh, If you are going to accuse me of malfeasance? Pick something believable. The mud has to have a chance to stick, ya know?

Others in this race have faced similar accusations, attacks, some may have that element of truth, others are just muddying the water. If you are going to vote and vote well? You may have to do some reading, thinking for yourself, work. Maybe you should vote for people who will do the same.

Welcome to Eve



Here comes Mike Lasagna’s typical lies.

You are a goon from a goon ballot. You’re not fooling anyone who’ve been around for a decade. No matter how much you pretend to laugh at it, you went along the propagoonda line perfectly every time.

See, already a goon pet not unlike yourself on your ballot. I mean, are you even trying to conceal being a goon there?

If you say something did good, it’s the worst recommendation possible, because everything you’ve done, everything, was bad. Like, literally, in the entire history of CSM since I started looking at it, I have not found anyone more toxic, destructive, and unreasonable than you are. Hell, with all my grrrrrrr, and all the goons who wiped their backsides with CSM material, I still think you are the absolute and unrivaled worst of them all, that gotta mean something.

You don’t need to post your bs. We already know who you are, goon. We’ve seen the result of you being in the position you’ve been, and oooooh, I’d rather have a chimp there than you. A snail. A non-concealed goon. Anything. But. You.

It’s not the result of politics, it’s the result of your actions that you have antagonized anyone wishing eve well to this extent.

You don’t need to do any reading to know how to vote for leet RMT leaks club known as CSM. All you need is stats. You pick most lazy, most tired, least disruptive persons imaginable, so, in their lazyness, we can finally have a entire CSM that can do less harm to the game than Mike Aphasia did alone.

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Okay, so let’s assume that the very worst you accuse is true:

  • He’s a goon plant
  • He’s funded by goons
  • He’s a brainwashed goon who doesn’t know he’s a goon; a goonchurian candidate as it were
  • His ulterior motives are harming the game directly

You had me up to that last point. I could believe the first three about everybody but Chribba, maybe even of Mike. Maybe, hella unlikely, but maybe. This is EVE, after all.

But that last point is the Achilles heel of your entire insane diatribe.

If you spent just one month doing what Mike does with Magic Schoolbus, you’d probably do us all a favor and biomass your characters and win EVE. It’s hard work, and it’s work he does basically by himself, of his own initiative.

I’ve talked to the newbros he has helped. I’ve helped them, too, and I can tell you that Mike Azariah has done more good in the virtual reality and community of this game than most living people have done with their pathetic, distracted lives. Mike has built friendships and joy for other people without ever asking for thanks.

Your opinion is worth less than the paper you wipe your butt with after that assertion. “Harmed the game”?


I have one question for you: Who hurt you @Orca_Platypus?


Yes he did. By a lot.

I mean, he can do whatever he wants now, CSM won’t make anything he does more or less relevant, but we saw him on CSM, and I stand with my opinion, that Mike was one most harmful CSM member in the history of CSM.

If I have to name a second one, that is also easy - that would be Malcanis. The two stooges agreed on everything, of course, both being goon pets, but in pure damage, Mike comes out on top easily.

It must be hard to be this dumb all the time.


When goon pets disagree with you, you’re doing something right.

https://youtu.be/B9FzVhw8_bY I like @malcanis and lumping me in with him always is a compliment, thank you.


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It would help if Platypus knew how to form an argument. His posts are just opinion and bluster.

  1. That’s a hella great song. I love that you posted it here; I recommend it to people all the time and I keep trying to find a reason to use it for a propaganda video.
  2. Don’t feed the troll.
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I think homeskillet holds the monopoly on all tinfoil hat production in the universe.

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Re-subbed to vote for Mike.

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