
That reads more like someone who isn’t a native English speaker.

In other news, James 315 has apparently finished his work with Minerbumping:

I’m no fan of CODE., but I don’t hate them, either. There was a time when my opinion of them was far less sanguine, but I’ve come to accept that they’re part of what makes EvE the game it is; even though I never read Minerbumping beyond a few specific posts, I still feel a little sad about it finally ending.

As for James himself, the man has always impressed me with his writing speed; I can’t even approach his skills in that area without devolving into incoherent, grammatically horrifying gibberish. Seeing how James has consistently managed to crank out thousands of words a day fills me with a sense of awe that is only outstripped by my envy.

I was also pleasantly surprised to see someone post that CODE. happened to cross paths with Chappy’s hauler en route to his birthday bash and, rather than ganking him like they would anyone else, chose to let him pass so that his wish for an epic brawl would come true. Unless I’m seriously misunderstanding something, the order for that came from none other than James himself! Good on him for that!

So, in light of this news, I’d like to ask @James_315 if he feels like talking about…well, pretty much anything, really. I’m mostly curious about what he plans to do now that he’s moved on from writing posts on Minerbumping, but if he wants to chat about anything else in particular then I’m willing to make conversation with him about it as best I am able. If he thinks the forums will attract too much spume and bile from CODE.'s haters, then I’m perfectly fine with talking here or via in-game private message, as well.

I also don’t know how often he looks at these forums, so if @Aiko_Danuja, @Karak_Terrel, @Australian_Excellence, or anyone else who might have his ear could pass on this request, I’d appreciate it.

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