Mining should require more skill

So you are such an intellectual that you think Tetris is beneath you, but you think mining is intellectual exercise?

Hi, sorry if this has already been discussed:

If this happens then players won’t get enough materials to build fast enough which means not enough ships on the market for pvp pilots to have.

Hi Nysta,

Not having a go at you at all, but I actually find it quite insulting when people say mining is done afk.

First of all, i’m a miner as my main career. it’s all i’ve ever done really. Anyway, unless you use bots i dont see how mining can be an afk thing.

in highsec - where i mine, the rocks last a few mins max so you gotta keep switching targets and clickity click. It’s annoying, and yes I maybe get to look away for up to 20-30 seconds maximum at a stretch, but I wouldn’t consider it to be afk. I have to keep a check on things while i’m mining too.

In nullsec it’s a lot harder because you have to worry about intel.

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In Resource War sites asteroids pop at 1/3-1/2 of a miner laser cycle. Well that is a clickity-click. Always on the move, constantly switching targets, manually cycling.

Pretty exhausting if you do it 2+ hours straight. That was hell of a month for a non-miner.

Now that tetris mini-game, I as a non-miner find the idea pretty cool. What if new block comes every (other) cycle, ie every 1-3 minutes. And you could move around last 5 blocks.

Also 3d tetris!

I probably should not even reply to this but I just can’t hold back!

Tetris, Minesweeper!? You must be outta your mind! Wow talk about taking it down a notch! That’s like comparing bubble gum and an exquisite five course meal because you think they are both food.

First off, I like mining! It is a different pace from the rest of the game. It is not for a everyone. There are many things to do in Eve and some of them don’t appeal to all players. Mining is mellow, slow paced, relaxing (well usually), It is distinctly it’s own part of the game. It uses different ships and equipment, it takes place in it’s own places in space, it has its own best practices, and takes it’s own training (some of which has high level requirements).

Look at it differently, it is already a ‘mini’ game inside the rest of the game. It does not need any fixing, if it ain’t broke…

But Tetris and Minesweeper? That would definitely be the last day I would be logging in! The very idea is going to give me nightmares for months. I will probably develop some kind of horrible mental phobia that CCP is currently developing some kind of replacement for the game based on Tetris and Minsweeper and a lather of Pac-Man Jr.! LOL

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Hey, this tetris minigame mining can really be a part of my suggested idea, Relic mining. Finding Relics using mining equipment and ships.

Seriously… Where does all this tetris hate come from?

Is it a requirement nowadays, that you have to be so insecure about your gaming preferences, that you have to :poop: all over other games?

You thinking mining is more interactive than tetris is a bit of a stretch, don’t you think? I mean, even freaking “Clicker Heroes” is more interactive than mining. Let’s not fool ourselves here and just call a spade a spade.

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The amount of “work” (term used loosely) to mass produce in great quantities…
Absolutely requires multiboxing, because not enough people get into mining fleets and do their part.

And that leaves the job to those that not only are doing things for themselves, but trying to help supply entire alliances and/or coalitions.

Instead of this stupid Tetris idea, get up of your lazy fuqing ass and go mining wiht/for your organization, HTFU about it and STFU.

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Are you arguing that managing another account is the engaging part of industry and what makes it “hard”? So those few clicks to put something into production is hard and engaging gameplay when it is on n+1 accounts?

Is it just me or are industrialists maybe overrating the industry game “mechanics” a bit? Look, I’ve done industry and again let us not fool ourselves. Most of the effort is in the research of what to produce to get profits. The actual gameplay is just pushing some buttons and waiting some timers.

Chaining those t-spins, however, that is engaging gameplay.

Sorry man I just think Tetris and Minesweeper are weak. They don’t even come close to the depth that Eve has. Eve is a much richer experience without question. Bringing Eve down (way down) to the level of such rudimentary games is absurd. Comparing them is where you left me at the platform.

The point of my post was that some people like mining. You are just not one of them. Mining has always been accomplished by unskilled workers in the past. Those “49er’s” were not the smartest sticks in the bundle! So high skill is a stretch. There are requirements that involve higher training such as ice, and gas cloud mining, but those skills can be chosen later.

If you take mining away from people where will they turn to, some annoying mini game? I hope not! I detest games that resort to putting mini games inside of their main game, it is a sure sign that they have run out of ideas!

Mining in Eve is perfection if you actually think about it. Mining can be complex with expensive ships and specialized equipment and beyond. Mining can be simple, so that the novice can make some ISK from the start. Why do you think that Corvettes have a gun and a mining laser? Mining serves a purpose in this game, and its purpose is not to entertain! That is just a bonus for a select few who, like I said in the start, like mining.

So no offense, I think since you like Tetris that is cool. Just keep it out of Eve.

I not saying tetris is more complicated than eve as a whole. Your first paragraph, seems to insinuate that I’m implying that.

I’m only talking about mining game mechanics and how they objectively compare to a game like tetris. From your post and some of the other posts bashing tetris, it seems like you truly believe tetris is mechanically weaker than mining. This I don’t understand at all. There is nothing wrong with liking some simple, mindless tasks to de-stress after a days of work, but suggesting it as “sophisticated” gameplay is maybe a stretch.

In terms of game mechanics, what is intriguing about mining? You click the “undock” button, warp to an asteroids field, lock some asteroids by CTRL+clicking, activate your modules by pressing the hotkey and then you wait till the asteroid is depleted our your hold is full. Rinse and repeat. You could be survey scanning and cycling lasers to improve yields, which is probably the most mechanically intensive part of all of it. However, let’s be frank and just admit that most people don’t do this, but instead just semi-afk mine while watching something on a second monitor.

So how can you talk about strong gameplay, when you can legitimately play the game semi-afk? If you look past your bias, how can a game be intriguing and strong, when you don’t actually have to play it?

I’m not gonna argue the multiboxing aspect, since that is not the core experience. Tetris is also a different experience if you would have to multibox that.

Given the above, in terms of game mechanics and gameplay, I would say that tetris or minesweeper are not weaker games than eve mining. In minesweeper you don’t progress if you don’t play it. So I guess it is slightly more engaging. In tetris, the difficulty gradually increases and the higher difficulties require ones full focus. For NES tetris, players have developed strategies like hyper tapping, to cope with the speed and how the blocks snap, in order to get those biggest high scores. More casual versions of tetris, like “Tetris 99”, still requires your full focus given the speed of blocks at later stages and it being PvP.

There is nothing wrong with liking mining for what it is. Some people also likes watching paint dry. It creates the basis for a sophisticated system, that is the player-driven economy. It is not a strong part of the game, when looking at the game mechanics on its own. So calling it “strong” gameplay, seems like grasping for straws.

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Miner - mining is your job. My job is to make sure you aren’t AFK.

Ha ha ha, sure. I see now, you are a button slapper.

You want physical action. You think “combos” and other such movements are exciting. I understand you better now. The types of games you enjoy are all about, physical manipulations of buttons and entering sequences, or matching colors, patterns etc… You see those things as accomplishments, rewarding. You need to be able to say ‘I am level, higher than you’. Look at my chapped fingers! You desire competition. I’m guessing you love PvP?

Ya, I can see why you would be having a hard time with an open game like Eve, trying to change it to follow your rigid ideas of what a game should contain and be like, ridgid.

Eve is such an open world where nearly anything can happen. It definitely does not have the structure that you are looking for. Fortunately, I hope, you will never find your peace in Eve.

Eve is a game of the mind if there has ever been one. Without engaging your mind, the game would be rather dull, just as you describe it. Everything in the game relies on your imagination to make it worth playing. To make it come alive! Without your imagination the game barely exsists. There is no button slapping in Eve. You will not find idiotic puzzle rooms. There is only your unbridled imagination to build the game around yourself. I would bet that the people who like mining have better imaginations than others in the game. Fortunately there are some constructs, so that we are all playing a similar game. Within that there is a dizzying array of possibilities for you to choose from. That is what Eve is made of, grey matter.

Not button slapping.

It is a little strange that you played this game, and then continued to do so. I am a wee bit confused by that. Not that you aren’t welcome or anything negative like that. I just mean, here is a game that you have to pay for ( ok so you could be an Alpha )
and you don’t completely jibe with the game, so why would you pay to play a type of game you don’t really like?

I mean to play a game and then ask, demand, or tell the developers to change it to be like some other game!? That is kinda crazy.

It is funny that I get the idea that you have probably played longer than I have. However I am more comfortable in/with the game than you are. I wouldn’t dream of copying other games to add to Eve. Eve seems to me, is trying to be as original as it is possible to do so. Of course we all know that is a tall tree of past experiences to climb without borrowing from somewhere.

I would lastly point out that there has been, as you have pointed out, a bit of groans and outright boo-hissing about bringing in Tetris/Minesweeper to the game. So it’s not just me who dislikes this idea, keep in mind.

That is a lot of assumptions and straw man arguments. You also sound very upset and bitter.

Hacking is a minigame also. Are you also bitter and upset about it?

It doesnt necessarily have to be tetris or minesweeer exactly, you know. And you dont have to slap buttons to play, mouse clicking is an option, EVE is pretty mouse click demanding already to be that upset about some more suggested.

Is this your counter argument?

Not sure why you continuously try to pull this argument towards eve as a whole vs tetris. I’ll repeat, that I’m only talking about comparing mining gameplay and tetris. I understand and agree that eve as a whole is a much more complex game than tetris. I never challenged that.

I am only talking about mining alone. I find it funny that in this argument of mining mechanics you state “Eve is a game of the mind if there has ever been one.” So does mining pose a mental challenge to you? If you truly believe that mining is mentally taxing, then I suddenly understand why CCP are so hesitant to improve old game systems and make them more engaging. Their player base is becoming so intellectually inept that they consider mining, an activity that can be done semi-afk, as being challenging.

I like how you talk about my lack of knowledge about sandbox gaming, then talk about competition and PvP as an insult. If you truly understood eve, you would understand that eve needs both PvP aspects and PvE. They are not mutually exclusive and to fully experience what a sandbox has to offer, you will have to do both.

It seems to me, that you are one of those who believe you are intellectually above everyone else, because you chose to play eve. However, you forget that eve has been simplified over the years, that it is no longer hard to play gameplay-wise. What is hard in eve, is all the metagame stuff like building a successful alliance or building bonds between other players to conquer a common goal.

So get off your high horse, you are not as smart as you believe. Let me just point out, that most in here know CCP won’t integrate a tetris minigame into eve. Given the initial posts including mine, this thread was mostly meant as a joke. To make it simple for you, do you honestly think I believe CCP should implement “Resource Wars 99”?

That being said, the notion that currently mining is very simplistic gameplay-wise, is something that many agree on and is the basis this thread was built on. The simplicity of these game mechanics is why I challenged your notion that mining was stronger than tetris/minesweeper, in terms of gameplay.

You still haven’t given a true counter argument, you instead tried derail the argument into an eve (as a whole) vs tetris. As well as, some personal insults. Not sure “button slapper” is really an insult though.

Again, I’m not saying there is anything wrong with mining being simplistic and people enjoying that. So you can just admit it to being that. All I’m saying is, that objectively comparing only the mining game mechanics and tetris game mechanics, tetris is definitely more advanced.

Silly miners don’t want to admit that they are grinding for isk.


I get between 30-40 million ISK/trip in my Orca’s. The ships hold several asteroid fields worth of ore however. LOL

Whatever indeed.

How long does this take you?