Minmatar/Caldari: Relations

No, no lies at all


Not a lie. A typo. Should be “Wild”, not “Wide”, and for that I bring my apologies to readers.

Missing the point, but I expect that by now.


Ladies and gentlemen, Diana Kim, well known liar and troll has called me a Gurista however as we can see here:

She has not actually proven I am a criminal until I was convicted of a crime in court.

As we can see

Is a lie from this well known troll who slanders Caldari officers.


Gesakaarin, go away with your crap from here.

My honor unlike yours in intact.

If you want a tribunal - go ahead, submit yourself, I will gladly provide. I can’t judge you for just being gurista, but will bring charges for your treason and piracy. Luckily, there are too many evidences to prevent you from slithering out.

Dare you to appear though or will just continue trolling and spewing your usual crap, that’s the question.

Credit to @Charles_Cambridge_Schmidt



The biggest problem is that Slavery isn’t an economic decision, it’s a cultural institution and, therefore, completely outside of our ability to understand.

The party line from most of the megacorps is that Slavery is an institution that is internal to the Amarr Empire - we don’t allow slavery within our borders and we expect the Empire to respect that, but the flip-side of that respect is that we have to respect their right to regulate their own internal business.

I know that the Matari and Gallente always roll their eyes when we say that - the Matari because they can’t imagine anyone being neutral about slavery and the Gallente because they can’t imagine anyone wanting to not interfere with the internal culture of another race - but it remains true.


No, it’s more that we all know how you’ll react when (not if) they try to do it to you. Wouldn’t it be more efficient, in the long-term economic and military strategies of the State, to use soft power now to convince the Empire to wean themselves off of it, rather than be forced to deal with the disruptions of a war when they force the issue on you?

Trust me, we can imagine people being neutral about slavery. We just don’t think it’s smart.


I disagree with your assessment of Gallente motives on the issue of slavery. It may simply be that many, if not most, Federation citizens see slavery as wrong and a violation of basic human rights and dignity.


I think the problem is, even if they wanted to, the Caldari don’t have any actual pull with the Amarr to make something like that happen - their alliance is not one of mutual respect but of convenience, as I believe has been established many times over in the past. The same goes for the Federation and the Republic. All of us need each other to maintain a balance of terror.


Dear Readers, we have again Diana Kim well known liar and troll who talks of honour but brings accusation against Caldari officers without the many evidences of any crime being committed which is very meaning of slander.

As usual she spouts the crap but does not keep even her own house clean.


There’s also the consideration that “soft power” is kind of exactly what the Caldari fear from the Gallente, and reject in and for themselves. Soft squishy touchy-feely emotion-manipulate-y … as far as the Caldari (Patriots, especially) are concerned, relations are best kept at arm’s length to pretty near everybody: hard power and economics.

In general they don’t do “soft power” much.

Gods, just look at their architecture and design. … I wouldn’t say that the Caldari “don’t do subtlety,” but I would say that they’re subtle about it when they do. And that’s when they’re dealing with each other.

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Except readers know I don’t speak any lies, and they should already know you are the troll.
Now cease that circus, Gesakaarin and learn your place.

I think I know what readers know, because greatest Caldari hero Tibus Heth taught me confirmation bias and I don’t need facts, only what I believe. Because I believe all readers agree with what I write it’s true. If you don’t then you are a liar and a traitor.

So there we have it ladies and gentlemen, Diana Kim disagrees with me so she is a liar and a traitor and I will deal with liars and traitors like all enemies WITH FIRE AND STEEL.

Now begone troll and cease your slander against Caldari officers.

You are dismissed.


Heck yeah!! :smiley:


It’s amusing how you manage to pick some of my words and cover your lies with them.

Well, keep believing whatever you want, gurista, I’ll just rely on facts. Your circus won’t stand against them.

That my be case, however concrete steps should be made between the Republic and the State without regard to each parties alliance networks. What I mean by this is that neither side should attached conditions or clauses that realate to the two expansionist powers. The Republic should be able to understand the State’s stance on Amarr Slavery, while the State should be able to understand our gratitude the the aide rendered by the Federation.

To be perfectly honest, the State’s respect for their partner’s cultural institutions, so long as they remain internal matters is to be commended and highly sought after in partnerships. Their Neutrality towards the question of slavery is one of the best arguments in favor of pursuing tighter relations with the State, objectively speaking.

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This is not soft power. This is touchy-feely nonsense.

Soft power is economic power, diplomatic leverage on other parties, quid-pro-quo in CONCORD decisions.


Basically, anything short of actually opening fire on them. If anything, the State is very good at soft power, both at acquiring and wielding it.


That’s nice, dear. Actually, I totally agree that the average Gallente on the street DOES agree that Slavery is wrong - but they also agree with interfering with absolutely everything that they can possibly meddle with.

There would be a virtually unanimous agreement between the other three powers on the issue of Slavery if it wasn’t for, you know, the whole war thing that gets in the way.