C’mon, leave the hyperbole for the political boards…
–Gadget voted for herself
C’mon, leave the hyperbole for the political boards…
–Gadget voted for herself
Hey I maybe old but my ass is still pert thank you very much!
I don’t think you will find any complaints from me about wars or ganking. I accept that they (and all PvP) is both allowed and a vital part of Eve Online, just in the same way that its Standings mechanic is.
Yes we do, BUT we don’t want the game watered down, simplified or “carebeared” any more than it is.
If it is “too hard” for people to work out why the NPC’s are shooting them then how are they ever going to work out why they were suicide ganked by a player?
That was a player, not a npc.
Doing missions and shooting a faction should at least give you the idea that maybe that would upset that faction.
Personally I think the effect standings have should be increased to make it easier to understand. For example being unable to dock at a faction’s stations if your standing gets below a certain amount (of course there should be warnings about this before it happens). This would prompt the player that there are consequences for their actions before they get chased by the navy.
Spoken like a true elitist.
–Gadget goes Pew, pew.
No hyperbole here.
Y’all throw your pro-newbie platitudes around while court is in session, but the moment that it’s finally feeding time, you’ll roll over and smother their helpless little bodies in an effort to beat the other gluttons to the communal trough, like a bunch of elephant seals trying to score some blubbery cooch.
Carebears truly are disgusting, vile creatures. They’ll pretend to be your friends right up to the moment they get hunger pangs and cannibalize you.
I’ve long complained that the game will always penalize a player doing any storyline mission by decreasing their standing with the opposing factions. I can see the logic when it involves missions that go directly against the opposing factions, even when it involves gathering raw resources, since it enhances the abilities of their foe, Where I fail to see the logic is when I do missions to rescue opposing faction personnel, transport needed medical or humanitarian aid to an opposing faction station, or battle universal bad guys like Rogue Drones, Blood Raiders, or Sansha Nation in the opposing factions systems. Instead of being rewarded or even just ignored for the aid and help I performed for their citizens and cause, I still get dinged with my standing with them. It would be more logical and fair to have an ocassional storyline mission where, if not opposing faction rewarded, at least is faction standing neutral.
The last time I ran the SOE epic arc (50 missions), the resulting increase in an opposing faction standing I chose was immediately destroyed when I chose to rescue some stranded civilians from some Rouge Drones in an opposing system for a storyline mission. As of now, all storyline mission must be ignored to prevent precipitous standing loss eventually restricting free and unchallenged travel between factions.
The only faction penalty I want to see go away is the faction police chasing you around when you are -2.0 or greater. I don’t mind if you have to grind up your standings in order to gain access to higher level mission agents and etcetera.
ED is that way ---->
Or was it that way <-----
Anyway, there was no qualitive statement in Gadgets comment, so any elitism is a product of your own transferrance.
Infact NOT being able to hold standing with every faction is as much part of MMOs as a “quest system”, which in itself isnt even unique to MMOs and only encourages stagnation of play if its left underdevoped and unfun to play.
I’d like to be playing it in ten years, yes.
Not by making things easier but by making them more fun.
I think the majority of things are fine, they just need fine-tuning.
Not true. It may feel that way but they are not. I haven’t been playing EVE for more than 5 years but I’ve never felt like “meat”. I do sometimes feel taken advantage of by players who have been playing for a long time ( 5yrs and up ) but it isn’t their fault, it’s mine.
Lots of new players are “fostered” when they join a corporation, I mean one that doesn’t take them for f1 monkeys and exploit them. There are plenty of corporations to choose from.
You must be piloting blind then because I’m not a very good player at all and I don’t get podded as often as you’re suggesting. I got podded in a Procurer yesterday. Wasn’t the attacker’s fault, it was my fault.
Many, if not all MMO’s are like that. PvP isn’t exclusive to EVE. Want to play the game then play it. This isn’t a pleasure cruise, it’s NEW EDEN. You’re safe nowhere, not even while docked as if someone who looks for you will find you thanks to locator agents.
EVERY MMO has its toxic crowd. They also are allowed to play and they are NOT “allowing the game to fizzle”, CCP not improving their stuff is doing that.
New Players are supposed to get to know the world they evolve their characters in. I learned about New Eden even before I downloaded the game. Tons of info online. Not gonna change the game because someone is too lazy to read.
They may be stupid to you but not to everybody else. I love that CCP gives things away. It’s always nice to receive a gift and turning down a gift is just douchebaggery.
There already are systems for new players to get their jollies in.
New systems, by all means yes, but not noobie systems.
If you get blown up it means you’ve done something wrong. Instead of complaining, you should ponder why you got blown up.
I agree with that. I said it and will repeat it, CCP should come up with newbro events.
It wouldn’t be a waste if newbro informs himself. Those boosters come with info, all you have to do is read.
Yes, better missions that make sense would be good.
Han_Zealot, 5 years… you are a veteran. I am less than 3 months old. Gunna stop talking about it. I like the game. Gunna keep playing.
But… as a new player I can not imagine 5 years from now. And yes… I was podded 4 times in my first 3 weeks… hmmm… meat.
As for missions. Have done a ton of asking around and research. Gunna do SoE missions. Hopefull do not get a lot of faction ones. If I do and some NPC battleship comes at me well… will decide if i will keep playing the game or not then. For now I just want to have fun and not worry about it. There are tons of games out there and if this is not the game for me I should find out. If it isn’t… bye bye. That simple.
Fixing your standings is hard if you let it go to an extreme.
As an example, I drove my standings with the Gallente down to -9. I didn’t know either, but I didn’t let that get in my way. Had to do a lot of extra things to get them back up enough to even go back into Gallente space.
Once I had achieved that, which brings us to where you are, then the simple solution for me was to stick a clone with a couple of ships in their space and simply rotate back and forth to keep standings fairly even. Relatively cheap and it teaches you how to pve with different ships/npc’s.
I am by no mean a veteran. I consider myself a noob even if it’s been 3 years or so ( I said less than 5yrs).
That’s not a lot. You should be podded almost every day and the fact that you’re not means you’re doing something right.
Don’t let the losses get to you and keep on trucking towards more skills and better modules.
Remember, or jot down, where you get blown up and keep track of your attackers, that will help you navigate New Eden. Also, just because you want to do something doesn’t mean it’s the right time to do it.
Use EVE Gatecamp Check website, it does help.
Damn good advice. TY. Not just telling me I am wrong or what not. Explaining it and giving a solution. Very top notch.
TY for the advice.
I get the impression that a lot of players do not do any research into the game they are about to play and still don’t do any when they are playing.
I do too, it’s clear when I read some of the questions in Help Chat or corporation chat. LOTS of new players would benefit greatly by reading info online about the game. There are websites totally dedicated to EVE.
I used to spend days informing myself about a game I was about to download. I would read tons of info even before considering whether I’d want to install or not.
One of the problems, I think, is that players do not want to wait, even if that waiting will save them tons of frustration. They just want to get to the meaty part without taking the time to take it all in so they run headlong into that wall and continue to hit head against it until head breaks and they quit.
On my industry alt I’m in a small corp and after someone died to trigs and lost about a bil to them I linked the trig standing video on our discord, we have trig activity 3 jumps away from our area of operations.
All of them, including the one who lost a bil, pretty much went “ehh can’t be bothered”, they couldn’t be bothered to watch a YT guide for 15 minutes, knowing that the total time to fix the problem is about 30 minutes. They’d much rather just lose their ships to RNG situations they don’t control.
These are very much NOT new players and the more I play and talk to people the more I start to understand that the game is full of inert old vets who don’t even KNOW how to learn, adapt or change. They are just stuck in their ways, sticking to what they were once told. And it’s not even as if they’re any good at it.
Out with the old, in with the new.
I would’ve imagined that EVE players continue to learn as they progressed and I’m sure there are plenty who do but what you say illustrates how lazy some people have gotten, and how cheap with their time. I know some of those players are stuck in a rut. They have found their little niche in a niche game and are just riding the wave until one of CCP’s nerf-swing bites into their profits and they come on the forum threatening to unsub or quit. smh
It would be counter intuitive to remove or alter the faction system.
All you need is one warning to tell you that particular mission will affect your standing, which it already tells you when you read the description.
If they made that line of text red so it sticks out more, that would be fine. But asking to fix an unbroken system because you dint RTFM ain’t gonna happen.