MJD for Freighters (or other active modules)

OP isn’t wrong per se, but as he has no clue about how to work as a suicide ganker and bumper, he also lacks the necessary information to figure out a solution that would actually work towards his goal.

That’s a really common thing to notice and I believe that people who lack experience in something should not be taken seriously when they begin talking about them in a way that makes it look like they actually did.

Problem is, apparently everyone takes them seriously enough and just keeps talking to them. I don’t know, but from my perspective it really just sucks to be “you”, as in all those who constantly give attention to people they shouldn’t be giving attention to.

This was my favorite part:

Like we can’t obviously see a freighter on grid 100km away on the overview…

Of course we can. He mentioned it as an option. One could as well just fit a slasher or atron and speed towards him. He likely considers probing to be the more convinient option. You’re not actually being fair, QuakeGod, yet I am having a hard time blaming you for it … and we both know why that’s the case.

What? Me? Not fair? Take thy beak from my heart. LOL.

In all seriousness though, having an MJD on a freighter might save one on the extremely rare occasion you catch a gank squad off-guard. But 99.99% of the time, that freighter is still going to be toast…

Yeah. I believe so too, therefore there’s no harm done. Adding low slots to freighters seems not unlike this, actually. There is no reason to believe that CCP did not exactly know that it is not going to change much, because there will still be freighters who are going to die and there will still be people complaining about it.

And they will always exist, as long as just one freighter explodes every day.

Or in other words, and this is truly a fundamental solution that works for literally every single of their issues while allowing everyone else to just dog it out, like it should be:

If you want to fix freighter bumping you need to get rid of the carebears.

Says the guy name calling after being shown to be a liar. Scram lol.

You can’t judge the overall meta by looking at the overall usage. The freighter is used most for hauling overall because it is used most in High-Sec. It pretty much isn’t used at all outside of High-Sec. The main purpose for the Deep Space Transport is outside of High-Sec. Giving freighters a thing isn’t going to begin to step on DST toes. Even jump freighters are almost universally seen as loot piñatas outside of high security space. Freighters would have to become tiny and cheaper before they have the slightest hope of stepping on DST toes.

Are you asserting without evidence that the majority of freight isn’t moved by freighters and jump freighter around New Eden? Because if you are I don’t believe you, or at least I’ll need to see the evidence to be convinced.

Regardless, whatever the numbers are, buffing freighters by giving them a defensive module currently available only to other haulers will make them more used and the others less. You still haven’t answered my question why that is necessary. Are freighters really that underutilized they need a buff?

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Are you intentionally trying to misrepresent my statements? I clearly stated that freighters are the primary haulers. My point was that freighters are generally not used at all for the kind of hauling that DSTs are used for.

I don’t think it’s necessary at all, but I don’t think it would be problematic. Someone else thought it was a good idea and I do not see the harm in it. I’ve always been in support of more options.


This is wrong because ganking a freighter takes at least two parties to do something. Obviously there are those players who gank freighters, but as important, and maybe even more important, is the imprudent and foolish player who overloaded his freighter and undocked with it. If the player was not imprudent there would be a much, much lower likelihood of a gank. Yes, they might happen from time-to-time for shits and giggles.

Every freighter pilot has the ability to reduce their risk of getting ganked. That there are so many freighters getting ganked tells us that there are plenty of imprudent and foolish players.

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There really is no good reason that freighters should not have active modules and to take it further they should have mids, and high slots, calibration, CPU (size appropriate), pwr grid (size appropriate), basically be like the other ships in the game.

myself I say give up cargo space to allow guns or missile to be put all over it make Freighters the biggest slowest gun boats in eve at the cost of cargo space, or give up cargo space to add repair systems to the ship that would F with gankers if they can repair

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An attentive freighter pilot jumping into Uedama would instantly engage the MJD that would warp it to a safe 100km from the point that it warped on the gate. Even if the freighter is being bumped the freighter will still MJD out to an even more random point.

Scrambling the freighter requires the gank fleet to be active and landing on the target when the freighter starts to use the MJD. Otherwise the scrambler will be destroyed by Concord or local AG pilots before the gank fleet arrives.

If the gankers are after the freighter pilots who are on auto-pilot through the gank area then why are they whining about active freighter pilots being able to use a MJD?

Local AG pilots are anyone looking to get kills from CODE.s ridiculous attempts at PvP.

Go into Null and gank like you do in High Sec.

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