Moderation of the Forums

That’s just not true.

Does flagging get abused some of the time? Yes.

Does flagging get abused all of the time? No.

Does flagging get abused the majority of the time? I do not perceive this to be the case, but it would take an ISD to verify the ratio of abusive flags to valid flags.

You have had a very negative experience. I understand your frustration. But that does not make your experience the only use of flags ever, nor the most common use of flags.

Depriving everyone of useful flag ability because of your experience is not the solution.

The solution is for those abusing the flags to lose their flagging ability.

No the only possible solution is to delete the flagging ability for ALL…

Otherwise just a new alt appears and continues the bad work…

Punishing everyone for the acts of a few never works out well, and should not be the default approach to the problem.

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It is if you cannot CONTROL the problem…and it’s obviously not controllable as long as the rulebreaker just has to make a new alt…

In all honesty, if you look at the posts that Balos have gotten flagged. Most of the flags are completely legitimate. It’s mostly because of being off-topic ranting, which is against the rules.

So this discussion is pointless since apparently Balos believes that his off-topic rants should be allowed, even with them being against the rules and him even admitting that they are indeed off-topic.

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If this is the case explain to the world why 95% of the flagged posts are unflagged after watched by mods…and re-flagged by the same people that flagged them in first place after they show up again…

If you’ve edited them to be on-topic, shouldn’t they then be unflagged again once they’ve been reflagged?

Again, you don’t edit your posts, you just put in a space or something, to leave the text the same. They are still off-topic.

You don’t understand…they are re-opend by MODS…

And flagged again in opposition to the mods decision…

Then the mods should be able to re-open them again, if they are indeed fine.

You think the mods only wait for me to complain about the re-flagging of single posts?

I don’t complain because i don’t care…still it happens…

But i know this fact must confuse you :slight_smile:

And again…all i’m saying is that the abusive use of flagging is wrong,not that i cry myself into sleep after i experience this…

And all I’m saying is, that the flags you’ve received for the most part are completely legitimate, because they were off-topic, which is against the rules and a flagging option.

Well that’s wrong…i’m just not political correct enough or care enough if i hurt a snowflake that may be right…

But that’s irrelevant…

This thread is dumb

And YOU decide this ?

Only you?

The thd isn’t dumb and brings up some valid points. That some ppl want to whine excessively about it is dumb.

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What does the MB in your name stand for?

I believe MB stands for Massive Bollocks


Is that a personal attack? :rofl:


It is if I introduce them to my foot :rofl:


And see, I can twist this into a threat at me in rl. :rofl:

The problem is were jk, others seem more fragile…