Moderation of the Forums

They say that when you lose a sense, another sense becomes enhanced. Which may explain why people with no sense of humour often have an inflated sense of self importance.


Actually in this forum the flag option is most definitely used as a weapon to help silence the opposition. As for the flagged reply actually being inappropriate, guess that depends on the person viewing it and then lastly on the ISD Moderators.

Personally I think the forums should be moderated by CCP employees, not independent volunteers who may actually be biased and prejudiced towards specific topics and people.


CCP employees are also humans with their own biases and prejudices. They’re not machines…

Considering how forum regulars on BOTH sides tend to trash up the forums, I wouldn’t say that paying a CCP employee to keep the forums clean is a good use of resources. Especially considering that these resources could be used on a developer to improve a stagnating game.

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If the Mods reopen a post it says so when you try to flag it that they have already reviewed the post and decided it doesn’t need attention.

So given that feature already exists I’m not sure what exactly you are talking about here… And believe you must be confusing forum features.

That sentence tells us a whole lot more about you than you probably think it does.

It’s a bit sad that you jumped to the conclusion that Nevyn was reflagging intentionally, rather than coming across something - perhaps a few hours after it was posted - and thinking ‘this needs moderation attention for X reason’, hitting the flag button, and seeing that alert due to someone else having had the same thought and flagged it.

Or seeing something he recalled intending to flag sitting in an apparently not reported state, assuming he misremembered having flagged it, going to submit it in good faith, then seeing the alert.

The assumption of malice here says a lot about your view of others who are simply sharing information.

Why yes. I have tried to flag a post the Mods didn’t think there was an issue with.
Oh dear, what a terrible person I must be for having a different opinion about standards than the Mods did in a specific example.

…I’ve been playing this game for way too many years. You’ll understand once you’ve dealt with EVE players for well over a decade.

I’ve been doing that too, and in my experience the “thing to understand” here is that Eve players tend to be just a little paranoid, and the ones who post a lot on the Forums tend to have an unfortunate tendency to assume malice where it does’t exist.

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Is this still open?

Yup. Sure is. Lack of a padlock should’ve told ya.

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Oops, guess I extracted one too many SPs this morning lol

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Are you guys using this thread to compile a shitlist?

#tinfoil #stopsposting.


No, that’s just you being paranoid.

So normal eve player behavior.


Cant even have a good, old “eve is dying” thread anymore going for more than few hours… :closed_lock_with_key:

Actually Niarja falling does not mean Eve is dying, it is just changing.

We talked about whether to help defend it or not and a couple of us decided that it was going to hurt the gankers most of all, so we decided not to defend and see where the dice falls. The permutations are interesting in terms of change, it is actually quite exciting…

If you had detailed like I just said and developed the discussion on what will happen should it fall, that thread could have been rather interesting. But it was more of a eve is dying type of post due to in game results that create massive change, I think they were right to remove it.

Personally I think Amarr will become a more important regional market. I think all in all it would be a good thing.

And at the moment we are seeing Gankers desperately trying to help the defence of Niarja, against elite Hisec and lowsec griefers, It can’t get any more amusing or interesting than that.


They are the defenders of high sec after all. Maybe saviors, but that have to be proven.

As long as you mean people hired by CCP based on skill as moderators and not some dev doing a corpmate a solid by hiring him despite his complete lack of experience and/or ability as a mod.

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It’s not THAT hard to understand…

Many of my posts were flagged because of a different opinion than the self declared eve online elite(that only know what is best for the game)players,viewed by the mods,re-opend and than,in opposition to the mods decision re-flagged by the self declared eve online elite players(that only know what is best for the game)

Again,i experienced this multiple times now but i didn’t complain about that nor do i report it…it’s just too ridiculous to see that the self claimed elite players live so deep inside their elite bubble that they even oppose mod decisions because they think they (and only they) know what is best for the game AND the forum…

And -certainly- i’m to blame for all they do…because if i wouldn’t have a different opinion they wouldn’t have to try to mute,insult,taunt or troll hammer me…

They live in their own world that not has much to do with the reality and are more to pity than to be taken serious…

Hey look he CAN type like an adult when he wants.

I guess I owe Jonah a beer or a 5er or something.