Mine’s a Guinness.
Yeah… that… is not what happens with the flagging system… unless they’ve changed it again of course.
Like I said, once a mod sees it and makes a judgement it can’t be reflagged, as it throws up a message telling you that and that you can’t flag it again.
There is however a bunch of stuff around that first flag that can automatically unhide it without a mod seeing it.
Like I said, user error in failing to understand what is happening.
- And it’s not against the rules to disagree with a mod anyway.
- And given how many other people also hold different opinions yet don’t get constantly flagged like certain people do, I’d say the people who constantly get flagged are doing things to cause said flagging regularly.
You are as guilty of assuming this as anybody else, the difference being that the “self declared Eve Online elite” generally back up their opinions with actual arguments; whereas you just keep blustering that you’re right without any arguments to back it up.
They live in their own world that not has much to do with the reality and are more to pity than to be taken serious
This swings both ways and tbh your posts on the forums are often way off the mark when compared to the reality of the game.
Can confirm, the vast majority of the people on these forums will actually respond favorably to a well supported and respectful argument even if they fundamentally disagree with it.
One of the things I’m most proud of in Eve was completely ending a debate that had run for dozens of pages with a spreadsheet, a bunch of math, and a few graphs showing that Medium Lasers were, at the time, not in fact under powered.
So, situation normal for the average forum poster?
Seriously though, it’s useful to remember that there isn’t just one reality in this game, and it’s basically impossible for any of us to know the entire game and how every niche of it plays.
Have you read his forum posts? They basically consist of hisec should be free of all PvP and be a safe area for people to farm without fear of interference from others, ie a single player experience. And then, there’s his downright inappropriate and obnoxious comparisons.
His reasoning? I’m right and you’re all wrong.
Ah, sorry, bad post on my part. I was trying to speak generally, not defend him in particular. I was trying to address him in the first bit of snark.
Guess I missed the mark.
And yeah, even I don’t try and argue with people like that. They get one post, if that, and then I just don’t respond.
No worries, I’d guessed as much but felt clarity was in order for anybody else that read it.
Yup, entirely fair, I was not as clear as I could have been, and separating my thoughts out like that has caused confusion in the past. Appreciate the polite call out.
you lost me at no TD;LR
@Destiny_Corrupted is following me around in other threads and harnessing me, I am avoding this person but the latest example is here This is a bit of banter that me and the CODE players have had for a while and while it has many examples of are you mad and stuff from them I took it as a joke.
It moves on to a personal attack on my posting. This is a classic example of why these forums are a mess, because I am trying to avoid this person and they are actively jumping on the few times I have posted recently. What do I do, give up on the forums completely?
Is an example of the issue, he won’t let it go.
So what I will do is close down the forums now and see how you deal with it. I won’t respond to this person at this point, but seriously?
I am seeking to avoid interacting with this person, I do not want to reply to him, I want nothing to do with him. Please note the above.

@Destiny_Corrupted is following me around in other threads and harnessing me, I am avoding this person but the latest example is here This is a bit of banter that me and the CODE players have had for a while and while it has many examples of are you mad and stuff from them I took it as a joke.
It moves on to a personal attack on my posting. This is a classic example of why these forums are a mess, because I am trying to avoid this person and they are actively jumping on the few times I have posted recently. What do I do, give up on the forums completely?
Quoting before he removes it.
Just flag the forum posts and send a harassment complaint with links to customer service, also include the fact that ISD isn’t doing their job and are allowing it to happen.

include the fact that ISD isn’t doing their job and are allowing it to happen.
Why yes… clearly this must be the reason.
It couldn’t be that these topics are hot topics and regular forum goers tend to all post in them… No, it must be a clear case of harassment.
Maybe stop and think before jumping on the bandwagon to personally attack someone, accusing them of harassment, and accusing the ISD’s of ignoring their job hmmm?
How about you follow your own advice about jumping on the bandwagon. Also I didn’t make the accusation of harassment. And in my opinion ISD does let it happen quite a bit.

personal attack on my posting
Now that I think about it, that’s actually the funniest thing I’ve read all week.

Just flag the forum posts and send a harassment complaint with links to customer service, also include the fact that ISD isn’t doing their job and are allowing it to happen.
Thanks for the kind words, but I can only flag the posts for actual things that break the forum rules.

It couldn’t be that these topics are hot topics and regular forum goers tend to all post in them…
I have to say that this was very amusing because the link to the place where it happened was not a hot topic at all, but just me and CODE having some banter and we had been doing so for some time. Why did he jump in there? It was most definitely not a hot topic.

I have to say that this was very amusing because the link to the place where it happened was not a hot topic at all, but just me and CODE having some banter and we had been doing so for some time. Why did he jump in there? It was most definitely not a hot topic.
Because these are public forums, and I have the right to jump into any thread I want, and reply to any person I want. If you make a thread about how you made an EVE-themed costume for your cat Whiskers, and loudly state that people aren’t welcome in it unless they have something positive to say, guess what? I can still come in there and point out how the cat looks really pissed off at you, or how your sewing skills suck, or maybe even how you’re a trashy liar because the EVE-themed cat costume you “made” is actually a Star Trek dog costume with the logo peeled off that you can get on Amazon for seven bucks.
And there’s not a single damn thing you can do about it unless someone is breaking actual forum rules by flaming/discriminating/cussing/making threats at you, you big baby.

@Destiny_Corrupted is following me around in other threads and harnessing me, I am avoding this person but the latest example is here This is a bit of banter that me and the CODE players have had for a while and while it has many examples of are you mad and stuff from them I took it as a joke.
It moves on to a personal attack on my posting. This is a classic example of why these forums are a mess, because I am trying to avoid this person and they are actively jumping on the few times I have posted recently. What do I do, give up on the forums completely?

Is an example of the issue, he won’t let it go.
So what I will do is close down the forums now and see how you deal with it. I won’t respond to this person at this point, but seriously?

I am seeking to avoid interacting with this person, I do not want to reply to him, I want nothing to do with him. Please note the above.
You have to be ■■■■■■■ kidding me!!!
Alright, I’ve cleared up a bunch of recent bickering. Also, flagging every post you disagree with doesn’t help anyone. Cut it out. Be civil to each other and remember we’re all in the same space-boat as each other. Unlocked.
Also, flagging every post you disagree with doesn’t help anyone.
What the hell is this? I flag a post, cause it was a general off-topic tangent we went on and I wanted to finish the discussion and just move on. Balos then continue to spam post the same post over and over. I flag those, cause it is just as off-topic as the first one.
Basically, this ISD just green lit Balos’ conduct. So if I get my posts flagged, I should just continously spam post the same over and over?
Wouldn’t the appropriate way to moderate this, to unflag the initial post and then delete the rest which were spam? Why have a rule against off-topic, as well as a flagging option, when using that option is now seen as abusive?
Make note, that my attempt to communicate that I wanted to just finish the discussion cause it was off-topic actually got removed.