Moderation of the Forums

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Learn to use the block function…it’s there for a reason…


It is disrespect to the community to not use the search option or any other option there is to educate yourself.

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Now I know why people rightfully call you a hypocrite here.

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The same thing can be said to them as well as everybody else.

Funny how you just directed that to me personally.

And here’s another example of somebody starting stuff:

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No. They will silence you without any info about for how long it will be.

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Except you are the one complaining.

Yes, because I was talking directly to you. That’s how it works.


I wasn’t complaining, you’re reading more into it than what was actually said.

Please stick to thread. And focus on responding to points rather than to people :slight_smile:

Last words are not required.



…the forum rules should be enforced so that people like you will stop derailing threads by constantly ranting and attacking others


  1. 1.a statement that something is unsatisfactory or unacceptable.


I expect there’s a mouse hiding in that popcorn.

Warm and fragant it is, faceplant in it he must.

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That wasn’t a complaint, it was a statement directed to somebody who had posted multiple times complaining that the moderators should be even more lax on enforcing forum rules than they currently are.



  1. a definite or clear expression of something in speech or writing.

It’s like a cult at this point. Granted, I say eh at the end of a sentence quite often. I’ll even stick “like” in the middle of a sentence occasionally.

I mean, like, never in writing though eh.


This thread is past its sell-by-date, best thing that has happened in it recently is the cat with the popcorn.

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Yes, I do catch myself writing a lot useless filler words. I try to reduce it, but they do sneak in cause I mostly type how I speak when informal. Not a native speaker, so I think my speech patterns reflect habits acquired from TV and stuff.

There are one or more here who are fully capable of taking the high ground and ending the back-and-forth throwing of :poop: by simply walking away without needing to have the last word.

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Complaints and statements are not mutually exclusive. If you tell the server at a restaurant “This food is uneatable!” that is both a statement and a complaint where as saying “This food is great!” is a statement also but in the complimentary form. Most (all?) statements will have a tone to them which determines what they ultimately are…