My contribution to the "Highsec Lobby" initiative

I think you are not good enough to race CONCORD.

I think you are hilariously delusional if you think that “racing CONCORD” matters at all.


Did I say it mattered, I just said it was fun and that you were likely not able to do it.

You’re right, I can’t do it, because I would never waste time on something so utterly pointless. I would be literally unable to make the attempt without quitting EVE, deleting my accounts, and committing suicide IRL.


Feel free, it would improve the game.

Fortunately I will never attempt something so pathetic because, unlike you, I am not a deluded white knight.


So why suggest it then? Ah attention seeking, got it :stuck_out_tongue:

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Are you honestly this stupid? You’re the one who said “I think you are not good enough to race CONCORD.”


I was referring to this:

Attention seeking at its finest.

Ok, I give up. You’ve gone so far past the point of making sense that I don’t even know how to respond to your word salad anymore.


Au revoir

Ok here’s a second suggestion for you, even though avoiding the tornadoes is a perfectly ok strategy. Back in the day when I was ice mining we sometimes put a couple of guys in electronic warfare frigates, the ones that sensor dampen (Crucifiers?), any way we had some success against the cats but not so much against the Talos, lost a few frigates, no biggie.

So if I absolutely had to get my freighter into Amarr past that lot then that would be something I would look at.


I think I missed this, I removed the salty bit. Nah I will add it at the end as it is funny:

Absolutely useless, just general chest beating with no actual strategy and ideas. How would you destroy them. Turn up and stun them with your brilliance and stunning wit so they self-destruct at how awesome you are with your salt below:

So typical people who have no idea.

Crucifiers weapons disrupt, they are great ships to nab Thrashers on gates by the way.

But I have to ask you a very important question, you can only use the sensor damp once they have gone criminal. I guess you have not thought this through at all have you? You need to get past first base here. And by the way there is no way that a Tornado can get a second shot off in Amarr. Of course Knowledgeminer knows all about that subject :stuck_out_tongue:

@knowledgeminer here we go, you can go all AG chat channel on this guy.

I would advise running to the hills he is pretty brutal.

Well actually we lost some frigates to concord, saved several exhumers at times, the balance sheet said “Success!”.


I salute you for this effort. But Tornados are one shot wonders, it is all in the Alpha strike unlike Catalysts. Your sensor damps or weapons disrupt would have no impact on them at all as they have already got their shot away. Don’t forget it is Amarr on the station. So far I have not seen anyone come up with the solution to my question.

By the way I doubt he will go AG chat channel on you as he obviously wants to prove that I am lying about his aggression and will be on his best behaviour.

well, i got better things to do than to keep reading the drivel coming out of your mouth Drac. You think you are better than the gankers, but Merin, and several others have proven that you are less than gankers and less than CODE. tuck your tail between your legs, go deal with the ■■■■■■■ tornados yourself. and keep white knighting and think you are doing anything to help against gankers when you are slowly becoming one yourself. have a nice day. dickweed


This is just so full of salt.

You accused people of whining, and I put a question to you on an actual AG action, and yet you cannot think about anything to deal with that, except whine at me like this or come up with absurd generalities lacking any tactical knowledge:

That obviously made you angry and whine, think about it and get better mate because you need to.

PS I have always told people that it is perfectly fine to gank gankers, have a nice day!

Yeah I’ve been on the wrong end of Tornadoes. Not saying it’s a full solution but if you had to haul through with no protection then it’s where I would start.

But frankly, if I have to haul RIGHT NOW, then I’ve feked up somewhere in my scheduling, my fault not the gankers.

You can always park up a jump or 2 away then shuttle the stuff through with mastadon or prowler, done that a few times. For high value small loads the Badger tanks really well, 80k EHP overheated iirc.

now im just 1 casual ganker but ive only ever failed 3 ganks because of antigankers, 2 times it was knowledgeminer 1 time it was eskati, take that as you will.