Negative/toxic culture towards new players

New players are not children. Even though unfamiliar tasks in potentially hostile environments can be daunting, most adults are surely equipped to approach the game without needing the kind of coddling offered by some commentators.

When it comes to alleged negativity and toxicity in exchanges between new and more established players, it’s even more likely that life experience will have equipped most of them with the means to dismiss, call out or ignore remarks which are unhelpful.

There will always be people whose first action on meeting with the unfamiliar is to ask someone what they should do. Perfectly natural. If the respondent is rude or negative they should ask somebody else. If, however, the information given to them is wrong (deliberately or otherwise), they have no way of knowing. What should they do then?

They should ask a bunch of folks the same question and pick any of the responses they wish. It won’t make much difference because they don’t know which person is in possession of the facts.

When it comes to things I deem to be important, I could go ask someone for help. But that isn’t my way. With EVE I’ll certainly do a Google search, ignoring results from Reddit. Usually I end up with EVE Uni Wiki - which is fine. Sometimes there are grabs from the Forum (archived, a lot of them). I’ve rarely failed to find relevant information using these methods.

If I’m asked for advice, I usually decline to give it, and point the enquirer in the direction of reliable sources (Aiko, for ganking, for example, EVE Uni for tech stuff). I am, thus, more helpful than someone who thinks he knows the answer or believes that new players are a hindrance or, worse, there to be exploited.

I suppose it’s because I have always been a ‘RTFM’ man, at heart. Can’t help it.


I’m happy to help people as long as I don’t get the feeling they’re incredibly lazy, demanding or childish. If they start raging I’ll just point and laugh.

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I know there are always people around who are happy to help those who ask in a reasonable manner. It’s good to know.

Why doesn’t @Aiko_Danuja just contribute to EVE Uni?

I gank them all the time.


Good girl, check your wallet.



Of course you are :roll_eyes:

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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I am a good girl! Yes-yes-yes! \o/

Want me to send you killmails you’ve sponsored?


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Milked by Aiko


Because every HS ganker knows how to tag pimp, drone smash F1, and be a RP bottom-kisser already. Independent thinking → RIP.

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EVE System > Channel changed to Local : Hek/Jita… Trade Hub Etc..

Pilot in Local Chat asks > Can anyone spare 50m for a Skillbook?

Isk Doubler docked in station replies> Send 25 million isk and I will double it

Pilot who asked for skillbook funding > I wish I had 25m

Isk Doubler responds > Well send what you do have and will instantly double that.


What a scam and obvious lie. No self-respecting ISK doubler will double anything less than 1 bil ISK because who has time to send out pennies?! Send a bil and have it doubled right away, anything less is just a waste of time.


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When I log onto Counter Strike I expect the enemy team to shoot at me.

Why would EVE be different?


Yah, I don’t do anything sub-billion.

Sometimes I do charity permits at 100kk, but that’s it.

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Most likely one frostpacker trying to scam another

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Without PVP all of your non PvP activities are pointless. Nothing would be worth anything.

Also as far as being a new player what happened to earning something? Why is it assumed it should be given.

Albion also takes a huge dump on this games toxicity. This game is extremely mild in comparison.


Yeah not sure what the goal of PvE is without spending it on something and what can wealth be spent on especially constantly than new ships and if you don’t lose ships then really what’s the point of accumulating wealth?

People who get offended by an occasional loss or if warranted by their fault and lack of adapting a streak of losses act as if their real-life properties were taken away or if they lose out on some mining time or PvE income then the world is collapsing.

It is not just expected in this game so why play EVE in the first place but also what else to spend ISK on anyway? And when such people ask for 100% safe spaces do they realize how pointless it would be? Grinding just to increase ISK account not to mention how prices would skyrocket due to the flood of resources due to no destruction?

The whole game would just become pale and boring and nothing would really matter and they would complain everything is so expensive due to the flood of ISK so in the end would have to grind even harder and more.



Some Capsuleers perhaps just wish to collect and not see their collection explode in space caused by another Capsuleer or some NPC.

Not everyone likes to watch their toys in the sandpit get broken by others!