Negative/toxic culture towards new players

I’ll help educate the nave newbie,
Quote= Malcanis
“You consent to PvP when you undock your ships, whether you accept this or not. There is no entitlement to safety.”

Eve will break you or make you… Learn, adapt and grow so you can be a better capsuleer. Stop expecting others to hand you freebies. Work for it. Build for it. and destroy for it. Others may see you and or be recognized for your talents.

♫ When your ship gets blown to bits ♪♫ ♪♫ ♪ And you lose your Faction fits ♪♫ ♪ ♫♪ \:slight_smile:/ Don’t worry ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪♫ Quit! & give me your $hit ♪♫ ♪♫ ♪

Happy hunting capsuleers.


PvP in Highsec should be set the same as auto accept a duel that can be turned off

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Then EVE becomes nothing more than a single-player game ala Elite Dangerous. No thanks.

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Eve Online could have that option that says would I like to have a single player day today sold for plex in the NES store that is also traded on the Regional Market.

/plex price would go to da moon :crescent_moon:

then you have lost access to the greater market system… you can have access to a npc store that only sells civilian ammo.


In that case, we need a “would I like to GANK a single player day today sold for plex”


I will see you your single pilot gank and rise you a single pilot eject from station for a day

That would be a most amusing way to deal with smack talkers in lowsec


Remember this when voting for a CSM. Pick ones that actually wanna fix the game for newer players and stop all the trolls that are currently thriving off the backs of the newer player base.

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I confess, I struggle to understand where this soap-boxing actually comes from.

I was a New Player when there was very little hand-holding and the NPE was - well - glitchy. I got through it but found it unhelpful.

Not long after, I got totalled in Lowsec. I was still a (very) new player.

I took it on the chin and became a ganker. I could have chosen other paths but that one suited me best.

New Players are not children. Stop treating them as if they might break from a bit of rough handling. This is a game for mature people, those who can either handle the vicissitudes of EVE Life - or know when to take a restorative break.

When CSM time comes around, by all means read the statements of candidates who interest you. Vote according to your sincerely held views - whatever they are.

In my view though, the CSM will never be truly representative until a form of mandatory voting is introduced (one vote per account). That should set the cat among the pigeons.

The environment for new players is fine; leave it alone.


I 100% agree with this statement. I believe people should only have 1 vote. Not 1 vote per character basically.

I always agree that no matter who you vote, do your own research. Read the posts that each candidate makes. Take all the outside rabble with a grain of salt because a lot of people just wanna cause problems. Watch/listen to the interviews that CCP hosts every time even get in on the ones hosted by other people like EVE UNI. It’s always best to form your own opinions over just blindly listening to other people’s.

As always,
The eyes are useless if the mind is blind.

ZAERA’s Diary

Day 1. Upgraded newbie ship, attempted gank of newbie, concord ruins her fun.

Day 2: Zaera ventures into lowsec., gets popped by 2 sniping misogynistic bad men in tempests. Did she quit ? Nope, Trained an AF , made an alt to fly a covop…a while later… Popped the BAD MEN, strike one against the patriarchy.

Day 3: Zaera ventures into null sec, Zaera given millions because NEWBIE


Reason why I quit Elite Dangerous was exactly that.

If you give players the opportunity to “disable PvP” most of them would never (or rarely) re-enable it. Until they get bored, since every activity would lose any meaning.

In the past, more experienced players gave me some good advice that really solved the issue for me:

  • The fact that EvE if full of assholes should not stop you from play the game; on the contrary, you could build up your own “police force”, along with your corpmates, and hunt them down; that is also a kind of gameplay that only a real sandbox can provide.

  • Don’t attach yourself to expendable properties: focus on skills and cash, everything else is just ammunition. Ships are just an expensive type of ammunition. That’s why new players should focus on basic mining and production first. The moment you can build 100 cheap T1 frigates you can go out in space without fear of losing, since you still have 99 in station (or more). In that state of mind every loss becomes experience and you just get another frigate and try again. Also, mining community is often adorable :heart_eyes:!


It is the same as WoW, they dont’ want to PvP while levelling as that is griefing. They want to get to max level , get the best gear , then go looking for a lowbie to gank and beat their chest in triumph cos they so uber. They get their ass kicked though by anyone their level.


Cool virtue signal.

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They are like people sitting on a branch while trying to saw it off. Oblivious to the fact that the whole of Eve relies on destruction for there to be any meaningful economy. They just don’t get the fact that the demand for more ore, gas, etc, is generated by the very destruction they are so opposed to while they mine that very ore and gas.

If such people had their way, the result would not be the betterment of Eve, but the end of Eve. Alas they are too foolish to grasp that. If the blind lead the blind, everyone falls in the ditch.

A lot of the people seeming to care so much about new players likely have grasped how far they themselves have come since being a noob. Quite a chasm, and it can make noobs seem really helpless and needing game-altering assistance.

But, it can also be the case that being a noob was actually so long ago that you and others have forgotten what it was really like. You know…undocking in a Venture with a ‘look, everyone, I’m in a Venture !’ frame of mind. Noobs are nothing like as helpless as oldbies who have forgotten their own noobness make out.

And the biggest irony being that all the oldbies commenting on this were obviously resilient noobs themselves.

You know who exploits new players?

People like @RGC_Godfather run Highsec mining corporations, and trick new players into deadend garbage alliances. He sets them up for failure. RGC just wants to virtue signal as someone who cares about newbros, because his ‘gameplay’ is centered on scamming newbros with a 2% tax.


He lies to them.


RGC couldn’t PvP his way out of a wet paper bag. The newbros who join him are doomed, cannon fodder for RGC’s vanity.


a “we do everything” corp, gotta catch all the newbies.