Negative/toxic culture towards new players

But the alliance ( or rather, one person in it ) can manage to shoot 9 completely unfitted Tormentors outside Dodixie in 20 minutes. And 12 completely unfitted Punishers on a previous day…and thus get 21 ‘solo’ kills from what is clearly someone shooting their alts. What a hero !

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When was this? Maybe it was related to daily tasks that required PvP kills or something? I assume the alliance or corp has kills auto-submitted so in that case it might be unintentional that they appear on zKill. Just something to consider.

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There are still daily tasks that offer rewards for Capsuleer engagements.

/ I think there is one that pops up from time to time that requires to go gank one day old pilots who are flying ventures.


What about one that requires to gank one of the Frostpacker clan members? Just imagine if all of New Eden was on the hunt for you.

:eyes: :thinking: :smiling_imp:


We had seen this one pop up from time to time.

Wishing for Sargon to try and gank a Frostpacker!

We heard that Sargon died trying…


Off boredom.

It is like shooting rabbits in a barrel


As I previously stated, remember to take everything the naysayers and trolls say with a grain of salt. As you can see my comment made no mention of anyone or any group by name yet they come out of woodwork like pests and vermin. Unfortunately with the rise of the Internet people like them have thrived due to a lack of consequences for spewing vitral nonsense unlike back in the days before Internet.

The reasoning they grasp at straws and come for my throat regularly is because I champion the will of the newer members and old alike. My last csm campaign ran with a few main topics being the overall betterment of highsec as a whole. This includes protecting newer members and providing guides on how to play and more interactive ways to get the newer players involved with the current existing corps and alliances as a way to stop the perma NPC corp players and endless amount of dead player corps that go nowhere. Also the removal of safety red in hs meaning an end to suicide ganking.

They like to make up a lot of nonsense as a way to disclaim or discredit but it’s easier to just remember they thrive on the attention you give them, both negative and positive. So simply ignore them and they will go away in time. It’s what I’ve started doing. One of the main lies they tell is that removing ganking will somehow crash the market because no one will lose anything as if eve isn’t littered with ways to lose ships already as is. Another lie on the opposite side is “well if ganking doesn’t effect the market as much as we lie about why remove it at all?” As if the market is still somehow the reason it should be removed? The reason it needs to be removed is solely because of the toxicity coming from the players who practice it. The simple replies and attacks from those people here are more than proof enough. Not one mention of any of them directly from me yet as you can see they specifically come after me and my organization by name. All that would do is make a martyr out of me. They can end the man but not the idea.

The eyes are useless of the mind is blind.

It’s all just distraction and red herrings from mister hypocrisy. Nowhere in RGC’s long essay does he acknowledge or refute the allegation that he PRETENDS to help new players in order to tax them.



I don’t get this “toxicity” claim, maybe I am just too old for this self-victimization crap. @Vokan_Narkar for example is a ganker I have met quite some time ago in a funny situation and since then I have never heard a single bad word from him. Neither ingame nor here at the forums. I find @Aiko_Danuja 's presence here pretty funny, few players are able to create such a consistent image of their character in an online game. I don’t share all of the opinions (especially when it comes to relevance and market impact) but I respect the effort and professionality the gankers show in their business, they know their job and all the required mechanics spot-on.
Why take that away for the single reason that you disagree with their point of view? I mean, they don’t do real hurtful things, do they? They blow up pixel stuff in a PvP game and taunt people they catch. So what, against StarCraft General Chat or CoD ProxChat everything that happens in EVE is simply kindergarden.

Allowing ganking in EVE isn’t a question of “toxicity”, it’s a question of “freedom of choice”. EVE would be poorer without ganking, less enjoyable, more boring. We can talk about changing the way it works, away from a 20second-math-problem and it having more serious long-term consequence - I am even on-par with that. I don’t like the current system. But I do want it to stay in game as career choice. Every universe needs the badguys, the villains, the outlaws. Else It would simply feel boring and hollow, if I want to just grind grind grind and build up my char and assets, there are a thousand games out there where I could do that.


I’m actually planning to do a blogpost which is just Starcraft General Chat.

The screenshots are too spicy for this forum.

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A person who actually attempts at making a valid argument? Thank you. In a sea of garbage you are a beacon that I welcome.

Also eve has plenty of “bad guys” no matter what side of the isle you fall on. Faction warfare? The opposing factions. Low sec? nulsec? wars? Plenty of ways for people to trash people and lose ships and isk. Plenty of blood for the blood god here.

As mentioned my campaign was about making highsec safer for the average player new and old alike. I did not say make EVE safer. My campaign also mentioned cutting back on highsec systems adding more lowsec and nulsec. No direct routes between trade hubs without needing to enter low/nul. Moving things between hubs would be more complicated and dangerous. Completely reworking wardecs to bring them somewhat closer to the glory days of war in eve. Not requiring structures yet still having some safeguards in place to reduce abuse and mass wardecs. People not being able to just hide in a none wardeccable corp.

This is all just a tip of the iceberg mind you.

I would take this thread more seriously if the complaints were coming from hordes of new players themselves.

I’m sure they’ve played other games, such as the ones Syzygium mentions, above, where smack-talk, taunting, etc., are well-noted features.

I’ll wait and see how many New Players notice the bold headline introducing the thread, and feel moved to recount their own experience.


Yes, I’ve heard of that, and it is just utterly ridiculous as all that actually happens ( as in the example I gave ) is that people start shooting alts. Is this really what a once glorious space game has descended to ?

If it is, then I’ll just quickly get myself to 50,000 ‘solo’ kills…win Eve, and un-subscribe.

This would be a plausible argument if new people were actually made more aware of the forums firstly. Secondly a person who has effectively felt pushed away from a game for being flamed right out of the gate isn’t very likely to feel like wanting to join a forum and say anything.

That’s the equivalent of quitting a job for poor management and them asking you to come in for a meeting so you can tell everyone why you quit. Sorry I start my new job tomorrow no interest in that.

I think the problem for CCP would be that if Highsec were safer, many of the activities which take place there would be far less risky and, therefore, more attractive.

The consequences of this might be troublesome for the economy. Resource gathering and allied disciplines would surely increase. Without the need for tanking, miners could fit purely for yield and throw caution to the wind.

Without destruction of the non-consensual sort, some manufacturing would certainly suffer. I do not think the incidence of ganking in Highsec is terribly high, but since I don’t have the figures, I’ll not comment further on that.

Something would have to give. I’m sure you wouldn’t want Highsec stuffed full of Krabbers, in a sort of free-for-all-eat-as-much-as-you-want resource banquet.

It’s often suggested that what might have to happen alongside the changes you suggest is that the value of ores, etc., in Highsec would have to be lowered. In fact, the rewards attached to all activities would have to be treated in this way.

Have you considered any of this?

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I’ve agreed to a couple of exit interviews, where I thought there were issues on which I could offer an opinion. The panels appeared to be grateful for my feedback, whether or not it informed their future decision making. That was my experience, at least.

You find yourself in a rather absurd position, as the more oldbies complain that noobs struggle to make it…the more the very existence of the oldbies shoots that proposition in the foot. After all, you made it, and so did all the other complainants !

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As previously mentioned :slightly_smiling_face: the campaign also discussed reducing the amount of highsec systems, fixing the wardec system making it so no one is safe from war, making it so people are more inclined to join a pre existing player corp over staying in an NPC corp or just creating another dead end player corp for themselves while not attempting to grow or expand. Several options to help prevent a stagnant utopia for miners were offered as alternative as to keep eve dangerous still.

If you decide to play a game and don’t make yourself aware of what’s on offer, how can anyone else be at fault?

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Yes but this was back in the days when Eve University was free and an Athanor was only 3x the average annual salary instead of 25x the average annual salary