[NEMA Press Release] Paid Positions for Reporters

I wasn’t accusing you in particular of gatekeeping. That’s why I put in that statement about it being a generalization. I was just addressing your statement, not condemning you.

Criticism is fine, but condemnation of the material before you even give it a chance? C’mon…

This isn’t constructive in any way. All of these comments are meant to destroy and tear down people when they try to put forth a different perspective on the cluster.

It should be noted, this is EXACTLY the type of elitist attitude of capsuleers that we plan on exposing.

I’m not here to be diplomatic. I’m not here to make friends. I’m here to ensure the cluster has ALL the viewpoints, the WHOLE TRUTH, necessary to make an INFORMED decision instead of listening to the propaganda, spin, and lies that happen here on a regular basis.

Ms. Teinyhr, you may be well-respected among the others here. I applaud that, and I’m sure you’re a pleasant individual to have a conversation with, but neither I nor my organization will be cowed by the elitists that think they get to control the narrative to their own ends.

You’re more than welcome to offer your own counter-points to anything we publish. We’d be happy to publish your responses, as well. We are the FREE PRESS, after all.

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