[NEMA Press Release] Paid Positions for Reporters

Do you mean the New Order Agent that beat you in a duel and got you demoted to Deputy Strike Commander?

Princess Aiko, whilst that does sound somewhat hyperbolic - I mean, it could be true but I wouldn’t care either way - Kim clearly is in denial. She still thinks Heth is a good man that was not charged with terrorism nor embezzlement for a start…

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Ange, you have already reputation of dishonorable liar. She is a coward who never showed up.

Sounds like a story you should tell. I know of a publication coming out soon. If you’re so inclined.

Which exact story?
About Agne? There’s no story, she just makes up lies about me whenever she speaks to or about me.
About Aiko? No story either. I tried to challenge her to a duel, she began making stupid unrelated demands instead. And that’s all.

Though there was one fight which could be considered as a duel recently with another CODE fanatic. I wouldn’t say it was arranged, nor that there was a challenge. He just saw me hanging on station, said I was coward that I was on station. I warped away. He warped at me. I burned him down even before CONCORD laid a scratch on him. And that’s all as well.

You know, Ms. Kim, that sounds like a very exciting story. All kidding aside, I’d love it if you would, at the very least, consider writing some viewpoints from the Caldari citizen. While I don’t agree with your tone nor your politics, I did say I’m attempting to be fair and balanced, with multiple cultural perspectives represented.

As one Caldari to the next, you know their is only one way to find out if I honor my word.

We engaged in a fair and equitable duel according to the laws of New Halaima. Obviously, Kim lost, but that was to be expected.

As I recall, you lost by forfeit, due to your inability to perform even the most basic tasks required of any miner who wishes to engage in elite PvP.

You couldn’t even bump an Orca! :smirk:

Awwww, sweet! I’m so glad Overmind finally got himself a girlfriend. I’m really happy for you guys, That’s so cute. You guys look good playing together.

And look what kind of toxic mess we have gotten into once we invited that Aiko Danuja mongrel into this conversation.
CODE. capsuleer cult is nothing but fanatics who just assume they are in total control of all well secured territories and condemn anyone who disobeying them as mining drones.
Instead they just prey upon anyone, literally anyone they find as easy pickings and force them into signing some sort of allegience contract.
At least Guristas and Serpentis Corporation operate out of profit, they operate out of pure sadism.
They are worse scum than the Angel Cartel insects and Sansha lobotmites, and their God of so called James 315 is nothing but a delusional fraud.
I see no reason to interview them for they will only respond with more propagandas and insults.

Well, technically we do have total control of all well secured territories… that’s why the mighty CODE. alliance has sovereignty over all of high sec. Our elite agents are the only force protecting Jita and Amarr from the hordes of bot aspirant miners who conspire to undermine the economy of New Eden.

It’s called a Mining Permit. Are you ready to swear fealty to your High King James CCCXV?

Be sure to read more at www.minerbumping.com. The greatest story ever told! Learn of the brilliant trades of Currin. Find out the TRUTH about BoB. Get the lowdown scoop on just what exactly miners think about. Read the entire CODE everyday, always! Send your isk today and ensure that your name is listed amongst those who will reap the dividends of Hek!

Now look at how that…thing responds!
She clearly does not have capability to think for herself but only repeats more propaganda.

Is Lady @Elsebeth_Rhiannon among the audience?
I once attempted to join the ranks of the SOE Outriders and their most noble cause.
This is the reason why I chose to hold back.
As long as this capsuleer cult prey upon the weak and the defenseless, I have pledged to see them purged.

Diana Kim, you and I have irreconciliable differences in our beliefs regarding the divinity of freedom.
I once thought the evils of Might-Makes-Right Caldari were lesser than that of slaving Amarr, you have proven me wrong in that issue.
However, you and I agree that this vile pests scuttling among our fellow capsuleers must be eradicated, for that I will set aside all our animosities.
Enemy of my enemy may not always be my friend, but in this case, it is.

The only problem with the weak and the defenseless, defending the weak and defenseless, is that they wind up with a negative two billion isk flat green killboard. Just imagine, shooting a single highsec Venture would INFINITELY improve your killboard.

Assistant Subcommander Kim feuds with a Khanid princess, and even her friends conclude that the Caldari are more evil than Amarr. Priceless. :grin:

No evil is more evil than another, the predatory might-makes-right ideology of Caldari and the Slaving hierarchy of Amarr must be judged.
The Code. however, have managed to gain my priority.

And a Khanid Princess?
I always wondered about the legitimacy of this claim.
I wonder is there a way to summon that Sa-Baron @Alar_Chakaid
I suppose he would be furious if your lineage happens to be by any chance…fabricated perhaps?

A common Sa-Baron? Such a petty title.

Perhaps, but he still possesses the knowledge regarding Khanid nobilities’ and.of course, royalties’ heritage.
I do not expect him to pay a visit however.
I have just desired to challenge your claim.
Well than, it seems like we have gone quite off course from our primary topic of discussion have we not?
Let us move on, and let that fedo-minded fool bark as much as she desires.

So, capsuleer, what’s stopping you from stopping them if you disagree with their ideology so much?

There have been many famous and infamous cult-like figures in the New Eden cluster, well before CODE., and there will be many after. Why does this one, in particular, threaten you so much?

And this is not propaganda? Please, pot and kettle, sir. Pot and kettle.

Easy to say from the safety of non-affiliated Empire corporation.

Again, not that I mind the free publicity, but I see a trend here. The court of elitist capsuleer opinion has judged this organization to be unfit to exist. Yet, the same elitists merely… talk.

They rattle their blades, they bare their teeth, yet they do nothing.

Truly, who is morally right or wrong in a universe where our kind kill millions of people a day throughout the cluster?

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Nothing is stopping me, but there is a reason they have my focus.
They are capsuleers themselves, and their capabilities to return from the dead happens to be… problematic.

It is an opinion, so is theirs.
However every time I ask of their legitimacy they simply repeat their cultist tomes and how their savior is great.
Do I seek to somehow convert them or influence anyone to oppose code?
I oppose code, but that is just so.

That Diana fellow managed to combat one of their own while that pest Aiko mocked of it.

Are we still really doing nothing?

And yes, you may argue that there are no true right and wrong amidst conflicting values of New Eden, but how does that exactly allow CODE. to have any validity?

For me, I oppose them as one of the tyrants I am honor bound to oppose, yet you can say in this vast moral uncertainity of New Eden I am but a one voice.

CODE., however, is still a part of such myriad voices no matter how numerous their ranks they claim to be.
And I suppose I am just as free to express my opposition as they do.

You don’t even begin to understand the irony here, do you?

Not one of my own. Reading comprehension is fundamental. I’ve repeatedly said I am a NEMA Representative. A distributor of the Free Press, encourager of free thought, and a supporter of Free Captains everywhere.

I merely think CODE. is an interesting organization that people focus an inordinate amount of hate towards. I don’t support or condemn their actions. Who am I to tell them they can’t operate as they see fit if CONCORD stands by and waits until the deed is complete? Don’t blame CODE. #BlameConcord.

The beauty of the free press is that you don’t have to agree with it, and you’re always free to respond. We won’t suppress alternative viewpoints. Even if they’re full of fedo ■■■■. In our opinion, of course.

I speak from my experience, every time I try to reason with them they just respond with the likes of “calm down miner” or “purchase our permit and read our code.”

That I admit I have made a simple vocabulary mistake, I am to talk of them, not of you.

So I responded, I am free to do so.
As for “inordinate amount of hate,” I will just say there is a reason they have garnered such hatred to begin with.

And “blame concord…”
Surely that does not exactly sound neutral to begin with does it not?
Well there it goes, my opinion expressed.

Well, first you need to calm down. Then you need to get a permit and read the CODE. After that, we can have a civil conversation. If you want to be treated like a citizen, you need to start acting like a citizen.

Confirmed. You do not understand the irony.

Why’s that? Enforcing a fundamental truth they’ve taught every single capsuleer graduate from every single training program throughout the empire for the very first day we were licensed? The only safety in this cluster is the one you make for yourself. Period. We’re all in the competition of survival, my friend, whether you consent or not.

Yes, blame CONCORD. Think of it this way…

Every transaction in every Empire is taxed. Those taxes, in part, go to funding CONCORD. Do you think they just make magic ISK appear to create warships? So, your taxes fund the organization.

Have you ever asked, then, since you as an elite capsuleer inject an inordinate amount of those taxes, many times exceeding that of entire planets if working with other capsuleers, why aren’t they SERVING and PROTECTING, instead of punishing and cleaning up?

CODE. is simply doing what they’re allowed to do. Either CONCORD should do more to protect you, or someone should stand up to them if they’re really as bad as people say. The issue is not with CODE., but with an ineffectual response from those you trust to work in your best interest.

So, yes… #BlameCONCORD

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