Nerf Ganking Megathread

all those poor noobs and their multibillion isk capital ship freighters.

You do know that you can literally do one while sleeping, right?

First, actions per minute can give an indication of execution difficulty, but low APM tasks can still be difficult to execute. Moreover, execution is but one component of a gank. Let me put it this way, I have FC’ed incursions fleets, and the only actions I did on my character in game, was fire boosts, take gates, anchor, and, depending on the site, tag. I literally had the lowest APM in the fleet. Now, with that in mind, would you say that FC’ing an incursion fleet is easy?

Second, lets not forget that Eve isn’t exactly a demanding game when it comes to execution. We have 1 second server ticks, and a game that requires such infrequent inputs that it’s not that hard to multibox a dozen accounts (trust me on this one). So, it’s disingenuous of you to paint the execution difficulty of ganking as being really low, when it’s in the same ballpark with the rest of the game.

Speaking of which, lets make apples to apples comparisons here. It is absurd to compare being a line member in a ganking fleet to anything other than being a line member in other PvP fleets. Yes, being a line member in a gank fleet is a low skill, low effort activity. But the same goes for being a line member in other PvP activities as well. And that’s because FC’s and organizations have intentionally adopted ship, fits, and tactics that “idiot proof” things, and ganking is no different. So, if you going to make comparisons, compare line members to line members, and roles to roles.

PvP refers to competitions between players. Doesn’t matter whether asymmetrical game play is involved, or if you think the fight is fair -it’s still PvP. The real reason why so many people try to redefine a term with a widely accepted meaning is because they’re trying to delegitimize ganking as a play style.

Meh, I guess that’s enough.

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Okay then.

First, I hear you on gameplay style being directly threatened/being nerfed out of the game. It’s happened to me 3 times over the last 11 ish years, maybe a fourth, but I can’t remember that one for sure, so forget it.

Phoebe was the first one that killed one of my playstyles.
Surgical strike was the second one.
And citadels was the third.

I get it, and have sympathy. But, let’s also be real. Putting dreads anywhere and being able to open the map and watch the cyno chains light up from every corner of the galaxy to where you were was a problem that needed fixed. It wasn’t that jump drives needed to go away or be removed, just that things needed re-worked.

This is where ganking is. It doesn’t need to go away, but it does need some re-work. Seriously dude, tell me one aspect of this almost 20 year old game that doesn’t need re-worked, except for maybe skins?

Now, to cover a few things in the middle. Gankers are not victims. Gankees are not victims. Neither of you are pinnacles of righteousness and absolute truth. You’re two groups of players interacting in a system that isn’t function adequately and neither party is particularly happy with it. You both have reasonable grievances, both have unrealistic expectations, and both have people amongst your ranks that make it impossible to have an actual conversation about this.

Question one: Can we agree on that paragraph above?

Now, those people who are either forever ‘I shouldn’t have to PVP period’ and the ones who are absolutely unwilling to even discuss for a moment that maybe there might be an issue with the way the system forces interactions around ganking, we can disregard both their opinions? At least until they’re willing to come to a more reasonable and balanced view that somehow imitates “Ganking is a part of Eve, it isn’t going anywhere, and though I may have issues/complaints -founded or not according to some other people - with the way its working right now, we should work to improve the system and gameplay, not try and wholesale remove it in either direction.”

Question two: Can we more or less agree on that?

Removing Concord(In part)
You’ve mentioned a few times removing Concord and that most the horrible gameplay around ganking has to do with Concord. You are correct, Aiko is correct, everyone who says Concord is the problem is correct.

So, there are two options. Remove Concord, or fix Concord.

TBH, I prefer the remove Concord(in part) option. Let’s do that. Personally, I still feel Concord needs to exist in and around newbro systems. NOT because I want them to be forever sheltered, but because Eve is a complicated game, give them at least a few systems to learn how things work. That’s the ‘in part’ caveat to my remove Concord. Otherwise, if I had the mystical authority stick to do whatever I wanted, right now, then remove Concord from .5, .6, and .7. And with Concord, remove the instant deathfleet outside of that small umbrella for Newbro systems. Removing the instant deathfleet and even replacing it with a Sansha Incursion style Faction Police response fleet alone fixes half the issue. In conjunction, add a ‘You’re jumping into .7 space, Concord doesn’t patrol here, blah blah blah,’ so the players all know, hey, Concord isn’t gonna instant deathfleet save you here, you have to take care of yourself, or use contracts, or use alternative means.

This isn’t perfect, and I can guarantee you can point out a few holes, or questions, because so can I - one of them being CCPs ability to code ANYTHING anymore - but instead of Concord instant deathfleeting, use the Sansha Incursion style fleet, plus gate guns and faction police ships already on the gates. They will kill you eventually, but you have some time and luck involved as to who gets targeted, focuses, etc, instead of Concord just appearing out of thin air and killing you immediately. Also, the instant warp kill thing, gotta go. Reduced warp time, okay, fair, we can do that. Now, this is where CCP’s ability to code kicks in, CCP loves their indexes, as well as a more dynamic response. Currently Concord spawns a ships in response to the number of criminals. That’s not too terrible, but the way it does it is the problem. Alter the spawn mechanics to start lower/weaker, and then introduce a ramping up mechanic to them. As an example for discussion sake, say if the criminal ship is on grid for 1 minute, in warps an X value range of ships as a response, 2 minutes ‘X x 2’ value range, 3 minutes, ‘X x 3’ value range, and so forth. Warps, not appears, because appearing instadeathfleet is bad. This would give gankers more opportunity to use other ships and concepts for ganking other than insta blap, but, if you chose to stay around for too long, you’d definitely die, and some of you might anyway because of luck of who gets targeted. But this is the middle ground solution between an instadeathfleet(that is a bad experience for everyone), and a more moderated, responsive system that gives a few more options - and also places more responsibility - on the individual pilots. Obviously, .7 is going to have a stronger response than .5 as a baseline.

There’s obviously some finetuning and ‘what about this situation’ and so forth, the big one being, ‘okay, what about logi if some gankers opt to put a full fleet out?’ Well, since logi inherits the timers of those they rep, that would solve that, eventually.

Okay, what about the other side, the haulers and miners and so forth?

First and foremost, the impetus for taking care of their own stuff is going to/should be made very clear with the warning message. “You go in here, Concord isn’t going to show up and insta blap anyone who shoots you. Local Police will show up and attempt to save you, but you are not guaranteed.”

Yeah, but that’s not REALLY gonna stop them complaining.

I agree, which is why we agreed above that anyone who just flat out, utterly refuses to accept that ganking is part of Eve is not an opinion we need to consider until they’ve come to some sort of terms with that. But as for the ones that aren’t quite so hard line, but feel this is a little too insecure, two things, reminder, this would be for a .5, .6, and .7 space that has had Concord removed, and Faction Police behavior modified to warp in and escalate their response over time, NOT .8, .9, and 1.0 that Concord would theoretically still operate normally in.:

  1. Put a warning message - that players can opt to toggle out of - in place that, if a gank or ‘criminal activity’ is ongoing or has recently occurred on the other side, they will have to approve jumping through that gate. Good luck AFK hauling.

  2. Local chat exists. System wide bulletin if a ‘fugitive’ is on the loose in system, or else a message across the screen, or whatever. That, again, players could opt out of. People will KNOW criminals are moving through, or have engaged in activity. Okay, your potential target might get a short warning, but a lot of ships have cycles these days and will be stuck, and anyone not paying attention for the wrong 20 seconds isn’t going to be saved by it, and if you want to discuss a delayed broadcast, or broadcast on warp not entering system, hey, cool, I’m there for it.

Is that REALLY gonna stop them from complaining?

Well, no, but we already agreed to disregard the perpetual ‘but why must I PVP’ crowd.

Problem with this idea so far

  1. Forcing people to accept responsibility for their own ships could either force people to just stay in .8 and up, OR make them become larger corporations to now actually take care of themselves, not just rel on Concord to do it.

  2. Even though I see all these as perfectly moderate potential adjustments that don’t fundamentally destroy the foundation of anything in the game, just alter the behavior to be more amicable to play and counter play, theoretical you might hate them for various reasons. I accept that. That’s the other issue, is we all have our own view on ‘how to fix and what exactly is broken.’ I’m trying to suggest something that leaves the core of the game basically how it is, but improves the system we all use to interact within it.

Possible emergent gameplay solutions with this proposal so far

  1. People having to be responsible for themselves - and that made perfectly clear that the Police will try to help them but will not necessarily save them - in .5, .6, and .7 space might just possibly Make Convoys Great Again. If you gotta move a freighter right now, too many people believe they can just yolo it and Concord will save them. If they KNOW Concord won’t, they will either NOT, or seek solutions, or come complain on the forums that Eve is too hard cause they have to have FRIENDS to move a freighter. I see this as an absolute win.

  2. People won’t move their freighters, and freight corps will have an even larger and more important role.

  3. With Concord not showing up to instadeath everyone all the time and Faction Police arriving in an increasing response pattern, the ‘time element’ of a kill will still exist, but it won’t be ‘Hey try to rep your bro for 15 seconds while we try to kill him for 15 seconds.’ That gameplay is frustrating for most everyone. There would be a legitimate window for Anti-Gankers to actually engage in meaningful combat with gankers, and not just ‘Hey, I jammed you, lololol.’

  4. Gankers might not like other gankers sending off that warning message to their potential targets(as suggested above) so gankers would have more reason to either spread out, or fight for their turf.

Additional ideas that don’t necessarily have to be done, but should be considered

  1. Freighter fits. Come on. Every other ship above a rookie ship has better options with fitting a freighter. The freighter is such an odd duck. At least give it some fitting and rig slots and then if people go full expanders/full expander rigs and die then laugh even harder at them.

  2. Like players can pay Concord to NOT shoot them while they shoot other players, the inverse should also be considered. “Hey, we’d like increased protection for Larger sum of Money for an hour.” Heck, I’d even be happy to consider the alternative as well, so there can be a bidding war/gamble. Take the risk or leave it. And hey, since we’re here, we could also consider a bribe to the Police to NOT broadcast your presence in system… for a little bit, at least.

  3. And this one is really dependent on CCPs ability to code and goes back to their system indexes. Add a crime index. For discussion sake, let’s say it’s on a scale of 0 to -1. 0, no modification, Faction Police respond as normal, warping to crimes, or warping in reinforcements as the specific crime escalates. -1, looking at you Uedama, the Faction Police have recognized there is a large crime problem in this system and their base reaction is increased by X modifier, as well as sentry gun effectiveness, so they can start doing something about it right away, but yeah, you still have time for a few play/counter-play options. Some days, Uedama might just not be your best place to gank because the crime index is too high. Again, introducing more reason for gankers to spread out or dispute turf. In exchange for doing away with Concord instadeathfleets and a progressing Police Response warping in to the scene of a crime, giving them more time and opportunity to actually engage in some sort of gameplay - and possibly get away because insta-no-warp would go, too, other than warp, lock, OH, shoot, get scrammed, die. But, that’d be an option, too.

  4. Like the freighter fitting, and something I never should have argued against years ago, add armament to industrials. Even if it’s just small turret slots for 125mm ACs. Again, pushing the impetus/responsibility on players and making it even more clear, you are to take care of yourself in .5-.7, and the police will try to help.

Now, the crux to all this, and getting back to my major issue of mass proliferation of ganking as a sustainable career path and it’s spreadsheetization.

  1. the instadeathfleet removal and changing the nature of .5, .6, and .7 systems to be ‘eventually you’ll get help, but you have to survive long enough for that help to arrive’ removes part of that. Yes, it does open the opportunity for say, a group of taloseseses to warp in, blap a thing, and then be gone before Police can respond in .5, .6, and .7 systems, but only to a point.

  2. The implementation of a Crime index and its scaling severity puts a hard upper limit on how much criminal activity can be done in a system before Police are responding with maximum response(which would probably function not too far off current Concord mechanics, but this is another point of 'I don’t have a specific answer and open to discussion). Bringing that index down through bleed off, or else ratting/missioning/whatever, allows more time/less response, etc. That way space will never be 100% safe, because even at the maximum index you can still be killed, but at maximum index, the Police presence on places like gates and stations would also be significantly higher to start, incentivizing bringing it back down. Heck, you could also go so far as to implement system wide buffs for non-criminal ships at the highest ends of the index scale if you were looking to really tinker with an adaptive and responsive system. This constant change could ultimately be spreadsheeted out, you are correct. This is Eve, what can’t be? But, the variable in the response, and the escalating nature of it, always leaves some margin for uncertainty.


You can hate all of this. That’s fine. You can think I’m some dude who stopped playing two years ago and has no idea what any of Eve is and didn’t play for 11 years and actually didn’t really stop playing until Fall ish of last year. That’s fine. My goal with taking the time to write all this out and actually respond to your olive leaf is because I DO very much want ganking to remain in Eve, but have disagreed where the balance point sits - and the horrible gameplay involved in it - for years. I don’t have all the answers, and I expect 2 dozen what ifs, because that’s what this forum is, and to some degree, with good reason, and others, well, just people who don’t want their little sand castle to be squished.

But I’m not after your ganking. I just think we can do the whole thing a helluva lot better than we’re doing, and, let’s be honest, as I said above, really, name me one system in this almost 20 year old game that really is working well and has no need/room for improvement. Sure, some of the mechanics have tweaked a little, but the core of Ganking in 2022 is almost the same as it was in 2012, like missioning, and mining.

Remove Concord from .5-.7
Leave in .8-1.0 to give younger players space to learn the complexity of the game
Give Concord’s job to the Police
Take away the instadeathfleet and insta-no-warp, implement some measure of police response that will ultimately escalate far enough to kill criminal pilots, but doesn’t immediately just obliterate them, allowing them to get in, do the kill, and even get away sometimes, too.
MAKE IT ABUNDANTLY CLEAR that while the Police will try to save you in .5-.7, they are not guaranteed to, and you have to take care of yourself til the arrive.
Increase broadcast/notice of criminal activity in system
Give bribery play and counter-play options to weight police response
Hope and pray CCP can design a Crime index, because they love their indexes, to modify Police Response
Increase variability base of Police Response to increase randomization and risk of making the gank
Address some of the other issues, like the freighter fitting and lack of armament on other industrials
Make a huge post in possibly the 2nd most bitter thread on the forum of all time, up there with the ‘AFK cloaking thread’ and wait for all the what ifs and I hate it because’s.
Re-iterate, I don’t expect to have all the answers, and know there are a few holes in the idea, because Eve is huge and complex and it’s impossible to come up with a single idea that takes care of every single issue and instance ever without some feedback and other perspectives and ideas.

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Holy crap. Trying to give me a taste of my own medicine? lol

Okay, I’ll go through that wall of text tomorrow.

In the meantime, welcome to thread, and I’ll talk to you later.


Have a good night

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Like players can pay Concord to NOT shoot them while they shoot other players

That would be fantastic as both groups could do this, eg; a large freighter group could pay Concord a sum to clear the gates of all ships that are not a part of their hauling fleet for a limited time.

Then the other group would be also able to do the same by paying a sum to Concord to fight back at the Hauler group etc.

This could also be used to clear Belts of other Miners. (Everything has a timer and the cost would need to be high enough to stop abuse)

I have a much better idea:

Proposals of new “balancing” ideas on the forums can only be made by characters that actually prove intensive experience about the topic. Also counts for any replies.

So, for anything “ganking related” this would mean:

  • you have ganked 100 ships or more in HighSec (anything with a killmail value of at least 10M counts, so no shuttles, noobships etc.)


  • you have killed 100 gankers in HighSec (only killmails without CONCORD, so no whoring).

The last 12 months are taken into consideration when counting (no bittervet whining).

And everyone else just shut up, play the game and get good at something so maybe you can then someday make a suggestion about it. Wouldn’t that be nice?

No, you just want to close this thread.

How would that in anyway effect the outcome when defining this topics balance in New Eden?

That reply sounds like Nulsec talk, where space cred it needed. Why would kill marks be needed for f1 junkies?


This is not true, only the greedy lose their cargo.

I would think that if one has to remove CONCORD for 0.5 to 0.7 systems that you would have to have empowered players that can freely engage people who gank. It would not be difficult to build into a game a hidden flag that identifies a character as a ganker and that engagement parameters are set from this.

If CCP enabled an entity like this, maybe the New Eden Police force and had trusted players administrate it, then it could be quite interesting.

Not a good idea as the servers couldn’t handle the greedy carebears stuffing their freighters with citadels worth of cargo. :smirk:

You thought people will not post more “nerv genking naw” threads or will refrain from ignoring the response and keep posting their carebear nonsense? They would just open up more threads if this one was closed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I beg to differ. How are all those options I presented somewhere above, for recap:

  1. Avoid moving the stuff through that pipehole where gankers are in first place. You can find high2high wh that avoids this pipehole and then he could be coming from route that gankers doesn’t control.
  2. Use courier contract. Either from the home to Jita. Or from Hatakani to Jita. Afterall, if hauling would be 100% safe then courier contracts wouldn’t be a thing. Blue Frog wouldn’t have a job.
  3. Have a friend or alt with Machariel himself. And bump self when they land on him and start shooting. That is the “I win” button you are still looking for unable to find it.
  4. Transfer the stuff into another freighter which passed the gankers’ scanning alt with empty cargo, ergo they won’t scan him again and gank him, and then proceed empty and get possibly ganked but with platinum insurance not so big deal.

How are these options presented not “active”?

It is not like all these active modules like stabs, adaptive invulnerability hardener, shield boster or even ECM made any difference for non-capital haulers do they?

I mean ok lets talk about it seriously, what would you imagine for freighter to receive to be able to actively defend against gank? ECM won’t help him because stopping one ship won’t make difference and even if it would gankers will simply adapt and bring one more ship than they have to bring right now. Plus any active modules that needs targetting are nonsense because it takes about minute to lock anything on freighter if I am not mistaken.

If it is modules like adaptive invulnerability, then this will basically nuke ganking freighters from the game as it will exponentially increase already extremely high numbers of players/accounts required to kill him (or the price of the ships).

MJD won’t help, because freighter is so slow that gankers will scan him and rewarp to him before he can do ■■■■. Although this isn’t that bad idea as theoretically if both webber and freighter MJDed to same spot, they might be able to escape. But then, if the freighter has a webber already he already has some chance to avoid gank (it requires for gankers to use different strategy at least and while this won’t help in Uedama I think. the other freighter ganking groups(multiboxers aren’t set for this).

As you said, and I have said that many times already. Why should single player, who failed to avoid the gank due to being stupid, lazy or greedy, be able to stop the gank and win against 30+ players who put significant effort into it?

With that in mind, why should there be any option for such player to survive the gank all by himself?

He should only be able to survive if he brings at least dozen of friends who will remote rep him (and no don’t dare to nitpick this anyone that they cannot, fact that CONCORD kills you too doesn’t make it impossible), or kill the gank ships before they apply 100%ˇof their dps onto him, or that will bump the freighter out of their optimal or perhaps even sucide gank gankers initial tackle to avoid having the freighter pointed before webbing. Then he deserves to survive. Not otherwise.

I am not completely against giving freighters more slots to begin with, be it mid or more low, but the current EHP of the freighters are high enough so if mid slots are given, then base EHP must go down so that after fitting non-faction tank modules they get at same EHP as they have now - or they fit MJD which lowers their EHP for the benefit of that 100km range jump maybe also MWD/afterburner if it doesn’t allow to go into warp too quickly with it.


Pretty much what I said, remove high sec. It has had its day and only proliferates cheap low effort play styles and a lack of dynamism in pvp.

I agree you should still protect the newbros, but maybe limit their space to level 1-2 missions and low yield asteroids so they can’t hang around there forever.

I think this change could give rise to monopolies. Currently the best way to move things is the frogs and their rates are quite reasonable. Now imagine the frogs need to protect themselves and goons decide “Sorry frogs but we’ve decided if anyone moves anything in space it’s got to be us.” Insert any other large coalition or alliance there. Suddenly high has the same stale mechanics as null with just a handful of big groups to join or the option to rent from them.

Another thing I didn’t consider is little Jimmy. Previously little Jimmy hung around in high sec, in his dads corp with his alts, running a few missions and mining in a venture. Now to survive in space Jimmy has to join a corp big enough to protect him with a requirement to be on comms. He has to join a mumble server where people say thing poor little Jimmy shouldn’t have to listen to at his age. I don’t know what the solution is for little Jimmy. However the old system where he loses ships and gets harassed in local is probably not much better.

Ehh, all nice and fine. I mean “active defense modules” aka fitting modules that won’t help any afk-autopilot player but greatly helps any active player ready to activate them in case of an ambush. Like, you know… hardeners, reppers, lock breakers, a ‘triage mode’ or whatever…

I thought that was clear. I never meant “gameplay options” but pure ship-mechanisms.

Freighters as a ship don’t, but freighter pilots very much do.

I’m not certain why everyone jumps to the lowest common denominator as the basis for deciding that changes to the gameplay of freighter pilots is needed.

The lowest common denominator are lazy, incompetent, AFK, autopiloting and/or otherwise incapable pilots that don’t take an active role in managing the risk.

That’s actually a good thing, because the competent and able pilots are fully capable of flying about highsec safely and that provides a competitive advantage to good play. That’s the way it should be.

Balancing based on the lowest common denominator serves only to make lazy, incompetent play more viable and erodes the differentiation that exists between the capable and incapable.

If anything, the risk to freighters should be increased. Those that actively manage their own risk will be even better placed to be rewarded for the quality of their play.

As a freighter pilot, it’s sad to see discussion about freighter balance be reduced to an argument that is a variation of ‘there’s little that incompetent players can do at the moment and that isn’t fair’.

Well, incompetent players can learn from their own mistakes and become competent just as other careers require; and until they actually use the tools already available to them, they don’t deserve the game being changed in their favour.


As @Scipio_Artelius just wrote. What I meant is that while ship itself doesn’t have the option, pilot has it. And if pilot doesn’t choose the possible active options he has in his disposal, why should there be some active module he can fit that will let him survive the effort of 30+ players/accounts to kill him?

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Yes it’s just their fun usually also includes trolling people in chat to prey on those parts of the community who lack the EQ to not get upset and rage in chat. It’s literally the same thing as the kids that pick on the lesser abled kids at school. Only it’s made worse because people will do and say things on the internet they never would in real life.

Is this all gankers? No. However i’ve spent time in mission and mining hubs and sooner or later the majority of gankers get someone to bite and get salty in chat and they clearly relish it.

So fun = breaking the smaller/slower/less brave kids toys and then laughing and teasing them about it when they cry.

I mean, sure, you do you, but let’s not pretend this kind of behaviour is a net positive for anyone in the game but the gankers who are protected by their goons majority on the CSM and one of the loudest voices in the forums too. It’s never going away, we know this, but also it’s never going to be more than a circle jerk of gankers lifting eachothers egos while they step on the smaller players.

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Sadly this is indeed the case, there is a group of gankers that are just bad people, not because they are gankers, but because they are bad people and full of anger and hate. It is the same mentality as the bonus rooms.

I’ve never seen a freighter pilot do that.

Maybe you meant gankers, but that is completely irrelevant to my post above, which doesn’t focus on the ganker end, except that they provide the risk that freighter pilots who are competent, benefit from.

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I love this sentence. Well said.

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Small is a mindset. Nothing else; and anyone can choose not to be small.

Also, if it’s only a circlejerk of gankers lifting their own egos, ignore them. Play your game and they’ll be irrelevant.


You should hold seminars… or start a cult (or both). :wink: