New Dawn - New Quadrant

Wait what? Veterans much like everyone else have free medical care where I live! You must be from the US? Remembrance day is a much bigger deal in Europe for obvious reasons given the millions of lives that were lost here across the Western Front.

Please don’t try to turn this into some US centric issue, you may not celebrate your fallen to the same extent for WW1 given the limited involvement the US had, can understand why WW2 would be a much bigger commemoration for you, but it’s a big deal in Europe where at 11am this morning 2 minutes silence will be observed across almost all European countries.

This is not about the US for once, put that ego aside for 5 minutes and realise there is a wider world out there!


Then take a queue from that statement and work on your presentation, your uncalled for snarkiness included. CCP’s presentation style of almost anything they do in recent years is worthy of a “This feature has been flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden”. Latest example: CCP’s newest exploration content that was pushed without testing onto TQ, had to be made partially unavailable and, without any explanation why, keeps on spreading Instancing.



Guess that doesn’t mix well with a sales promotion. You can’t blow “respekt” on hookers and coke and how is CCP supposed to continiue to bring new and exciting “improvements” to EVE online without those?

Now if only your company would understand that and make their game presentable.


EVE Universe is available now.

But there seems to be something is wrong with the new EVE Universe pages. While pages like New Eden News scroll me right up to the top of the page when I open it other pages like Short Stories, Empires and Scientific News start me scrolled to the very end of the page and I have to scroll up manually. In general, though, this scrolling to the top when you load a page is very unnecessary. Is this dynamic page switching fancy so important to contemporary website designers that they forego actually useful design (ie. just start me at the top of a page when I load it) and in the process even mess up the code?

@CCP_Fleebix said something about “presentation matters” yesterday. This is rather awkward presentation, if you ask me. Let’s just hope that this poor presentation does not foreshadow the quality of the coming features and changes in December.

On the matter of “lore focus” that CCP called out a few months ago for a quadrant: It is quite sad to see just how little actual lore has been written down. New Eden News are a trickle compared to the past. No new Chronicle in years and even before that it had been but a pale shadow of the early days of EVE. A real pity to see it in actual numbers now. :frowning:

One positive thing though: It’s very handy that the YC year lists show the actual now-time-year in the tooltip. That makes it easier to put releases into perspective. A small silver lining. :slight_smile:



snarky much?


I haven’t noticed anything.



“…in a detailed dev blog coming this Friday!”


CCP moment.

Friday goes until Downtime Saturday in CCP logic soo…lol


■■■■ me, I actually stayed up for this ■■■■.
At least I don’t have class today.


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15% OFF OMEGA!!!

Devblog incoming (soon™)


You had one thing to do…


You’ll be able to read up on all of these exciting updates, as well as get a peek at what the road to prosperity looks like, in a detailed dev blog coming this Friday!*

*These blogs are currently unavailable and will go live on Tranquility soon.


they fear the sh.itstorm.

scarcity will not end till rantanplan has left the builing.

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Nah they don’t,not any more.

These days they just don’t care.


The amount of toxicity from y’all is unbearable. How about you wait. They are people. And their philosophy is for long term sustainability of the game. If money supply is insanely high and the velocity of money is 0.3 people will just acquire wealth and never lose it. That ramps up inflation massively. And you don’t wanna play in a game where a t1 destroyer is too expensive for an alpha new player to buy within his first 2 days. So calm down, sit down, go back to mining and shut up. They care more than you think since they are paid to keep this game afloat. And y’all just flaming them. Do y’all also shout at cashiers that are just trying to do their job?