I actually like the look of the font. Unfortunately, it is slightly harder to read than the previous font.

@Wadiest_Yong Yeah, some font options would be nice.

The font runs together too much. It is fuzzy/blurry.
Why did you do this CCP?
Why make chat harder to read? I tried upping the size of font in chat but short of making it XBOX HUGE (Font size 20 vs 12 which I was using).

The NES Store font is good

Yet the game front is bad for the eyes


Which game file can we edit to set frontsize to 20?
All I want to do is read the market prices

Letā€™s say it again.

This change did not have to be polarizing. The implementation of that design choice is why it is polarizing.


So I have farsightedness and I turn my head to the side and squint while closing an eye I can see a bird a mile away yet for the life of me I canā€™t read the market prices ingame.

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We are closely monitoring your feedback and are going to be tackling specific issues with overlapping text, blurriness of the bold font or spacing of characters that you have been speedily reporting. Please continue sharing your feedback and letting us know exactly what issues you are having with the updated font style, so we can pass it back to the team.

So, likeā€¦ how does this gets reported countless of times on SISI, someone on the CSM is aware of it, but still makes it all the way (clearly unresolved as you admit @CCP_Dopamine) to TQ? Thereā€™s clearly rendering issues, thereā€™s weighting issues (with bold, coloured, italics text), thereā€™s blurriness and issues with anti-aliasing. How does that slip all the way past any quality control in a game that is 80% text!!! In the same patch when you release an entirely non-3D and text mode even.

It beggars belief.


Hi Res Displays might benefit from this OFC but average resolutions of letā€™s say 1920*1080 are in ABYSSAL shet. Small fonts gives you back EVE, mostly, but the right click menu too will be shrinked to ā€œI need magnifying glassesā€ now. Plus I canā€™t freaking understand why you FORCE US to swallow all these changes without giving us an option to just NOT use them!!! FASCISTS!

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new font is garbage, actually giving me a headache and hurts to read chat channels.



everything looks fine to meā€¦

These changes donā€™t need to be polarizing, the method in which you introduced them however.

If multiple players are reporting physical discomfort and experiencing eye strain and headaches there is something clearly wrong, and itā€™s not just ā€œchangeā€


Just a personal opinion, but my old eyes find the new font much easier to read.

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Personally I like the new font better than the old one, took a few hours to get used to but then again the whole game takes months to get used to. Iā€™ve not found any issues with it so far.

Yeah the new font is bad, i listed it in the known issues thread but i imagine CCP in their infinite wisdom think this new garbage font is somehow an improvement

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Simple solution, just roll it back, all the problems are resolved with a single change, job done


Every time I read the thread title my brain saysā€¦


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I spend half of my time on the market window, now i canā€™t remain on the client for more than 15mn, after that it becomes tedious. I never tought i could stop playing Eve for such a trivial issue.


The previous fonts were not broken so why touch them up CCP? Sighā€¦


try better ccp how long dose it take to revert to the old font as a temporary fix atleas do you realize how many people you are hurting with this ?? @CCP_Dopamine

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simply feedback from a 4k user: the font hurts
ether roll this change back or make an option to changed. this shouldnā€™t be so hard


Odd how the human brain works, yesterday after login I thought ā€œwow this new font is horribleā€. A few hours later I thought ā€œactually itā€™s not so bad just needs to be a bit sharperā€. Today I logged in and thought ā€œwow this is so much better and more readableā€.

I think the first negative reaction was just a novelty response. A bit more sharpness would still be nice but in general it was a good change.

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