Wait am I the only one here who didn’t notice the font changed? :astonished:

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How could you not? lmao

Some of us have glasses and not a 4k screen but a 21 inch screen, thank you
cant read drop down menu’s anymore…

pls give me the option to make the font bigger, like any other game has

edit; found a way to get this working
UI scale 150, fontsize 20

this is hideous ccp pls…

o god …*cries

The new font is blurry and has bad kerning when any formatting is applied, including the formatting auto applied by internet links, contracts, showitem links, and so on.

it is like the blurring you get when you enlarge text in MSPaint, and it creates grey pixels instead of having a sharp black/white border.


The old font needed improvement, but this isn’t it. The new font is objectively fuzzy and blurry. It just isn’t sharp, the edges are bleeding, at least at 1080p. If it was sharp, it would be better than the old one.


Roll back the change.


I have 4k monitor and it looks horrendous. Old one was just fine.

Having the same problem, can’t read for more than 5 min without a headache and crying eyes. Can’t understand why these changes nobody asked for, bring the option to switch to the older font at least.



Totally agree. You can’t look at the screen for long before if starts affecting your focus . And before anyone asks, it’s not my eye sight that’s the issue here :sunglasses:

CCP have you heard cleartype was invented like 15 years ago? Not only that, but it can be easily imported to your buggy python UI from ctypes and like 10 lines of set up?

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Shouldn’t your team have professionals onboard who know how to tackle accessibility issues before such updates are released to public?
Asking the player base to give you their subjective impressions in the matter is very unprofessional.
Or maybe you’re just hoping someone with experience in accessibility is going to help your company voluntarily with investigating the issue and writing a complete bug report as to where the mistake was made?

Well, I investigated it, but can’t hand it out :slight_smile:


After a short adjustment period I already like the new font better than the old one (medium size and 100% UI scaling).

But it could still be sharper, it is a bit blurry. If you can make it sharper, it’ll be great.

Wait your turn, okay ? The request for an option to switch off the :red_circle: is far older :stuck_out_tongue:


There isn’t much you do these days that I don’t hate CCP but this one doesn’t bother me personally. But like everything else it is a reminder of the fundamental point - stop screwing things up. Change isn’t the answer to everything.

4 Likes CCP drops new patch.

We need a new plex for good to fund The CCP_Hellmar school for gamer’s who now don’t read so good.

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That’s not icelandic law.

I have some items in the redeem window in the beginning, is impossible read expiration dates without put your head three cms of the monitor.

Good mnitor of 2560 resolution.

The basis of your argument that this type of change has to be polarizing by nature is incorrect.

Take for example adding a localization like Russian or Chinese or Spanish. When any new localization is added to the game there isn’t any polarization, it’s simply a user choice as to what makes the UI more accessible to them.

What you’ve done here is add Russian to the UI and removed English. That works great for some people, specifically those that speak and read Russian, but you’ve screwed anyone who reads English. You’ve taken Numbers and replaced it with cursive-Numbers. Maybe some people can now read that, which is great, but for those of us who can’t, you’re telling us to go get f’d because we don’t have the option to select the readable version.

It didn’t have to be this way. You could have given us a choice and you did not.

All of your 0’s and 6’s and 8’s and 9’s now touch each other on my screens. Letters, whether they are bolded or smaller or larger, all touch each other now where didn’t they didn’t before. If that works for some people, great, let them keep this, but for others it’s horrible, let them revert the change.

Double rr’s now look like n’s with a tail. r’s and l’s and i’s and all touch the next character whether they are small or large or bold or not. a’s and e’s no longer have any empty central space, making them blobs on the screen. Character strokes that were a single pixel wide now appear to be multiple smeared pixels wide on each stroke.

This change did not have to be polarizing. The implementation of that design choice is why it is polarizing.


While I can see the many small problems of having to deal with a variety of possible hardware configurations, introducing an adjusted font without adhering to the same quality standards for each of the most common configurations is not a a matter of polarization. It’s a matter of genuine readability, a technical issue.

Why haven’t multiple fonts been developed/introduced for several common configurations (4K, HD, etc) and automatically selected, instead of this one font fits all approach that makes it a lot harder to get right ?


The same for me.
If you don’t login you don’t see it!