New players have no reason to Sub and keep playing

CCPlz: make the tutorial take new players autopiloting through Rancer.

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  1. yes
  2. I am learning whole my life
  3. not so much I’ll have to

Yes you are, but you are working in lover tiers …

I did not take anything so I can not take “another one” …

Shut up? Why you make me laughing, why to stop the fun ??? :joy:

You misunderstood. I was saying that literally removing all api access to kms would remove kbs while keeping kms in game. as in there is no remote access anymore. only in game access.

You tried to take a cheap shot, and failed.

Where I fail? From my chair ??? :joy:

The data rise used failed to address biased sampling techniques so can’t be said to say much of anything.
It was a good first look at the data for going back to look at certain elements in more detail for a second look in order to actually be able to say anything.

Now yes. it didn’t scream that ganking was making total newbies quit. But trying to extrapolate the lack of a smoking gun to saying everything is fine is a leap of faith that the look at the data we got simply isn’t enough for any conclusion.

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But it is fine!

Fine is very much a matter of opinion. Not sure which you are replying to also…
Personally I think the fact ganking happens is fine, but the meta surrounding it is not. The act of being ganked is boring and once a gank is happening there is very little realistic counterplay. The counterplay that does exist boils down to either making someone else a better target or just not being there to start with. Neither of which are fun options.
But… this is really a discussion for another thread or pm if people are seriously interested in the discussion.
As for killboards. I’d be quite happy if they removed all endpoints for km based reports right now. boards make for some of the worst stuff in the game.

They did not stop there. This is a different talk by CCP Quant:

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The data is quite clear - for true new players in the first weeks in the game, being shot by other players isn’t a factor in why they don’t subscribe. Not only is it relatively rare they are even ganked at all, the correlation with the factor is opposite to what one would predict for that hypothesis.

That of course doesn’t say everything is fine in the game. But is is perfectly and completely reasonable to me the problems lie with more prosaic concerns like a convoluted/unintuitive UI or game mechanics, or an inability to connect socially with others, rather than the ganking boogeyman. Boredom and a failure to be exposed to the interesting parts of the game is likely the real killer - solo highsec mining and even missioning is not especially compelling content in 2018, maybe not even in 2003.

Interacting and exploding with other players is one way for players to see the possibilities of this game and therefore it is perfectly consistent that those that experience might have a better chance of sticking around. In fact, I really think the NPE should end with an optional, but still by default, trip to lowsec to join FW for your starting Empire. Whatever your thoughts on lowsec, you can’t say it is a boring place to be - content will find you quickly.

Or maybe, all the new players should be sent to a specific lowsec system and once per hour sent on a journey back to the safety of highsec, like baby sea turtles hatching on a beach:


Is Rance a highly gatecamped system, please ? Never traveled trough it, but if it appear here it might be a dangerous place ^^

Rancer, Tama and Amamake are best placed on the avoid like the plague list; they’re 3 of the many circles of Eve hell.

The basic problem with the data is that it didn’t differentiate the new player who played one hour and thus never left the starter system where they are protected from the mad game who played 10 hours a day and was into lowsec on their first day.
Without doing that we have no idea if the ‘pvp exposure’ has anything to do with positive or negative retention. or if it was simply a function of hours played. If the group that stayed routinely played four times as many hours yet suffered say… only twice the pvp exposure on average… per hour you actually have a group that had less pvp exposure.

Now I’m not saying this is the case. but it’s a way the data could be correct yet the interpretation of the data would suggest utterly opposite conclusions.

Hence my point that you can’t really use the data points we got given as any evidence either way.

Not taking sides here ( :innocent: )…

But the way you telling this cries about lack of factual information.

Feel free to scroll up and look at the videos where CCP employees talk about their conclusions when they looked at the actual data

For things like that peer review exists, and data have to be provided in a more researchable form.

I guess. I didn’t do the analysis and the details were never made public so obviously I can’t address your hypothetical flaws in it. But at a minimum the fact your chances of being ganked in the first 15 days are minuscule as stated in this study, and in the one @EveDataRules did from public killboard data (Where are new characters getting killed?) it isn’t even a factor in the mix for most players. New players just don’t get ganked very often which is logical because they don’t have any good stuff.

The OP asserted it was a problem and invented a hypothetical new player who quit because of it as a reason to implement his ideas to change to the game. It is perfectly fine to point out to him the studies that have been done at least cast doubt on his claim, and go on to point out the self-serving nature of his think-of-the-children rhetoric.

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I would rather call it observations.

Yep. There was a camp there probably 9/10 times I have traveled through it. Due to Eve’s “geography”, a lot of “shortest distance” traffic is shunted through it.

In USTZ, Amamake has been largely OK lately. Of course, if you linger and try to do PvE or anything other than just passing through, someone is likely to try to kill you… And of course, flying a big ship through there is probably a bad idea, but it’s not even close to what Rancer is.

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Lol I remember the good old days when PL used to hotdrop the Amamake gate with supers for pretty much anything that came through, then the FW guys killed one and they stopped.