New safe space where no one would dare to shoot you down

My suggestion for having ability to run sites w/out other players in the site.
This could be on the first come, first to have rights to site, basis.
This does NOT stop people OUTSIDE of SITES.


I don’t gank. I play EVE mostly in low and null (check my killboard, which is an easy thing to do to check whether what you are about to write makes any sense).

As a lowsec/nullsec player, your idea of infinite safety for ratting carriers is totally against what the game represents.

Now, to the bit of your post about reasoning the suggestion, might be a good place to start. Unfortunately the suggestion lacks any reasoning to think about. It’s just a suggestion with no justifying information at all.

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In other words utopia is worse that useless it is an existential threat.

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Is it just me or does this sound like incoherent ramblings?

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exactly, u got it right :wolf: & :sheep:

Did some nasty piwate come and salvage your wrecks… did they inappropriately touch your space cans?

My guess is they took your can loot, went suspect, but you were too scared… because ‘its a trap’ (Akbar voice)… and rather than do something about it yourself, you figured that crying to CCP to make mission space instanced and protected would be the solution.

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Stupid mobile site getting me lost

You’ve replied to the wrong person. :slight_smile:

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Perhaps if you were NEVER able to undock any time ever, you would be upset after setting up your 90th alt or account in an attempt to play the game. You get the point now?

Did they make a way to disable another player’s undock button? I don’t understand what you mean here. Everyone can undock.

Well no. Having your mission invaded is part of the sandbox. Can’t just mission risk free during a dec because you put down a deployable before they could warp to you.

Pay attention. People hunting you or looking to steal your loot makes content. That content drives the game. Players that are interacted with non-consensually reportedly stay with the game longer than those that aren’t.

The last thing we want to do is isolate players from eachother.


We will make a deal with you , concord response times and power greatly increased in the 1.0 systems , But , Low sec gets greatly expanded with multiple high sec systems become 0.4 and below , overall highsec is smaller but with better security , but there are ZERO high sec routes between empires , LETS SHAKE THINGS UP BOI’S

And this thinking resulted in massive success and a unique game in a sea of drivel. No problem I think we can all agree, even if some scrubs can’t hack it.

That is until they started listening to carebears…


Careful, this might not work like you think it will…

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It would definitely make your day more interesting

Maybe…or maybe not.

It would make your day a gatecamp.

For the people that scan sites, how about being able to choose if other players can join in the site.
This could be determined by whomever is first to arrive at site location.
By expanding on the idea of PvE more people would be eager to subscribe to game.
So those inevitable complainers about this site idea can complain about Alphas then too.

Being able to run a site and have the authority to choose which other people can join the site is a far better way to get more people eager to subscribe to game than the Alpha free play system.
So you can still gank away when not in site location.

Except it’s not.

CCP’s own statistics and monitoring show you’re more likely to quit the game if you aren’t involved in some unexpected PVP than if you are.

Reason being, you get bored.

“Oh… this mission. Again. So… fun?.. wait… it’s not fun. Unsub.”


“Oh… this mission. Ag–■■■■ ME! God damnit, what the ■■■■ just happened.” <— it’s spicy.

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There is no such thing as a person not involved in some unexpected PVP!!
Don’t make up statistics - I can do that too.
example - 90% of all statistics are made up seconds before stated HAHA

I can make your point for you - You just don’t want a player to be able to run sites in your Sov w/out your authority.
Right? hypocrite let it go.
My idea is meant to Replace the Alpha method of getting people to pay to play.