You missed your calling that last paragraph was so full of platitudes anyone would like it was totally useless.
No, not really.
What is amazing is you are still doing it. Writing stuff that actually doesn’t say much of anything really. At first glance it appears you are siding with the carebears, but to be honest I just can’t tell.
Does anyone remember CCP Hellmar’s interview at the 10th anniversary? He talked about this group that ran a banking scam and eventually stole all the money.
He said, and i roughly quote “people demanded that we step in and give the money back and we said ‘no, because you willingly gave it to them’. 500 people quitted the game because of this, and thanks to the news FIVE THOUSAND more joined!”
You’re either suggesting the average players made 9 alts during the period in question, and not just chars, that’s accounts. Well more than that since so many players left…or the game attracted more players that stuck with the game than it lost. The game thrived in those years.
There’s honestly no good reason to think it was the former. The more obvious and straight forward answer is probably true.
And with the vast majority of players in hisec (like 80%) it’s also unlikely that null sec alts offset the loss of players.
Never suggested anything was directly proportional. And everyone who has joined the game since then didn’t do it because Eve became even more edgy.
But I don’t think you can dismiss the suggestion that Eve Online has lost significant subs due to Hi Sec’s evolution from generally the safest areas of the game to the most dangerous areas about 2-3+ years after launch. The old forums clearly show that if you browse that time period bit.
I think CCP made a mistake in the way they addressed that and recent attempts to re-address that haven’t gone near far enough.
I do think the OP has some merit in what is suggested, though I don’t agree with everything in it. I think something in between what the OP suggests and what we have now would be best.
Having said that, any change back toward that would probably be severely painful due to the nature of a portion of the player base that supports how it is now. So, would it be worth it in the end, and would players come back or a greater number of brand new players, even if it succeeded?
Open questions.
But we as a community shouldn’t forget how this game has evolved when defending what it is.
if anything the so called security of high sec has been the same since 2005 and probably before then too. The only change is in the activity of players compared to then. There are a lot more players these days suiciding mostly because of the cancer that james 315 started. Suiciding for profit is still there but has been negated some what due to the changes in plex and how they are carried.
Errr no. You’ve obviously been living under a rock.
Since then;
-Concord response time has been reduced
-Gankers no longer receive insurance payout for their ships
-Gankers can no longer survive a gank by leaving before concord arrive.
-All ships have gotten a resist buff on hull hp, even freighters.
-All barges had their tank improved and no longer have to choose between mining efficiency and survival.
-several haulers have been specialised so they don’t have to choose between capacity and survival.
-Wardecs are now more expensive and the defender is the only side allowed to have allies.
-Destruction in the game plummeted after 2012 because of the changes to decs and crimewatch.
-Crimewatch in 2012 made kill rights public.
-Crimewatch introduced suspect status making aggressors, neutral rr and thieves public targets rather than just the corp they had offended.
…and thats just off the top of my head.
Ganking is far rarer than it was. Miniluv and code have made it more organised and more ‘glamarous’ but there are very few groups that gank at all now where as before it was something done casually or as part of a weekend roam.
Well considering there is no way to make this determination without some pretty granular data…I’m not going to waste any time discussing it. Maybe if we had account level data and we could construct some panel data…maybe something using a Differences-in-Differences method we might be able to glean some insights from this, but we don’t so we can’t. Thus, it is all just a giant load of speculation.
I will note that CCP has supposedly looked at this and the conclusion does not support your narrative.
We have tried and tried to validate the myth that griefing has a pronounced affect on new players - we have failed. The strongest indicators for a new player staying with EVE are associated with social activity: joining corps, using market and contract systems, pvping, etc. Isolating players away from the actual sandbox seems very contrary to what we would like to accomplish.–CCP Rise
Actually let me see, CONCORD was not as powerful as it is now, war decs were cheaper,the watchlist could be used for targeted war decs…and we have seen some data thanks to @Jonah_Gravenstein and @Scipio_Artelius indicating that ganks have been declining in frequency…and you think it is…more dangerous?
Perhaps you are observing biased data. People whining on the forums and not a random sample of players actual experiences in HS.
When exactly? I can’t give specific dates, but in the last say 4-5 years CONCORD has been buffed, players have been given the option of fitting a tank on freighters, war dec costs were increased considerably, and CCP “inadvertently” nerfed targeted war decs by killing the watchlist.
Uhhmmm no. See the above. When I first started playing if you shot another player you could warp off. CONCORD chased you and eventually got you, but now…now you cannot even warp. You are instantly scrammed in place before CONCORD even spawns. That right there says you are incorrect.
You know, EVE wasn’t the only space MMO to launch in the early 2000s the other one didn’t have open pvp.
I can’t even remember the name regularly and have to google it anytime I want to check out the fan made emulated server for it. All PVE, missions and mining and such, complete snooze-fest.
Sure, but it is more than that with Goons. Go roaming through their space they saddle up and come after you. Hang around long enough you’ll soon find a rather large force coming after you. It has always been this way. Goon space is safe because Goons make it safe.
The OP is not wanting to make space safe, he wants it made safe for him. Completely and totally different. The first one is fine and good, the second is complete Bravo Sierra.
Maybe in a different game, it might be appropriate, but not in EVE. The ability of someone in nullsec to make themself 100% perfectly safe in a combat site is against everything EVE is.
Other areas of space have their own mechanics that deter/punish depending on the action taken, but the constant across all of those spaces is that the actions are possible and allowed.
Making a safe space is the opposite of what EVE is about.