New ship Skins, disapointing that we don't have a free sample (EDIT: to give more context of content.)

I don’t need a free week of omega, LOL. I pay every three months. Great idea for alphas though, a nice way to try out the bigger ships.

But it’s free omega time? Go click the button in the NES lol

Don’t be too proud to accept a free handout man. Omega time is omega time.

Nah, not bothered, but thank’s for letting me know. If I could convert that to PLEX and get a skin then I’d be happy :wink:

you and me going to forget this entire thing happened 1 month from now and care less.


Then why make a post like this? What are your accomplishing? Is social media that bad you needed to voice this meaningless complaint to the community?

It’s an observation that many people I’ve spoken to in game have voiced. So I made it. Simple as that. Didn’t quite expect such a backlash though, I’ll admit to that.

uh huh…

and since you have been around here so much you probably know fads/complaints come and go like the wind and people forget about the changes CCP makes every quarter/month.

The simple level thinking really makes me sad… I lost hope for humanity in this thread.

Well you take care now. I’m out.

OK, fly safe.

No one’s whining about a free week gametime to incentivize subbing so why jump on the OP for suggesting a free skin to incentivize buying PLEX?

Rhetorical question, by the way. I know the answer.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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While a free week gametime is nice just like a free sample to try the new ship skinning tool would be nice, asking for either to be free when they aren’t free is entitled.

To make a thread saying that the new ship skinning tool is ‘disappointing’, not because of the options, mechanics or looks but because of the lack of a free sample is not only entitled but also misleading.

I opened this thread expecting to read about what made the new ship skins disappointing.

Instead it is someone who complains that they didn’t get a paid service for free.



No, it’s asking a question. Your replies are what’s entitled.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

Leave it to someone who cares just about numbers to defend someone whining about not getting things for free.

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‘No you’ is the vibe I get from your response. You know you can do better Epeen.

Starting your day by shoving a stick up your ass is the vibe I get from you forum vultures looking for something to attack. It’s all you lot do. You won’t be missed when you stop playing the forum like you’ve stopped playing the game.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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I was just going to reply to them by asking do you sell cat? me sell cat 50 mIsk… me sell lotz cats for gank!

Ironic, because pretending to be a bitter vulture attacking other players is the only kind of posts I ever see from you.

While I won’t deny that I like a discussion, my posts are a bit more varied than that. My own post history is visible to all, so you could have seen me answer someone’s question and give feedback to today’s update if you had looked in my post history of today, for example if you wanted to make such claims like you did based on facts.

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Because folks that are smart enough to know that it’s a soft-handed sleight of hand to briefly pad sub numbers and get people to get hooked on multiboxing are smart enough to know that starting a forum thread about it changes absolutely nothing.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, though I am sure you knew that aphorism.

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Within the first hour of seeing the free 7 day omega I had looked and purchased something in the cash shop…

P.S. I don’t care if I White Knight this game as the important fact this game holds a real life Princess!

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This is the EvE Forum. EvE is toxic by design and breeds/attracts toxic personalities. Even if they agreed with you they would be contrarians for the sake of being contrarians.