November Release - Known Issues

Indeed and it shows a confusing little red vertical line on my display as well in the structure and shield blocks, even at 100%.

Same is true for the “watch list” in fleets, reverse order.

Please reverse the reversal.

  • Reorganised Watchlist and Drone HP bars to "Structure - Armour - Shield
  • Updated Watchlist and Drone HP bars to deplete from right to left

This is a rubbish change that makes it harder to read the watch list. The first damage layer is now far away from the name and not next to it. Whoever thought this was a good idea doesn’t understand how people read texts or diagrams. You now read the name of the person from left to right and then have to move your eyes to the far right to read the damage bars from right to left but the damage still trickles in from left to right. If this is not more confusing than the old way, someone please explain to me the new definition of confusing.


This is sadly nothing new…

There’s an issue with the ‘Rogue Cloning Facility’ beacon in the New Player starter system - Todaki.

There use to be 4 or 5 groups of NPC’s located at the Landmark beacon, only half of the NPC’s are now spawning there.

For about an hour last night, I couldn’t create private contracts because any name I put in the box it said “does not belong to any character or corporation.”
It got fixed, but I was having a lot of similar issues post-patch with general database wonkiness.

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The Korean client seems to direct Korean players to the English Rookie Help channel instead (and they type fast and often in Korean :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

And another thing that I have been observing for a while now: When you drag an item from Hangar A into Hangar B and release it over an item in Hangar B, the item will not move over to Hangar B. You have to release the click over a gap or free area in Hangar B to transfer the item over. This is super irritating and a waste of time when you want to loot things or move items from Item Hangars into ships. The same problem exists when you want to drop items from the fitting window into a hangar.

This needs to be fixed.


Why do T3 cruisers that with the covert sub system use the normal cyno jump effect (the red effect) while Jump Freighters, which can not use the covert cyno, uses the covert cyno jump effect (the blue effect).

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Why are corporation locations hidden under this category and not showing like personal locations?

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I gotta say you’re very good at finding the messed up stuff, you should be in charge of CCP’s Quality Control Department… …cuz it seems like whoever is running it sure doesn’t know what they’re looking for. Either that or CCP just doesn’t have a QC Dept.

Anyway, might be a good idea to submit a bug report on some of those issues. Hell, make that all of those issues.

you can have only so many in the list before you have an arrow for the list to view.

Else your list gets so long that you unable to view anything under the corp locs, but yeah it is a CCP thing like everything else.

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This is still an issue.

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I like more players idea but I also face in game issues but not able to fix them as if there not by me and the update has me correct them wile in game.

not good as I see,

So, this is really getting on my nerves now. I just went into a particular system and all corp bookmarks of structures were moved to the sun. This has been an ongoing issue for months now.

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Have you made a bug report about it?

And this is back as well.

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