You mean, it plays NO role at all? Gankers never use warp disruptor/scrambleurs? I’m still a noob, so tell me more.
Blockade runner… No need for wcs when u can , add a couple of faction ewar modules so they can’t insta lock u. Signal distortion amplifier…something and max sensor skills.
CCP will keep sending its new updates to the bots …
What @Brisc_Rubal said was accurate. I have also recently asked CCP to revisit the sp loss. If the reason for it was that the ship was so awesome that there had to be a penalty and then they have slowly whittled away the awesome is is time for the penalty to be taken off as well.
Personally I have never likes sp loss as a penalty anymore than I would like sp as a direct reward. 'Well done saving the damsel, your currently training skill gains 500 sp"
Bah, leaves a bad taste eve typing that.
IF they started using sp as carrot/stick could you imagine them trimming any flavour of the month ship that way? “Seems a lot of you like using the Gila. How does a sp loss sound to lower the usage a bit?”
Again, bad.
As for love? I would like to see them consider experimenting with new subsystems. It is a way to experiment with radical changes in a semi controlled ship.
After getting into my Helios today and looking at the changes, I can’t help but notice that some changes are needed here.
The Helios is the only CovOps Frig in its class with only 2 high slots the other ships of this class don’t have to choose between cloaking, probe launcher and the nullifier module, they can fit all three.
In addition, with the modified warp stapilizer module, the Helios can only launch half a drone (bandwidth 2.5).
This could be remedied by doubling the drone bandwidth (there is only room for one drone anyway). And if you don’t want to give the Helios a third high slot, then make it so agile that it can warp in under 2 seconds with some nano and interia modules.
I would like that
So, a huge buff for botters and ratters… Another direct slap in the face to everyone not part of some huge bloc in the blue doughnut… And absolutely no improvement to gameplay.
Cancelled my 4 subscriptions…
and not just the WCS half your bandwidth, the Nullifier does, too.
Don’t know where and how you build Domis, material costs should be about 270 and not 600.
Thank you for understanding my point, which is only that having just 1 WCS with only strenght 2 is just to weak vs. a faction scrambler.
Before this update:
If i get into a gate camp, does not matter how much WCS i have on board I am just dead.
But if get on a single PvP in e.g. a Thrasher, with 4-6 WCS I had a chance to escape.
No this change is completly gone.
One single PvP guy with just one faction scrambler puts everyone in a Wreathe, an Epithal, an Badger, any T1 Indu, dead in space. THAT is the problem here.
Before the patch: there was a change to escape … at least a change.
After the patch: no chance anymore … and this is NOT OK !!
A WCS should give an reasonable protection against the modules they are supposed to protect.
That would be fair, but then either remove the drone bay on the Helios, or add a drone bay to the Buzzard, Cheetah and Anathema. Unless maybe the 3rd high slot on the Helios can’t be a 3rd weapon.
I have a plan for what the Warp Core Stabilizer might to be:
… due of high-energy flow interference with ship sensors array… bla-bla-bla…
capacity = 48 m3 (depending on cap booster size, 3-4 activation before reloading);
can be loaded with 3x400 Cap Booster or 4x400 Navy Cap Booster only;
while loaded reactivation delay = 10-15 sec;
reload time = 150-250 sec;
using without charges - once per 200 sec in cost of 50% max capacitor volume -
heat damage = 10, hitpoints = 20-30;
can’t be fixed with nanite repair paste;
using overheat rise warp scramble strength up to -3, -4 for T2 (-4, -5 for T2?) -
Scan Resolution = -50%;
Maximum Targeting Range = -50%;
Drone Control Range = -50%;
using of FoF-missiles is prohibited;
drones forced to passive mode -
2x more of CPU usage in compare with old model
This is the thing though its okay for them to remove wcs’s as a passive way to be safe but swap it out for an active way to escape like allowing haulers to have some neuting power or something to neut off the tackle and get away, it is just better overall. In my opinion anyways.
This was the last straw for me. The nerf of the two most used ships.
This patch is complete crap and ruined the game instatly for me. I wish I could get my money back. I will never resub and will tell my bro not to omega now. Good job ruining a great game.
Read my comments , I share your concerns. I already unsub btw. I am relatively new (especially for Pvp) and I like more exploring , Market and industrial activities.
But apparently for the veterans here WE don’t play the real EvE online. They are upset that we are too safe. (Even when a couple of tacklers could easily defeat us).
They are upset that we try to take their content away. (what they really mean is they want gank on us).
Good luck ganking me now
It’s a tweak for the sake of tweaking something to keep someone in a job… That’s the best I’ve got.
TBH the only bit that pisses me off is that fact there was no forewarning of a push to prod as it left T3C null site runners stranded which doesn’t feel fair to me.
damage control in Low don’t have any side effects . same with hull upgrade in rigs.
except the BR and DST this is a huge nerf . you are capped to +2 core strength while hunter can counter that 100% and with no side effects with a single module. before it was an escalation of power stabs vs points/screams. now it’s just a death sentence to t1 haulers. so AGAIN it hits new players more as usual.
They believed Blackout to be in the greater good, surely reminding them of that faux pas will help them be a bit more self-aware of their own fallibility and pay more attention to feedback?
Irritates me that @CCP_Rattati and co are so convinced of their own convictions they ignore the CSM and community.
I wonder if there will come a point where they’ll introduce another Blackout sized ■■■■ up from which the PCU won’t bounce back. I don’t think it’s these particular changes, but I have a feeling CCP are capable of blundering to that level as they’re taking a risky line to maintaining the game imo.
They need to bring back content expansions, add to the game rather than the current tweak/nerf approach which is more akin to rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic!