Moving this over here so it doesn’t derail things there any further…
This is where I point out that you, a Fed native, do not do yourself or your outsider allies any favors by doubling down on unproven conspiracy theories against the legitimately-appointed system governor and Khumatar that got other outsiders in trouble in the first place.
And I’m not saying that because I think Efrit is a paragon of virtue. I’m saying that because the Accords demonstrated repeatedly that they weren’t willing to accept the decisions of the legitimate and legal government of a Republic system, and then went and issued a unilateral cease-fire against the invaders with no indications of concession or even reciprocity from the Clades.
Instead, after engaging in what amounted to armed revolt against the Republic government present, they actively threw in with the invaders the moment they could make a claim to being in charge. So doubling-down on attacks against the legally appointed Republic government doesn’t score you any points, doesn’t earn you any slack, and basically just screams ‘HI! DECIDE I’M WRONG AND SHOULD BE OPPOSED BASED ONLY ON THIS! YAY!’
And I don’t think that’s the sort of thing you want to be doing. So I’m cautioning you against doing that. See, Efrit’s an asshole, but he’s ours. And you’re not. And that kind of dynamic tends to get a really bad, really visceral response from a lot of us that has nothing to do with the merits of the case, and everything to do with, well, tribalism. So, y’know, it’s not a good move, no matter how right you might believe you are.
As for the argument that it was ‘only’ the Republic’s appointed representative in the system who made that distinction… yeah, and? He didn’t exactly need to play mother-may-I with the Sanmatar on that call, it was within his authority, and not limited to ‘only within Skarkon’.
I mean, if your argument here is ‘well, we’re boned and we’re gonna have a hell of a time clearing our name, especially while we’re simultaneously still actively attempting to make nice with the Trigs’… Well… yes. Yes, you are. And you will. Because you still are.