Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

What could be easier.
Just integrate area of a circle (πR²) from 0 to h, varying R from 0 to r as a function R(x)=rx/h.


You know what, Di-Di, if someone with more of an interest in maths than me can vouch that’s not gibberish, I will have gained a certain level of respect for you today.

It’s correct, although I’d call it a proof sketch rather than a proof. “Show your work,” as the cry of math teachers everywhere goes.

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What are you even talking about? The only system I can even name that has had its asteroid deposits majorly depleted would be Jita, and that’s after years and years of consistent strip mining by capsule pilots and baseliners alike. Where have you even seen systems stripped of their ore deposits in less than an hour?


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Somehow I knew either you or Di-Di would respond to me there, Remi. The thing is, and this is really important so listen closely…

I don’t have to explain myself to you.

So I’m not going to.

You see, you could have been nice or, you know, like a normal person - well, as normal as a capsuleer gets - and, you know, asked a question without trying to attack me in doing so.

Oh, Ange, where were you brought up that systems were stripped of their resources? It’s so sad that your parents were killed in that way. While I don’t agree with your viewpoint, I would love to hear why you think that way…

See? It’s not hard? If even a self-proclaimed idiot who has nothing of much worth beyond vain attempts at humour such as myself can scrabble that together, surely you could have done the same? But no. You chose to respond to a post where I opened up about the most traumatic experience of my life - the moment that changed me into this monster that I have to live with for every day of my immortal existence - by trying to nit-pick factual details from hyperbole.

Take a long look at yourself in the mirror because, for as much I poke and prod at your pal Diana because of some of the horrible things she’s said to and about me in the past, she’s never stooped as low as this.

In other news, my Nemisis is getting a name change.

My name is Remilia.

Because it’s nonsense perpetuated by moronic CODE lunatics.

Way to dodge backing up every single stupid justification you provided the moment someone pointed out its nonsense. It would be vastly more respectable if you just made some shallow statement about targeting miners to “avenge” your parents. Still extremely stupid and just a paper-thin justification for piracy, but still better.

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Your name is whatever anyone else wants to call you. But cool, you don’t like Rémi. How about ‘Heartless, Callous Scum’ instead?

You want to go about trying to win points on the IGS by picking at what you find to be ‘technically incorrect’? You can lead whatever life you want so go ahead. But don’t expect me to respect you enough to use the name you want me to use until you prove you’re an individual worthy of respect.

I disagree with a lot of people on here on a lot of things. Some people I would say the word hate would be an inadequate discriptor of how I feel about them. But never have I ever mocked the upbringing or history of another person regardless of what I think about them.

You know what? This is why I never open up about stuff like this and why I flood the IGS with mindless jokes that I know no-one cares about. Because the minute you try to provide anything of emotional substance, some idiot decides that this is their moment in the spotlight to shout ‘AHA!’ and wag a finger.

So, Remi, while you keep doing stuff like that, Remi, I, Remi, will call you, Remi, whatever I Remi like. So Remi that in your Remi and Remi it

This is getting embarrassing to even read.

However, you will notice I never even mentioned the circumstances of your orphaning. I don’t particularly care?
My objections were about you parroting blatantly incorrect CODE talking points. Are you really that insecure you have to resort to hiding behind your parents’ corpses to avoid having to confront your involvement with unhinged piratical elements?



Go Remi a Remi.

Is… is a CODE pilot (Former pilot anyway, from what I can see.) trying to justify wiping mining ships? In defense of baseliners? Really? I wonder how many baseliners you snuffed after they were unfortunate enough to be on a ship you lot target.

Embarrassing indeed.


Um. So. … I’m watching argument between kybernauts and a CODE true-believer, and it’s the strangest feeling.

It’s like discovering a species of mold that churns.



CODE is mold, sure, but we’re nothing of the sort!

Well, luckily, I am not in school, and, really, I believe every capsule pilot shall be able to integrate! You get a functon (πr²x²/h²) that you need to integrate from 0 to h. π(r/h)² is constant and you have to integrate only x²dx, which gives you 1/3 x³… apparently. Integrating it from 0 to h gives you 1/3h³ and multiplying it by constant you get 1/3πr²h.

Then there’s a question why integrate like that? Well, integrating a section area of 3D figure along the axis (on a plane orthogonal to the axis) gives its volume. So you just build a function that gives you area of the section depending on position along the axis.

There are other ways of integrating too. A cone is a figure with C∞v symmetry and you can build a function of its height depending on coordinates if you put it down on (x,y) plane with z axis going along the symmetry axis. Then H = f(x,y) = h(1-sqrt(x²+y²)/r). It gives you h in the center and 0 on the circumference with radius r. Boundaries in this case is the issue, however, so as I see, it’s better to split cone into 4 parts and integrate only positive one, x from 0 to r and y from 0 to sqrt(1-x²).

I am not going to explain you how hard it would be integrate that, because I don’t see how to separate these variables, but I’ll say it will be times easier in polar coordinates. Instead of dxdy you will have to integrate by (R dR dφ), where R is radius coordinate and φ is angle. Function H(x,y) now becomes H(R,φ) = h(1-R/r), where r is cone radius. It doesn’t depend on angle, it is h at 0 and it is 0 at the distance r from the center. Intergate that by φ from 0 to 2π (since it’s 360 degrees and you need full cone, not a section or it) and by R from 0 to r, and you’ll get the same answer.


Ok, so… Diana, I want you to understand that this is not an attack. Nothing you have said is incorrect, other than a typo on ‘intergate’ there in that last paragraph. But there’s two things I think you’re missing. One is context, and the other is expediency.

First, context: Look at the original question:

This being Valerie, it should be obvious that she’s trying to make some kind of joke about circles and triangles, and so none of the mathematics really matters, because she’s not asking for the mathematical proof, she’s asking for, in effect, ‘prove circles to the triangle people’.

And, she has the underlying (unspoken) premise that doing so is impossible, because a) numbers other than 3, and b) curves. Her implication is that the Trigs have problems with geometry that isn’t built around triangles. This is despite the Trigs’ power source being spherical. So, good job on the math, but I think you’ve kinda missed the joke.

Also: expediency.

If we accept her flawed premise that the Trigs cannot do non-triangular mathematics (and thus, can’t just use primary-school maths), the easiest way to “prove to the Triglavians” that the ages-old formula for the volume of a circular cone is correct (even though they wouldn’t need it proven because they can clearly manage basic mathematics) is to have them build a few cones of varying heights, plug in the formula, then fill those cones with water. Drain the water into a cylinder to measure the volume, and confirm (ie: prove) the formula’s accuracy.

So yes, you’re 100% correct, but Valerie’s question probably wasn’t worth even that much effort.

You know what, basic understanding of spatial geometry is indispensable knowledge for a military pilot or a commander. And without that you can’t even get into State War Academy, not speaking about graduating it!

On the other hand, I wouldn’t expect such knowledge from a mere cultist who isn’t known to be a good pilot, but rather a petty murderer of innocent civilians, who justifies her bloodlust by a made up ‘code’.

No, really, stop bothering me with that, go talk with someone like Arrendis, she’s at your level, not me.

Gibberish. Pfft. Real gibberish is your ‘Halaima code’.

CODE. has only ever intended to improve the Cluster, however misguided you may think that is. I can’t speak for the Kybernauts but I wouldn’t put them in too dissimilar a position.

However, I would argue that the cult of personality of one man (who has gone dormant for a very long time now) is less dangerous than a semi-human group of invaders who removed areas of space from our direct access for undisclosed reasons.

Actually, I was just memeing about how the Trigs did that thing with demanding that people “prove” things to them.

I had thought about saying something like “prove the direction of a flow of vyraj v, through a cylindrical conduit of radius r, inclined at an angle θ, between an upper and lower domain of bujan”, but quite frankly I couldn’t be bothered to make up something that complex, so just went with the cylinder thing, because it was one that I could easily remember offhand.

And then I memed about how the Trigs culture is based around the equations of fluid mechanics, because of their blabberings about the flow etc. etc.

But sure, circles are cool as well.

Either way, the conclusion of ‘the math isn’t really at issue here, it’s the memeage’ doesn’t seem to have been off. :stuck_out_tongue:


That really sucks and you have my sympathies. Which system was that? (I mean, since you basically invited the question up above to Remi.)

As you asked nicely, Pertnineere.

And yes, of course miners don’t strip entire systems bare before I get that come back. That was somewhat hyperbolic.