Omega Should Include Alpha for FREE aswell

I don’t use PLEX bought with ISK to sub several accounts like some freeloading numbnut. You constantly go full retard posting antagonistic insulting replies towards those who don’t share your viewpoint.

You could have just explained why you didn’t like the idea instead of posting personal attacks right from the start. I’m seriously tired of that crap and will report it from now on.

By the way, I’ve paid a yearly sub with real money for each of the past 10 years that I’ve been in this game.


How many people do you suppose do MCT? How many people do you suppose would do MCT if they’ve been allowed to get it started part way? Same logic as alphas… an alpha gets started, gets invested, pays to upgrade. And since a huge part of the design of Alphas was to prevent abuse, those same precautions are already pre-built into a Limited Secondary Training idea. I’m really not seeing a problem.

Sub Omega, receive all 3 characters as Omega unrestricted, and divide the SP rate/quantity among your three characters however you want.

Yes, its really that simple and already here.

you want free stuffs, you want multiple char training (if only alpha) for free. That’s you wanting free stuff for no other reason than feeling entitled to it. The logic behind that is hilariously moronic, it’s the slippery slope logic of a carebear, of always wanting MORE. There is zero reasoning or use for it other than “I wants it”.

Your “real” money logic is showing a hilarious lack of understanding, CCP makes MORE if you plex your account. Also, stating you paid “real money” also shows us that somehow you feel better about it, as if that allows you to be more entitled. These days I pay for my accounts with cash, previously I payed for 6 of them with plex coming from wardeccing and other forms of pvp loot. Does that in any way matter or somehow make my statements more/less valid? No, it’s just you going “I paid don’t you know, I get to say what happens”.

You’ve not changed in all those years at all, still the same.

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Then you aren’t paying attention.

Right now, to accomplish what you want costs 20$ US. This would be if you created 2 alpha accounts and after one account was trained,you transferred it to the 2nd account.

Under current mechanics, using an omega account as your main and transferring in an alpha would cost the omega subscription plus that 20.

What you are proposing would either cost 0 if done on a pure Alpha account or just the subscription cost on am Omega. In either case, it is less money to CCP.

Now here’s the other part, right now an MTC generates a set profit for CCP. Your plan would eliminate this, losing money for CCP. So sorry, how would this make more profit for CCP when you’ve eliminated some of their revenue?

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I recommend you take a pencil, eraser and piece of paper, and work this all out to understand what you are saying/dealing with.

Bonus points if you post pics of the result.

You wouldnt believe the stacks of notepaper I have around where I worked through my thinking and arguments of others, plus research on EVE issues.

Why would anyone ever transfer an alpha-only toon anywhere? Is that something people do? Move Alphas around? I’m going under the assumption that no, nobody would ever do that, at least not on purpose, and not in enough numbers to matter. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe that represents a huge portion of CCP’s revenue.

I’m not even sure there’d be a dip in existing MCT revenue. The existing limits of Alpha training would incentivize people to MCT if they have a goal in mind. And it’d incentivize getting your potential alts started early, making it more likely to do the MCT to get the alt up where you end up wanting it. “Hmm… I don’t think I’m willing to pay for one more character.” becomes “Hmm… I’ve already got this character started, so I might as well pay to get it finished.”

Regardless, I don’t have the numbers. I don’t know how much ANY of this represents in relation to CCP’s total revenue. Regardless, I think the opportunities for more new MCT sales are good enough that it’s worth CCP evaluating. (I also don’t know the dev cost to build it.)

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“Using MCT (Multiple Character Training tokens) users can train one additional character per active queue even in the Alpha clone state.”

Can anyone explain the above?

My reading of it suggests that if you activate a MCT on an Alpha account, you can train one character at Omega rates, and another concurrently at Alpha rate, on the same account.

Anyone can provide clarification?

Why would you train one at an Omega rate? An MTC allows you to train 2 characters on am account at whatever rate matching the state of that account.

So if the account is Alpha, both characters would train at Alpha rate. If the account is Omega, both would train at Omega rate. Nothing about the statement linked suggests that an MTC make a a character train any faster. All it does is enable a 2nd training queue on that account to be active, not paused. Rate of training is determined by subscription level.



Thus multi-training two characters on an Alpha account is already possible.


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That actually has nothing to do with the topic.

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What did I miss this time?

Read the title and the OP.

There really is no such thing as an Alpha only toon. It is simply an account state, not a character state.

I could start an account as an Alpha. Train it to the 5 mil SP limit that can be trained on an alpha. It’s free, saving me money. I could then transfer that Alpha to an Omega account. With one skill injector I could add a racial frig skill to 5 and a T2 frig skill to say 3, and I have a very cheap PvP alt on my account. So transferring an Alpha is perfectly legitimate and could be cheaper than using MTC or subbing 2 accounts.

And that is a key point you seem to be missing. An alpha account has skill limits. An omega does not. How would this be managed under your system? Would the 2nd training queue be limited to only alpha skills and levels or are you asking for a 2nd account to train at half speed but access to all skills?

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I was referring more to @mkint, and what she wanted changed.
I asked her directly, but she refused to answer.

She seemed to want to be able to train 2 characters on an Alpha account concurrently, and that is possible with an MCT.

It’s more than that. The concept suggested is that when you purchase an Omega subscription you should be able to train 1 character on that account at the normal Omega speed, and train a 2nd character at the reduced alpha rate at no additional cost.

And completely unfeasible, not just for game balance, but also CCP revenue.

Normal Alpha restrictions. SP limits, skills available to train, training speed. By alpha-only toon I meant a character that has only ever been alpha so has a pretty limited capability. That’s the difference though… sure some people train PVP alts. I’ve got scout alts, industry alts, mission alts, hauler alts… but they are all on a second and third account, and they are old enough that they’d be quite capable as mains. I’m imagining a scenario where I might want a covops alt or a cyno alt trained up. I’ve already got both of those, I don’t really need either, I wouldn’t pay to do either from scratch. But if either was in easy reach, I’d pretty readily do the MCT for a month or two to finish it up. Or maybe I want a PI alt, so I’ll go ahead and get some basic hauling skills put together first. You give people the easy stuff free to start them on the path, then they’ll pay to keep it going. It’s kinda the whole business model of MMO’s.

Two things…

One being able to only train alpha skills on the secondary account seems like a pain. Plus it creates a bit of an unfair playing field. My 2 alts already have PI skills so no training for them, but Bob’s alt who was just a Jita price checker gets a free 5 mil SP? That doesn’t seem well balanced. It would screw over any One who trained non-alpha skills on their secondary characters.

And what if I go omega with a new toon? I start training one at omega speed, one at Alpha, could I switch which is which as long as neither has an omega skill trained?

And basically, you could do the PI alt with an MTC, you just want to save money/isk by first training lesser skills. That seems like a poor business choice for CCP just so you can save a 20$ transfer fee or only buy 1 MTC instead of 2. Because really, that is all you are asking for. You want a free effect that currently cost 20$b and you still haven’t proven that CCP would make more money out of this, especially give the cost of coding such changes.

If you want to train two characters, buy a MCT.