OMG, Yoiul 2017 was so depressing

They have an event that actually involves doing something, still has all the novelty items and fireworks and stuff, and gets you isk and skill points! How can you see this as something lesser and lamer than previous events?


I don’t break :wink:

That said, Team Event Horizon tried a different route with the Yoiul Festival this year, and your feedback is being watched and taken into account :slight_smile:


Lets hope the same thing is happening in this thread …


Tell em Christmas is a huge buyer season, and that if you can entice lost players back to check their largely fluff x-mas loot, you are part-way to hooking them up again.

Especially lonely bastards with no-one to spend Christmas with.

Sometimes you’ve got to pay a bit for bait to fish with.


The Yoiul event was not perceived as Christmas event because it was very similar to the arms race event. The site and loot was identical, only the event rewards were different. Also the Yoiul event rewards werent great and they looked worse because you used the same icon for the normal and Yoiul accelerator!



It’s just when December 25th arrived and there was nothing under the tree it was the one thing that could have made this year’s Yoiul different from an ordinary Agency event.

See, I thought, “Okay, an Agency Event for Yoiul. I’ll give it a go, because surely there’s got to be a gift on Christmas Day. So no daily gifts like the Twelve Days of Christmas, but who doesn’t give presents on Christmas Day?”

Then I got my answer “OMG! CCP does (not give gifts on Christmas Day!)” But, in all the years prior CCP handed out presents to faithful subscribers and this year nothing? Is there something wrong? - “sorry kids, business is bad this year, so no gifts” or “you are on the naughty list!” or “suck it up, buttercup. Welcome to EVE! Muhahahaha!”


EVE is %#$*!&@ perfect.

I’ve subbed two months with isk to spare from the abundance of rogue drones “plaguing” new eden.

If you only value the event by isk grinded than probably this was fine. If you expected some Christmas/New Year feel to it … well there was none of it.

From observations perspective - Rogue drone event was bugged and fixed after it ended. Then the sites were left on (hopefully act of good will and sorry for fckp) and Yoiul started based on those same sites … aaaand that looks like copy/paste lazines. Sorry. Personally Iv’e grinded the sites to the point I’ve had boosters for my accounts (long before Yoiul) and didn’t bother with the Yoiul itself.


  • Loot attribute boosters are always nice - they let maximize sp for the sub value so I always grind till I can boost my accounts for the duration.
  • Loot skill boosters are also nice. Not much fun in those but you can use them or sell them if you like.
  • Collectibles - those were fun. I really enjoy reading hilarious descriptions and stories.
  • Agency reward attribute/skill boosters - sorry but those are crap. If they drop in loot I have no desire to grind for a one more as a reward. So far only Serpentis/Angel (if I recal correctly) event with Vehement BPC made me actually want to log into the game for the sole purpose.
  • SKINS - someone’s missing the whole point of those. If you’re after skins you want them to feel unique. Dropping thousands of skins on a event makes them worthless both in isk and uniqueness value.

Tied to the event or not Plex discount was a nice gesture and with both RL/isk prices spiking a very welcome gift. My “thank you” is in half a year sub.

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Meh. I dont think most people care whether its “unique”.
They just want their ship to look good while they spin it in boredom in stations.


Maybe it’s both :wink:

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If you are expecting to get a rare/unique skin in a game-wide Christmas Event, I think you will be forevermore disappointed.

I recommend instead you buy the ugliest, least popular but most expensive skin you can from NES, if you want to feel special in a skin as few people as possible use.

Aside from that, there are truly rare skins with great demand, but these are so valuable they are largely only used as collateral in large deals/loans, and are almost never actually activated.


I have to agree that it was rather a let down. First time I had to work for a free gift. Sure, they could simply give it out to whoever logs in, but then they must have thought: what do you do about Alphas?

Really, the question CCP should ask is: what kind of appreciation do we show to our subscribers that shows them they are not just Alpha clones… aside from letting us use all our SP and Cloak up in space.

Edit: oh, and those outfits from older years do look very nice. But without CQ, I don’t see a lot of motivation for them to invest that deeply in clothing. Personally… a different festive ship skin that was not used in previous years would be nice… something green and red would be rather appropriate - at least for Yoiul 2018.


yeah but it’s like when your mom taps you on the shoulder because the banana really wants a new hat but the leaf arrived 30 minutes early to take you on a magic carpet ride into the wormhole behind your nose

Well, I finally got my Yoiul Skill booster.


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It was a bad decision, marketing isn’t just about selling product, when It works well it surprises and delights the customers and thereby draws in new excited customers too.

When ones marketing plan makes people feel unappreciated, disappointed and disillusioned, then they need to be told they are getting it very very wrong.

“Dear CCP marketing/event management You are getting it very wrong”

Signed your customers.

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once again a lot of people got fired like any company because “we need to lower overhead cost”

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CCP, you’ve had a long history of partnering straight up with your players people. Holy shite, fanfest etc.! Going to take some commitments (dollars ones) to keep that going. And there is a pretty giant and excellent blogging and podcasting community out there, only because they love and watch every refinement about this wonderful game you designed and hard developed. Also-- hire an assistant for CCP Falcoln! Come on man, how much could it cost?

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This season was the last time CCP gets a dime from me. I subbed all three accounts to get the good collectables, and got screwed.

Fortunately for me, you no longer need a paid account to come troll the forums, so I’ll stick with that until the forums shut down, or CCP pulls their head out of their ass and makes EvE playable again.


I am looking forward to the next skill booster event. I’m a long way off from being able to manufacture them on my own.

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